The 360 has been the lowest selling console most years since the Wii and Ps3 released, proving that the 360 is less attractive than any other console.
They may be selling more now since Kinect released. i don't know the numbers, but all that proves is appealing to larger audience leads to more sales. That much is obvious.
Yes, Sony's Move was marketed with far less money and directed to core gamers which didn't expand the PS3 base nearly as well as the opposite approach we saw Nintendo take with the Wii, or Xbox take with Kinect. On the plus side, Sony also isn't relying on Move soley to expand it's user base, asd seemingly never did.
Kinect was marketed with over half a billion dollars and directed to the opposite, appealing to non gamers/casual gamers...and those that wouldn't be interested in XBL. Not to mention a variety of Kinect 360 bundles.
So, M$ has two strategies, focusing on XBL timed content and keeping those $60 annual subscriptions renewing and going, and then they have Kinect to appeal to brand new, younger, non gaming/casual gaming Xbox gamers...who they hope will turn into XBL sub gamers in time.
On the flip side, it's true, Sony's sales are below but neck and neck with the earlier released, cheaper on launch day, and cheaper to manufacture Xbox 360 (a few million apart in sales), so something can be said for the power of exclusives for those that watched the sales this entire gen....but if we are arguing which is more effective, obviously appealing to more is better than appealing to less.
We saw that many times in history with a variety of products, and the Wii and Kinect just enforce that...
Is this good for the main gaming market? That remains to be seen, but it does mean that companies are using a lot of resources directing them towards cheaper to manufacture and design games that are easy and appeal to a more general audience. It means moving away from multi million dollar budget high production value games that are riskier unless backed by a strong brand.
I thought this was obvious and evident, but I guess in SW we like to discuss and reevaluate what we already should know.
Oh Ty, you lurker :P
Grace us with more of your System Wars wisdom! :o
Lurker? I just hopped on just now, and this was just a thread in SW that caught my eye as it was at the very top! :P I didn't even need to lurk, the thread was very popular and sitting there.
Price was the BIGGEST thing that hurt Sony's PS3 though in overall sales, releasing at $600 ensured many would move towards other alternatives...so that fumbling near the beginning of the generation cost them, when talking purely sales. The high price cost them consumers, which in turn cost them install base, which in turn cost them 3rd party confidence resulting in announced exclusives going multiplatform...it was a whole domino effect. The fact they managed to recover though and close the gap was due to those high quality exclusives Sony has been pounding out, and of course, dropping the PS3's price and getting the PS3 cost down for consumers to consider the machine, and the Blu-Ray widespread HD adoption which goes hand in hand with HDTV sales. In fact, looking at the dollar amounts, PS3's been the console with the most price drops this generation. I bought my PS3 for $600, and today people can buy a PS3 for $250. I bought my 360 for $400 in 2005, and today in 2012 I would go out and buy for $300, or spend $400 and get Kinect Bundled in.
It should be noted, there was a $500 PS3 available, as well as a $300 360 back then, but I didn't buy those as they lacked features I needed.
I am about to go watch some Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory original but I thought I would drop by and leave a post for my pal, XV. :P
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