The PS3 was called a movie player, due to the PS3 exclusives being seen to play as movies.
You clearly misconstrued the idiom.
I didn't misconstrue anything, don't know why you would suggest I did, It was bashed by lems saying it was a blu-ray payer and not a game macheine.
"About the nonstop PS3 bashings for being a movie player."
(and there are dozens more threads and or posts I could pull up to confirm what I'm saying so trying to dismis this particualr thread would be pointless)
The "exclusives being seen to play as movies" damage control from lemmings came after several PS3 exclusive titles received AAA scores and were praised for being high quality cinematic experiences...two completely different bashes.
The PS3 being a movie player, was in reference to the PS3 exclusives being "movies". Didn't you know this? You pulled a thread specifically referring to movies and games? Well done. That doesn't prove me wrong, it just means that the indiciduals using the term "movie" utilized a well-used word.
It's been a massive trolling point for Lems. Games like Uncharted/MGS4/Killzone/etc/ have been referred to movies on countless occasions.
So you ignored this *bold* part of my post to post the same reply and pretend what you are saying is was right..it's ok I sitll have the other link...I'll make it nice and big for you so you don't get confused as to what the reference is about
here is another thread that more explicitly says exactly what I said to you.
"The PS3 is a movie player masquerading as a game console."
BEFORE PS3 has MGS4 and lems started the "PS3 games are movies" damage control they were simply saying PS3 as a console was a movie player becuase of blu-ray so please stop the damage control on this
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