@gago-gago said:
I think the biggest issue here is having your account locked due to lack of cross-play with all. Also what Mike is saying is what millions of gamers and news media are saying and that’s how tone deaf Sony still are with this issue. This guy plays a lot of games on his Xbox, PC, PS4 and Switch and who knows what else he has. I don’t know another company’s corporate Vice President especially from Sony & PlayStation that actually plays the video games their trying to sell. It’s just sad some of these Sony fans are fine with having their accounts locked and fine with having less consumer friendly options.
Please link me to this millions of players saying what you claim ill wait..
Millions of players are complaining about MS not allowing free to play games on xbox live without paying for them which basically make them not free to play at all.
But as always you say nothing about that..lol
Because you were brainwashed into thinking that paying for online is great.
@BigBadBully said:
Sony is just out of touch with the crossplay. It only helps the developers (especially 3rd Party). Will allow them to take more risks with multiplayer games knowing they can unite userbases from all platforms. I also agree with Mike about having your content follow along. Would love if i could bring my progression over from Xbox Save the world mode to Ps4 when i play with my friends on there.
Also besides Crossplay, i feel Sony should make 1st party multiplayer games like MS but ps4/pc crossplay. Would give its multiplayer games a revival since they cant sustain them solely on ps4. Doing all this would def be a huge boost for Sony and PSN.
If i could get PS4 games on PC why they hell would i need a PS4 for? Hell on PC online is free graphics are better and PC also has its own line of exclusives not on consoles.
Sony is not out of touch with crossplay stop your crying Sony was doing crossplay with PC when xbox live wasn't even out on 2002,they did it on PS3 and since launch on PS4,unlike the xbox one which started to get those after MS did a 180 move on it.
Sony should continue to give the finger to MS just like MS did with then last gen.
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