Those consumers you mentioned where most likely home theater enthusiasts trying to squeeze every possible pixel out of their rigs at a reasonable price.
Phillips and Pioneer did not try to sell me a Blu-ray player by packaging it along with some other product. When I want to purchase a Blu-ray player, I'll buy a Blu-ray player. To be honest, if I do purchase one, it will probably be a PS3 since I'm a gamer.
okay i know phillips and pioneer did not try to package with some other product but why would you be mad at sony when they kept the price the same as a standalone player? only recently has the price of standalone blu-ray players gone lower than the ps3. your mad at sony for throwing in gaming machine for free with the blu-ray, why would they be so nice?
and also a lot of products are packaging in blu-ray
sharp came out with a new tv that has a built in blu-ray player
some dell laptops and other computers have blu-ray drives
why are all these companies doing this?????
You can buy dell laptops without the Blu-ray drive. You can't buy a PS3 without a Blu-ray drive.You can buy a Sharp TV that does not have the Blu-ray player. When the 360 launched, you were able to buy the HDDVD player separately.
I just don't like how Sony tried to shove a new format up our nose. They are always trying to do crap like that. Some people claim that MS did the same with IE, the thing is, you could always install Netscape and ignore IE. Right now I'm using Firefox and I am ignoring IE. If MS forced me to use us IE or Word or any other MS product, I probably would be typing this on a Mac.
Linux is the only way to go :)
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