Aside from Persona 5, I can't really look that far down the road. I hope they surprise us for an international release date in September as I'd like to see Persona 5 go toe-to-toe against FFXV internationally, and right now that's a Japan only thing. Anyhow, excited for that and SMT4: Final/Apocalypse or whatever it's called.
So, in immediate future it's just Doom, and Uncharted 4 once I blaze through Uncharted Collection. I'd actually like to get caught up on my PS4 backlog and games I've yet to get like Heavy Rain & Beyond Two Souls collection on disc via Amazon UK import, and Ratchet and Clank. And other backlog and/or games I missed, like maybe doing the Hitman piecemeal for first two episodes. Word is some third party might get work with Nintendo to release Fatal Frame V on disc in North America, so there's that potentially.
I'm more excited for the what could be that we don't know about, like say if Titanfall 2 gets announced as a surprise 2016 release for this fall... maybe, then again I don't see them releasing that and new Battlefield side-by-side so I guess I might as well give up hope. I also refuse to get more hyped for Nier and Scalebound until Platinum can prove to me they're not about cashing in cheap on lots of small half-effort projects that exploit their name.
Can't think of much else at the moment, except maybe Shadow Warrior 2. I'd like to say LoZ for Wii U except we all know that's not coming this year and people will probably be more excited for it as an NX launch title than the Wii U's swan song.
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