And he's saying it's pompous for you to try and dictate what is rational and or define what being screwed is for other people based on your preferences and mindset. It's even worse when people (not just you, but in general) use condescending terms to justify their preference over another. I mean insulting other peoples opinions is SURE to have them see your side, AMIRITE?
That being said the whole MW2 thing is ridiculous to me as well, and I wouldn't spend a cent on it. But I'm not arrogant enough or a big enough ******* to insult people who spend their own money how they want. On videogames of all things.
The value you're supposed to get in return is a sense of safety, that you can rely on the brand for continued quality and support. And certainly brand loyalty makes sense to a certain extent, but in the context of Activision raising the price of MW2 by ~20%, you're purely paying for further employment of strategies like it. Pay more and you'll continue to get charged more. If you prefer to spend more money on this intangible and dynamic aspect of a product or service, then that's your prerogative, but I will contend for all eternity that paying for a brand is largely nonsensical, ill-advised and at your own expense.And while I may have contended in a manner that can be seen as condescending, I don't think I've insulted anyone. I've called people complacent and their acts irrational. What kind of words do you suggest I use to express myself with to not insult people then? Arrogant, pompous and ******* perhaps?
Also I think I already stated that I'm fine with people spending their money on whatevz, as long as it doesn't end up screwing me over. Activision is setting a precedent with their pricing. So there's some probability there, which is why this is something I'm somewhat invested in.
What's the alternative? Not paying, and not getting what they want?
While price goes up with demand, that isn't much of a problem for these people. It's even something of a boon; as the price goes up, supply will also go up. The continued success of Modern Warfare 2 and its DLC will undoubtedly lead to more Modern Warfare 2 and DLC, spiritually or technically. These people are encouraging the making of products they like, and while we see them as over-priced and offensive, the consumer is content.
(You, specifically, did not insult anyone, but my original post criticized a poster that did. I believe that's what Metalscarz is referring to)
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