But do you think that multiplats will continue to come to the Xbox or not?
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[QUOTE="ActionRemix"]This is why:One problem with this... MS has many other streams of revenue from different branches. Now that the xbox is making profit, and from the looks of that list, more than the other 2, then its ona roll right now. It's only making a profit now because of the lower cost of manufacturing the Xbox coupled with the success of Kinect. Do you really think they are going to look at the success of Nintendo this gen and then bite the bullet yet again for another console that won't be profitable for at least 3 years?Prolonged loss leading doesn't work. The next Xbox will be underpowered because the hardcore are not worth the money. They'll still make Halo, of course, but Microsoft's focus is going to be the casual motion control audience.Phazevariance
They will continue to come to the Xbox 360, no doubt. As for the next Xbox, it will come down to the control scheme and power of the system relative to the competition. It's hard to say without any details.But do you think that multiplats will continue to come to the Xbox or not?
[QUOTE="tjricardo089"]They will continue to come to the Xbox 360, no doubt. As for the next Xbox, it will come down to the control scheme and power of the system relative to the competition. It's hard to say without any details. excellent point. And if multiplats are the life blood of it as some express here, of course they'll want to make it comparable to the other consoles.But do you think that multiplats will continue to come to the Xbox or not?
Just look at E3, their new dashboard and the games available this year. MS is already there. Heil68Microsoft was there with the original xbox for you.
Why do people keep saying that it is? Because of Kinect?
Microsoft has great IPs like Gears of War, Forza, Alan Wake and Halo. Are they going to end or are they going casual?
Playstation has the PS Move, yet people don't say it's going casual. Next year, there will be a better competition of exclusives (with the new alan wake and halo 4) and playstation has (the last of us and probably something will be announced or maybe i'm forgetting something)
I think Microsoft can handle both audiences, the casual and the core. The playstation will never lead like they did with the PS2, never again. There is a bunch of core gamers that play on the 360 and like it more than the Playstation (me included).
So what do you have to say? And yes I'm a Xbox fanboy, deal with it.
It is exactly because of Kinect. Microsoft is cramming it down everyones throat, incorporating it into their core franchises (without good effect). Rumours of the next xbox only being marginally better in terms of tech in order to keep a low price and focus on kinect.
PS Move is not shoved in our faces, and core games that implement them, do so in a core gamer fashion. (example: Resistance 3 and Killzone 3)
Microsoft does not have the 1st party studio support to handle both audiences without the core gamer suffering. The rest of that paragraph is pure blind fanboyism. Nintendo suffered for TWO whole generations (N64, Gamecube) and came back and dominated with the Wii. (fun fact: the xbox brand is more popular in the U.S. only, and like I said, we will see what happens next gen)
Reassurance topic confirmed.
Batman is better on the Xbox. Same for shooters. Same for JPRGs. Same for The Elder mothafu*kin' Scrolls: Skyrim.
Oh and ActionRemix the only thing I'm seeing with that graphic is that Microsoft started like crap but it's all been profit lately. But yeah, Microsoft is with -6 billions of debt, but they're making their way up you see. From 500M they went to 1B
Thanks to kinect. :| Got it? ;)
Im more surprised it hasn't been brought up in system wars the recent announcement by microsoft that all future app's for the 360 are required to have kinect functionality.
Im more surprised it hasn't been brought up in system wars the recent announcement by microsoft that all future app's for the 360 are required to have kinect functionality.
The rumours are that PS4 will also have voice recognition and such.. And that ain't casual.. that is the future.
Im more surprised it hasn't been brought up in system wars the recent announcement by microsoft that all future app's for the 360 are required to have kinect functionality.
The rumours are that PS4 will also have voice recognition and such.. And that ain't casual.. that is the future.
...rumoursIf they do than I hope at least Sony stays away from gimmicks. They don't seem to support Move that much.I'm pretty sure they're since Microsoft is already investing into more studios for Kinect Games :P
I think MS is/will go casual from now on.
