I'm expecting some umm, megaton announcements and fear MS will never live up to what I expect but a gamer can dream I guess - we shall see. :P
One thing I really, really, really expect to see is Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor game-play - I sure hope their doing it right. 8)
If it actually turns out to be good, then I might just buy Kinect.
Hopefully balance between Kinect and "core" titles.
In terms of games, I bet we will here something from Codename Kingdoms, some Forza 4 and Gears 3 gameplay, a hint of what 343 is doing with Halo, Star Wars Kinect. And of course timed exclusive DLC.
I'm also hoping to hear about what to expect in the new dashboard update later this year.
I'm also hoping MS pretty much keeps to the same format as the past couple E3 conferences; as in they talk/show just games, no stupid statistics (like that's going to happen)
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