Parasite76: Sorry everyone, I've been very busy lately. I did manage to have lunch with my friend couple weeks ago and he was pretty excited about what he told me. First of all, they have the final devkits now and they are basically the retail console. The big news is, they are 12gbs but 4gbs are not the same type of memory.
It is not ddr3. He is not sure what it is tho, he still thinks its a new type. Here is a shocker, the system is much more powerful and easier to develop on with some recent driver support from Microsoft. Here is some interesting tidbits, Microsoft, apparently had crytek and turn 10 both, display their games using a much earlier version then where they was currently at because they did not want to reveal true power.
This is the reason we haven't seen watchdogs since 2012. Ubi cannot show the x1 version because it is way ahead of ps4 and it even shows it at pre alpha! Microsoft is telling all developers who have level 3 information clearance that after September 21, they can finally play show and tell.
What is information clearence you ask? What I'm about to tell you is why there is so much conflicting information out there. There are 4 levels of information confidentiality with Microsoft concerning Xbox 1.
Level 1 are Indy devs who get just enough support to make their games and that's it. Level 2 are smaller third party devs, who get more advanced documentation on specific functions of hardware and tools. This level was lagging behind in what they was given, which explains all the "esram ram 200gbs talk".
Its not that Microsoft doesn't trust them, its because they are multiplatform developers and Microsoft cannot control the level of security there. The only thing overlooked is Microsoft did not take how much networking goes on behind closed doors between some individuals in the development community. level 1 have advanced documentation and advanced information on the hardware. These people really know how much better the x1 is over the ps4 but they are kept silent by NDA and additional funding for their projects by Microsoft. Ubi, rockstar, Activision ect... Would fall into this category.
Finally, there is level X. level x is all Microsoft 1st party and a handful of 3rd party who have a very good relationship with Microsoft and coincidently, are getting huge amounts of money and support from Microsoft. Level X know everything about the hardware, from real band with, real gpu, ray tracing and much more not revealed. Crytek, Activision and electronic arts fall into this category. Sadly I have some news regarding red dead rebellion, it will be multi platform now but rest assured looks better in x1.
This is all I have for now but soon, it will be all out in the open. My feeling is at hit chips, you are going to see power 8. You are going to see stacked and you're going to see gcn 2.0. Then, after you see all those, Microsoft is going to reveal the x1 to the world for the very first time, complete and monstrously powerful, utilizing all of those techs in one closed box. It really will be the 50 megaton we've all been waiting for. I'll see you all here to celebrate our victory!
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