There is a great chance that it will be fixed for the release versionmamkem6
This. Quit moaning guys. It is a demo.....
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There is a great chance that it will be fixed for the release versionmamkem6
This. Quit moaning guys. It is a demo.....
To be honest, In games... I never notice jaggies or screen tearing, is that a bad thing?sam280992no its a good thing
I dunno about Mirror's Edge, but generally speaking I find it very surprising if people don't notice screen tearing, it's worse than jaggies imo and really hard to miss. Luckily it's pretty rare, and at least on PC if it appears, turning vsync on makes it dissappear.mr_mozillaBut then you're locked in to 60FPS on LCDs :cry:
I have no idea what these whole screen tearing or jaggy things are, but I swear some people let them bother them way too much.ONLYDOD
I have said it before and I will say it again...People are never happy and will B$^@ about everything just because thats how they are...
Ok so I just downloaded the demo and played the game. The game has a nice look and the game play is fun.
But OMFG at the screen tearing! There was quite a bit and very distracting.
The jaggies I could deal with but in a game where the selling point/gimmick is the immersiveness of the first person view. THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE! I was considering buying the game but now I wont unless the devs fix the issues for the retail version.
Your thoughts?
What version are you using? The 360 version has very little screen tearing, and the jaggies arent so bad. Perhaps u r talking about the PS3 demo?
This is the result of reviewers doing podcasts.
Its now the cool and hip thing to berate a game for minor technical issues that can't even be noticed by someone who's playing the game for fun or someone who isn't playing games for like 40+ hours a week for the past few years. Thats what the cool kids do nowadays... along with slinging the word "art style" left and right and screaming "I like games with guns, that means i'm a real gamer" from the top of their lungs to whoever will listen.
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