Oh boy here we go again. [url]http://www.n4g.com/industrynews/News-157881.aspx[url] Is this a hint that i wasted money on my 360 and support for it will be dropped in two years? Why the hell is M$ so damn worried about being number 1. Industry analyst Michael Patcher said Microsoft should focus on being a profitable second or third place and not be so worried about coming in first. I don't know why fanboys come down on Sony for supporting all three of their platforms and say all they care about is Blu-Ray and not games. Obviously M$ cares a little more about something else other than games. Yes they do. The concept of the Xbox was a response to how Sony was taking over the living room with the Playstation brand. Yes that is true as it was said in Dean Takahashi's book. Now that M$ is in the console biz, it will speed up the lifespan of consoles and produce nothing but wasted potential and money in previous hardware while putting the pressure on competitors to keep up. headninjadog
I'm no fan of MS or the Xbox, but my understanding is that the 360 is profitable and making money for MS. If not the 360, then XBL. But MS is certainly making a profit off their business plan and so I doubt they are concerned about some analyst who thinks they aren't making money.
Having said that, one would think MS is smart enough to realize the "headstart" didn't help them one bit this gen, so why should they rush into next gen? So far they aren't outselling the original XBOX, let alone the competition. Not to mention the fact that their console hasn't even dropped to the standard price of consoles in the past. So dumping it early, when it still costs $299, or even $199 is a terrible idea if you ask me.
I think if MS jumps into next gen again it is clear they have one idea and one idea only. That is to speed up transition to new gens in hopes of making the whole industry unsustainable for Sony or Nintendo to keep up with. Typical, anti-competitive practices. It's all MS knows and all they have EVER relied on to win ANY market they are in. If that is the case, they will ruin gaming and I also think developers will get angry at them and start abandoning MS like they abandoned Nintendo in the N64 days.
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