"Modern warfare sucks" - The Guardian.

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#1 loco145
Member since 2006 • 12226 Posts

Modern Warfare seemed to attract more excitement and discussion than Infinite Warfare. In that moment, it’s arguable the first-person shooter, as a big budget, mainstream concern, crossed over into the nostalgia industry.

In music, this happens all the time with bands. At some point, touring becomes not a way to test and celebrate new material, but to appease long-running fans who just want to hear the hits. Sure, they’ll still grudgingly buy the latest release and may concede there are one or two good tracks, but what they really want is that 180g vinyl reissue of the group’s classic album, complete with unreleased tracks and limited edition art card inserts. Eventually, fans of legacy rock acts don’t really want the music anymore, they just want to be young again.

The big question surrounding Modern Warfare is: do people want it back because they miss the purity of what it offered, or because they’re nostalgic for a past that involved Modern Warfare and games like it? Or perhaps it’s that old story about true epoch-shattering innovation coming from comparatively small teams working on brand new projects. Far Cry, FEAR, Stalker, Bioshock, Thief – it’s hard to imagine a new first-person shooter really grappling with the whole meaning of the genre in the way these games did.

Maybe, you know, people don’t want to go online and fight in the same way they once did. Maybe people are sick of the respawn treadmill, sick of voice chat insults, sick of the conflicts they see on the news being turned into a pantomime of honour – of duty. Tastes change, audiences diversify, kids grow up. Sometimes you listen to those albums you once liked, that really spoke to you, and suddenly they seem full of self-pity and crass, processed emotion. Maybe this isn’t a crisis, maybe it’s just maturity.


Do you agree!?

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#2 Fairmonkey
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No. Modern Warfare 1 was one of the best shooters i had ever played. It had an excellent selection of maps as well and a great campaign

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#3  Edited By lamprey263
Member since 2006 • 45502 Posts

COD4: MW doesn't suck, but damn people act like it was the last good COD game ever made. Really stupid to hear people say MW2 was a copy and paste job of COD4: MW. And lets's not forget the awesomeness that was World At War. Sure, shit on COD from Black Ops / MW3 onward, I won't stop you, but damn I'm so sick of hearing about COD4: MW like it was the only good COD game. It was probably most great for its time and really was revolutionary as far as console games go in delivering an awesome SP game with an even more addictive MP. Everybody from that point on wanted to follow in its footsteps and still is to this day, and that started with COD4: MW.

Personally though, my love for COD4: MW only lasted a few months until I got my hands on Battlefield Bad Company. My roommate got it first and I liked what I saw so I got my own copy, then I got to the MP and was like dude, have you tried the MP, and we were hooked on Battlefield for years from BF2, BF1943, BF3. Good stuff. I much prefer that series over COD any day.

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#4 NathanDrakeSwag
Member since 2013 • 17392 Posts

@lamprey263 said:

COD4: MW doesn't suck, but damn people act like it was the last good COD game ever made. Really stupid to hear people say MW2 was a copy and paste job of COD4: MW. And lets's not forget the awesomeness that was World At War. Sure, shit on COD from Black Ops / MW3 onward, I won't stop you, but damn I'm so sick of hearing about COD4: MW like it was the only good COD game. It was probably most great for its time and really was revolutionary as far as console games go in delivering an awesome SP game with an even more addictive MP. Everybody from that point on wanted to follow in its footsteps and still is to this day, and that started with COD4: MW.

The first Black Ops was amazing bro. I'll agree that everything after that failed to recapture the magic though. Blops 2 and 3 got old and boring in no time, IW games have been pure shit post-MW2 and I didn't even have to try Advanced Warfare to know it sucked.

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#5 Snowywonders
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I am sad it is not mw2 instead. I found mw2 way funner. There was so many ways to play that game.

You could cheese with riot shield with one man army and c4s + claymores. Or use one man army with a friend and spam moke grandes for a permanent smoke screen and places claymores/C4s around.

You could also quickscope if you were into that, before they fucked it up in original BO i think

You could also use the OP grenade launchers which was hilarious to use at the begginig of search and destroy matches to hopefully kill someone. I remember I got a quad kill once in one map.

You could also dual SMGS like dual p90s with rapid fire was fun.

Most of this stuff is considered unbalanced but it really just takes putting on 1 or 2 correct perks and you should have no problem.

I also found mw2 had the best maps.

Btw I have no idea why people like BO one so much, I gave it away to my friend after 3 days, I just found it so boring.

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#6 Shewgenja
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I bet Infinite Warfare will be amazingly good but everyone will jump on the bandwagon to hate it because it's being used as a pay wall for the MW redux.

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#7  Edited By Shewgenja
Member since 2009 • 21456 Posts

And for the record, Blops I murdered MW. Just so you know what kind of man I really am.

