@TrappedInABox91: can you keep politics out of System Wars? We do not need it here and I am afraid if it continues this thread will be locked.
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@TrappedInABox91: can you keep politics out of System Wars? We do not need it here and I am afraid if it continues this thread will be locked.
They will go to cort for this thing?
Now i understand why no Wild Arms have been made.
American's sue for anything and everything. Native Americans sue if their feelings are hurt. Anything to make a buck (and I'm not being racist here, this is the truth). Why do you think the Redskins franchise is bending over backwards?
They will go to cort for this thing?
Now i understand why no Wild Arms have been made.
American's sue for anything and everything. Native Americans sue if their feelings are hurt. Anything to make a buck (and I'm not being racist here, this is the truth). Why do you think the Redskins franchise is bending over backwards?
The NFL team?
Yeah the name is a problem, but they have used it since the 30s, so why is it a problem now?
The NFL team?
Yeah the name is a problem, but they have used it since the 30s, so why is it a problem now?
Because Native Americans are "offended" by it.
The NFL team?
Yeah the name is a problem, but they have used it since the 30s, so why is it a problem now?
Because Native Americans are "offended" by it.
Yeah, but why now?
I mean Russia has Communist Soccer teams and here we have Mythological teams yet Mythology is not a religion any more here.
Yeah, but why now?
I mean Russia has Communist Soccer teams and here we have Mythological teams yet Mythology is not a religion any more here.
Don't ask me. My guess would be money.
On the Redskins and "why is this a problem now":
I'd wager that it was always a problem. It's just a lot easier to get the publicity needed for traction these days.
But as for Bravely Second here, I'll just repeat my opinion that the redesign makes a lot of sense for a class that was based around the use of guns even in the JP version.
The Redskins name has never been a problem. Most tribes have never had a problem with the name and logo, and it is shared by high schools around the country, some of are right in the middle of Indian territories.
PC bullshit from a few pansies is the only reason it's being talked about now. A bunch of absolute nothing.
The Redskins name has never been a problem. Most tribes have never had a problem with the name and logo, and it is shared by high schools around the country, some of are right in the middle of Indian territories.
PC bullshit from a few pansies is the only reason it's being talked about now. A bunch of absolute nothing.
There's only a few PC pansies because there aren't many Native Americans to cry about it in the first place! Ha!
As many people as there are that are okay with it, I can only imagine many more being -not- okay with it. The term "Redskin" itself is a racial slur referring to a historically persecuted minority and has been one before either of us were born. You know it, I know it, so we can both imagine people having problems with the name for decades and still having problems now. To name the football team of the US capital -- the government of old having a hand in their persecution way back then -- after them comes off as a dick move in and of itself. It's something that should've never been done all those years ago.
For an analog, there's the words "***". Over in a place like 4chan? By some twisted miracle, it came to have so little meaning there that it became just another word in the dictionary. Outside? Still has that same old taint behind it. I personally don't have a problem with the word, but I understand others do. It's why I wouldn't name my hypothetical football team the faggots.
@Technoweirdo: It's an over-reaction from an extremely sensitive few. Who cares if it was a derogatory term over a hundred years ago? Nobody alive was ever called that name in a negative fashion. It's tantamount to stating something obvious, like "hey, you're white" and the reaction being "oh dear! I'm so offended to someone noticing the color of my skin! Whatever will I do and how will I go through life now?".
The name means pride and tradition to those that matter: the fans and people associated with the sport of football. As others have stated, for almost a hundred years it was the norm and nobody had a problem with it. For a few years now people have talked about it, but now it's finally dying down and should be forgotten about all together.
If PCers get away with changing the Redskins name, next they'll want to change other teams' names, like the Raiders. I can see it now: "isn't that name a bit violent? Kids of the sport shouldn't be exposed to such a violent term!" "Let's change that name to... 'The Happy Gang' yeah!". :P
The PC crowd is the worst thing ever ... I really laugh at the last South Park episode about the word "retarded" and the PC crowd actually really stupid and just as racist if not more.
As for the localization, I don't understand why it is a problem they changed it.
Well the comments here are sad :(
They really are, can a mod please close this thread?
It's an over-reaction from an extremely sensitive few. Who cares if it was a derogatory term over a hundred years ago? Nobody alive was ever called that name in a negative fashion. It's tantamount to stating something obvious, like "hey, you're white" and the reaction being "oh dear! I'm so offended to someone noticing the color of my skin! Whatever will I do and how will I go through life now?".
