Hey guys, just sharing info as always. I thought this was interesting, and while i dont think this is the right time, i DO think microsoft could benefit from a handheld done right. What do you guys think? What do you think this portable needs to succeed? (features, games, apps)
"In a surprising conclusion to a new Kikizo interview posted today with Microsoft Corporate VP Shane Kim, the Xbox bigwig revealed that a potential foray for the Xbox brand into the handheld/mobile/portable space is certainly on the cards.
"For us, it's a matter of focusing on 'when', because if we chased after a mobile or handheld opportunity, we would not have the resources and ability to do things like... Project Natal. So we've chosen to focus on the living room experience from a hardware standpoint, if you will, but we're building a service in Live that will... will extend to other platforms. No question about it."
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