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#8 gcfreak898
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Treyarch and sledgehammer have both dipped their games in the futuristic shooter setting. I think people have had enough of it. Especially since the trailer they released has more dislikes than likes. That's proof people are tired of the futuristic garbage. I'd rather go back to where call of duty was great. We always get remastered games ie the last of us, tomb raider, and the list goes on and on. Why don't infinity ward just release a call of duty modern warfare 1 to 3 remastered edition? Why don't treyarch release a call of duty black ops 1 & 2 remastered edition? It just seems like call of duty is going in the wrong direction. I'd rather pay cod remastered than play this futuristic non sense.

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#9 Alucard_Prime
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Good game, if I'm not mistaken it was responsible for re-invigorating the meta game, you know that addictive thing of leveling up your character and then prestiging, etc. I got sucked into that and was addicted to it, every action you did netted you points almost....many games tried to imitate after not but as well imo....for some reason MW did it really well, and other games overdid it(like giving points for every single thing you did) I found

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#10 jg4xchamp
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To a degree there is a point there. CoD4 was never really all that high on the skill ceiling department, the attack helicopter was a fucking absurd thing, ditto the nature of kill streaks, and CoD4's campaign is really a good one and done. It's too much of a roller coaster, but at the same time it was varied, well paced, and well designed across the board. The multiplayer was fun, before it went bat shit and straight up had balance issues going forward.

Narratively speaking it wasn't as jingoistic as people think CoD usually is (the Americans **** up, actually a lot in this series, it's probably the dumbest complaint about these games, but given what people on this forum think are good stories, I'm not shocked) and additionally was at least somewhat grounded. A little absurd here and there, but not overkill Bad Boys 2 territory like the rest of the games, without the comedy of Bad Boys 2 to boot. It was a good, a really good shooter. I thought there were certainly better games from its respective year, but its popularity wasn't necessarily crazy. It was mostly earned through good ol fashioned good design, wouldn't put it over CoD1 and UO, but I'd take it over CoD2+CoD3, and the other 4 CoD games I played after: Modern Warfare 2, World at War, Black Ops, and Advanced Warfare. \

They just made too many sequels, and now it gets Madden criticisms. Which are a mixture of valid gameplay complaints, with a big side of completely glossing over the things actually do well, because remember, gamers are shit.

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#11  Edited By MISTER_Davis
Member since 2016 • 286 Posts

Modern warfare is the reason there are 12 other call of duties after it dude...

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#12 Livecommander
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@NathanDrakeSwag: the dashin in advance wafare made it awsome. Underated cod bro try it for a week and watch. Well if this was last year i would say that lol. It was good im actually looking forward to adv warfare 2. All that jumping isnt bad or good just a rxtra edition of pros and cons.

Ive gotten some sick jumpshot kills man lol. Just also some cheap seeming from out the air deaths too. None the less technical improvements

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#13 Still_Vicious
Member since 2016 • 319 Posts

LOL, I believe that most people that hate on CoD buy it.

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#14 Ballroompirate
Member since 2005 • 26695 Posts

Guarantee you that majority of people who bash CoD don't play the games. MW, BO1 and BO3 were simply amazing and Infinite Warfare looks like it can add to that list but who knows it might bomb, but I doubt it.

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#15 uninspiredcup  Online
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The writer thinks Doom was just about shooting waves of monsters.

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#16  Edited By rosinmonkekyx17
Member since 2015 • 3019 Posts

"The Guardian sucks" - rosinmonkekyx17

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#17 stuff238
Member since 2012 • 3284 Posts

I miss playing Headquarters soooooo much in CoD. None of the new games have it. That was my favourite mode in CoD4.

It has been years. HQ's required actual teamwork and I remember everyone covering points, dropping claymores and actually using skill. So much fun.

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#18 Netret0120
Member since 2013 • 3594 Posts

@stuff238 said:

I miss playing Headquarters soooooo much in CoD. None of the new games have it. That was my favourite mode in CoD4.

It has been years. HQ's required actual teamwork and I remember everyone covering points, dropping claymores and actually using skill. So much fun.

Man I couldn't agree with you more. All I ever played was HQ and some of my most epic battles were in HQ. Plus you got the most points per game from it besides maybe Search and Destroy but i loved talking to my teammates, having a sniper cover our backs as we defended the HQ from the inside. Man you got me feeling nostalgic:P

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#19 VFighter
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@Ballroompirate: I played up until AW, played that shot stain for 2 weeks and said goodbye to the franchise. It all started going downhill with Blops and the series never recovered. Ghost and AW were complete garbage, and from the little I played blops3 wasn't much better.

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#21 miiiiv
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The campaign was generic. Ultra linear gameplay and many invisible walls. And both your allies and enemies are mindless drones that repeat the exact same pattern if you die. It takes away a lot from the immersion. The multiplayer was really fun though.