The name means pride and tradition to those that matter: the fans and people associated with the sport of football. As others have stated, for almost a hundred years it was the norm and nobody had a problem with it. For a few years now people have talked about it, but now it's finally dying down and should be forgotten about all together.
If PCers get away with changing the Redskins name, next they'll want to change other teams' names, like the Raiders. I can see it now: "isn't that name a bit violent? Kids of the sport shouldn't be exposed to such a violent term!" "Let's change that name to... 'The Happy Gang' yeah!". :P
This isn't about "violent" words. This is about historically-charged words that still hold charge today -- much more charge than white ever will -- and about how a large corporation being all meh about its continued usage sets a poor example. One or two people being okay with it does not change the fact that many others are not.
On the topic of it being a 'now' thing, well, as one writer found, not really. It's just a bitch to get the archived articles of dead newspaper outlets. They tend to get lost to time when they were only ever on paper and not on multi-terabyte hard drives. If you don't want to read that, the tl;dr is that it's been a thing since at least 1972 -- an era where racial tensions were at their peak for various reasons. Now, I can't prove it's been a thing since the 1930's, but at that point you may as well ask me to prove blacks were okay with their rights and okay with being called niggers until King decided to make a stink.
If you really want people to forget about it, wouldn't it make sense to not continue using the name? If it was in your power, wouldn't you try to correct things by making sure the name was never used in the first place? It was a bad idea from the start due to history, don't you think? Why keep the status quo?
@Technoweirdo: I don't want people to stop thinking about the name. I like the name and see it as an association with pride, not prejudice. Again, I don't care how the term was used a million years ago. It doesn't mean that now, and never has been a negative term for that organization.
Even if some see it in a negative light, it isn't even slightly as offensive as words you've used. It's a mascot name, not a negative slur on an entire group of people.
You can't just bring up an ancient past and change an organization's history while destroying the fans' franchise in the process over something so petty.
You want it to change, then you'll have to have all NFL teams change their name as well because it isn't fair to Redskins fans otherwise.
P.S. I have Cherokee blood in me, and I don't find it offensive at all, and neither do a lot of people with Native American blood.
You want it to change, then you'll have to have all NFL teams change their name as well because it isn't fair to Redskins fans otherwise.
P.S. I have Cherokee blood in me, and I don't find it offensive at all, and neither do a lot of people with Native American blood.
Tbh I think its less about the team's name and more about its racist past.
What people don't seem to know is the team was originally named the Boston Braves, then changed to the Boston Redskins to honor a member of the organization who recruited Native American players.
Such a racist team. *smh*
Ah I didn't know that. Tbh I think we have a lot more issues to worry about than an NFL team name lol.
@Bigboi500: it was to honor the coach who was native American. NA are also the ones who designed the logo
Holy shit did the Chargers get murdered today. I loved how the fans came back kind of expecting this outcome, lol.
**** it, let them go to L.A.
Reading some of the stupid shit in this thread, especially that weeaboo Technoweirdo's posts, I feel that stupidity is truly a bottomless pit.
Chill mate, people have different opinions, thats life.
Back on topic, im happy they arent changing the rest of the outfit, i like it. Both characters look great in it.
All the stupid posts in this thread were made by people with Anime avatars, it all makes sense now.
@mesome713 My boy, I'm always chilled.
What people don't seem to know is the team was originally named the Boston Braves, then changed to the Boston Redskins to honor a member of the organization who recruited Native American players.
Such a racist team. *smh*
On this history lesson about the origin of the name, true or not, if you can't tell context + intent without reading a storybook on how the name came to be, you fucked up in terms of brand management. People, simply put, aren't picking up on it when they look at the name and logo.
I'll believe you on the whole Cherokee thing and believe you on others not being offended. You have every reason to be proud of your heritage and to have it acknowledged. At the same time, given the current state of Native American affairs, many others see it as a mockery; a false tribute when their actual treatment isn't that great. Things are better than the days of old, but not good enough for everyone to bury the hatchet.
Either the state of affairs changes or the name changes. Unfortunately, changing the state of affairs is a slow thing. Sticking with that name in the meantime? Bad idea. Only promotes resistance which many see it as.
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