...With extreme awesomeness. Modern Warfare 2 is like Cthulhu with Blackbeard combined to spawn a video game equal to their awesomeness.
In all seriousness...
Watch this before commenting at least since I know most System Wars posters don't get past the topic title:
Now I don't understand the complaints against Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 so I'm gonna try to refute them all. I welcome haters. Hating on good games should be a crime if you don't have any reason to.
1. I don't understand this notion of Modern Rehash 2. This game has a totally new story, totally new co-op mode and a totally revamped online mode where they scrapped old perks and brought in new ideas. If you listened to the idea of death streaks, the idea is very good and if it doesn't work, IW will patch it...They still tweak MW after all and patches exist. You do realize though, if you're a skilled player in the first place, death streaks mean nothing so why should we, hardcore gamers (most of us at least), be worried about that. This game isn't being rehashed and it's not being casualized. It's bringing in new ideas and it's expanding on some aspects and focusing in on others.
2. What's with all the hate for IW? IW =/= Activision's evil lord Bobby Kotick. Bobby Kotick is a dunce but IW is a totally seperate entity. IW is a AAA developer, they made Call of Duty, CAll of Duty 2, Call of Duty 4, and now this game. Those are all great games, almost all of them AAA. MW2 is their most ambitious game yet and if you look at the newest trailer they are clearly working on giving the best FPS Campaign possible, I mean come on. Give me one single player FPS this year that compares to it? Killzone 2's major feature was it's well done online, not it's lackluster campaign...
3. Bobby Kotick isn't making this game...If you don't like Activison just buy it used!
4. There are no Day 1 map packs, they are coming in April
5. Special Forces is gonna be the best co-op mode to be in a game ever. You have my word...And my bow...And my a...Sorry...
6. The game look fine, Call of Duty is meant to run at 60FPS. The graphics are fine, it's not UC2 but it's gorgeous still. Just look at the art ****of the DC level...
MW2 and UC2, GOTY 2009
Anyone else sick of the hate MW2 is getting?
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