[QUOTE="HadOne2Many"]Can someone explain GCN to me. I tried to google it and "Gay Christian Network" came up.dream431ca
:lol: Sorry, I almost fell out of my chair. That's great!
Anyway, GCN is the architecture used in ATI cards (Graphics Core Next). The main thing that people are going to hype to the moon is PRT or Partially Resident Textures, which are textures that are streamed to the GPU only when needed (not loading the whole texture). Here is the offical statement from ATI:
PRT can utilize absolutely enormous texture files, up to 32 terabytes large, with minimal performance impact. PRT accomplishes this by streaming small bits of these massive textures into the GPU as needed, giving compatible games a virtually endless supply of unique texture data it can apply to the game world. The GCN Architecture in 28nm AMD Radeon products is the first GPU design to feature a hardware implementation of this technology.
Partially Resident Textures (PRT) enables future games to utilize ultra-high resolution textures with the same performance as today's small and often repetitive textures.
There is a lot more to GCN in the link below:
EDIT: And just to be clear, in the past Xbox fanboys were claming that PRT can only be used on XB1. Microsoft called it something else for marketing purposes, but the PS4 can do the same thing since the GPU is GCN based as well.
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