I think they would LIKE to keep both audiences, but instead of having a knock-down fight with Sony over "core" gamers who are actually a very small portion of the potential customers, instead they will say "Ok we'll go left, Sony you go right" and each take a different piece of the customer base.
Fighting over a small customer base (hardcore gamers) is not profitable.
Companies are not boneheaded fanboys like people are.
Companies do what is rational.
Cutting each others throats is not good for business.
Each of the 3 console companies are trying to stay out of each others way and grab a different piece of the audience, so they can all maximize their profits.
They are not gonna sit there and fight over 3-5 million hardcore gamers, spending billions on ads and IP's, when they can just market Kinect games and make easy profits.
Gears of War IP is owned by EPIC games, not MS. Also, to answer your questions, MS is already casual ever since they shifted their focus mostly on kinect. All they have to do is release Forza, Halo, and Gears (if they get exclusivity again) to make the MS fanboys think their console is not casual.
I think the current model is how they will be in the future. Microsoft made as much of a dent in Japan as they could, so I don't see them putting any efforts into getting jRPGs as much as they did this gen. Third Party exclusives are a rarity unless they're on Nintendo or PC (and even then, I'm guess there'll be more third party multiplats shared with Nintendo next gen.)
The only thing I wish is that Microsoft would also get more in-house studios for the core gamers too.
[QUOTE="NoodleFighter"]If they do than I hope at least Sony stays away from gimmicks. They don't seem to support Move that much.I'm pretty sure they're since Microsoft is already investing into more studios for Kinect Games :P
since this year a lot of their first party titles are implementing PS Move support.
You sir are a smart man. This is exactly what i believe is happening also, and it will be much more apparent when next gen comes around. I guess everyone will just revert back to PC gaming then.I think MS is/will go casual from now on.
I think they would LIKE to keep both audiences, but instead of having a knock-down fight with Sony over "core" gamers who are actually a very small portion of the potential customers, instead they will say "Ok we'll go left, Sony you go right" and each take a different piece of the customer base.
Fighting over a small customer base (hardcore gamers) is not profitable.
Companies are not boneheaded fanboys like people are.
Companies do what is rational.
Cutting each others throats is not good for business.
Each of the 3 console companies are trying to stay out of each others way and grab a different piece of the audience, so they can all maximize their profits.
They are not gonna sit there and fight over 3-5 million hardcore gamers, spending billions on ads and IP's, when they can just market Kinect games and make easy profits.
Why do people keep saying that it is? Because of Kinect?
Microsoft has great IPs like Gears of War, Forza, Alan Wake and Halo. Are they going to end or are they going casual?
Playstation has the PS Move, yet people don't say it's going casual. Next year, there will be a better competition of exclusives (with the new alan wake and halo 4) and playstation has (the last of us and probably something will be announced or maybe i'm forgetting something)
I think Microsoft can handle both audiences, the casual and the core. The playstation will never lead like they did with the PS2, never again. There is a bunch of core gamers that play on the 360 and like it more than the Playstation (me included).
So what do you have to say? And yes I'm a Xbox fanboy, deal with it.
Your very wrong, MS want the wii market, all the focus on kinect, it will be a wannawii box.
Just because some random posts in a forum say it will go casual, does not mean it is true
Of course xbox main games are still core, 2012 gets the most core games really
like Halo, Fable, Draco, Dust, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, Witcher, Haunt, Steel Batallion, Bloodforge, Skyrim expansions, Ryse etc etc
Most sales still come from the core games and gamers
Just because some random posts in a forum say it will go casual, does not mean it is true
Of course xbox main games are still core, 2012 gets the most core games really
like Halo, Fable, Draco, Dust, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, Witcher, Haunt, Steel Batallion, Bloodforge, Skyrim expansions, Ryse etc etc
Most sales still come from the core games and gamers
Fable Journey is not core, its kinect shovel ware, they rest of the titles are arcade or vaporware, they only real title is Halo and thats been passed off to another dev house.
MS focus is now all kinect, even the official xbox mag said so.
Just because some random posts in a forum say it will go casual, does not mean it is true
Of course xbox main games are still core, 2012 gets the most core games really
like Halo, Fable, Draco, Dust, Alan Wake, Mass Effect, Witcher, Haunt, Steel Batallion, Bloodforge, Skyrim expansions, Ryse etc etc
Most sales still come from the core games and gamers
Fable Journey is not core, its kinect shovel ware, they rest of the titles are arcade or vaporware, they only real title is Halo and thats been passed off to another dev house.
MS focus is now all kinect, even the official xbox mag said so.
Those are all core AAA titles from the biggest developers in the industry
CD PRoject, Lionhead, Crytek, Grounding, From Software, Sega, Bioware, Bethesda, Climax, Remedy etc etc
Definatly a million times better developers than Square and Level 5 for example
Those are all core AAA titles from the biggest developers in the industry
CD PRoject, Lionhead, Crytek, Grounding, From Software, Sega, Bioware, Bethesda, Climax, Remedy etc etc
Definatly a million times better developers than Square and Level 5 for example
CD project have never doen a console game, this is their first port, dont forget how downgraded the game will be.
Lionhead havnt made a good game in years and fans of fable already hate fable journey as its a game on rails.
Cryteks lastest games failed and they had to left staff go, Ryse is an MS funded piece of shovelware.
bethesda are doing nothing exclusive for the 360, no 4 week DLC does not count you dumbass.
360 has nothing for core gamers apart from late shoddy ports and kinect kiddy games.
8.9 games like Fable 2 are amazing core AAA games
The 8.0/10 Fable 3 is a great game too
And i like them better than any PS3 exclusive too
360 has nothing.
Halo and Gears are old and tired.
Fable 2 sucked and Fable 3 was even worse.
Forza 4 is a downgrade to Forza 3.
Alan Wake is their only decent IP and it's rumored to be going PC.
They have literally nothing.
Meanwhile PS3 keeps getting fresh, diverse, good games almost every year that make Xbox games look like weaksauce.
Sorry but 2 shooters and a racer and one survival horror that probably didn't sell that well isn't going to satisfy the core gaming audience outside the typical CoD/Halo masses. XBOX360 isn't exactly screaming with diversity at the moment is it. Unless of course you want to include the onslaught of Kinect shovelware.
It is funny how people are actually in denial about this. MS IS casual. Even Nintendo doesn't have Wii promintently displayed in the womens clothing department of Macys. The ads feature the Kinect name more than the xbox brand. I bought a 360 because of how MS handled the original xbox. At this point in time there is a big loss of trust and I probably won't bother with the next xbox, if that is even what it is to be called.
The next Xbox will be underpowered because the hardcore are not worth the money.ActionRemixRiiiiiight... Oo
MS is already casual. They target the teenage male "mainly play shooters and racers" demographic. This group has been the core casual market since the PS2 became popular and already makes up the vast majority of audience for the PS3 and 360.
Are they going to go MORE casual, toward the "non-gamer" market. I doubt it. At least nothing more than a token effort. I don't see any indication the "wii" market is going to stick around for long or spend anything close to a relevant amount of money of buying games. but until we know for sure, Sony and MS will continue to make a token effort to appeal to their interests.
We have about 50 games that I either haven't played or haven't finished yet. The market is flooded with excellent games, but I've only got enough free time to play the major PC titles...Sorry but 2 shooters and a racer and one survival horror that probably didn't sell that well isn't going to satisfy the core gaming audience outside the typical CoD/Halo masses. XBOX360 isn't exactly screaming with diversity at the moment is it. Unless of course you want to include the onslaught of Kinect shovelware.
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