You all know those moments- it happens when you see something, and you know the next generation has arrived. You see or play something that simply would not have been possible before, that has only been enabled by these new machines. Moments like the original Ridge Racer. Like Super Mario 64. Like SoulCalibur. Like Halo 2, Half Life 2, or Metal Gear Solid 2. Moments like Wii Sports, like Gears of War, like Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
You know the ones I am talking about.
People like to say that that didn't happen as much this generation, and while I am inclined to agree that this generation was an incremental step up over the previous one, it did give me at least two moments where I contemplated, and thought to myself- this is next gen.
These were the ones:
- The first time I tried SharePlay on the PlayStation 4. I played some of DriveClub, and quite a bit of The Order over SharePlay, and I was taken aback- the person I was playing with was in another country, in another continent, across an entire ocean- and here I was, playing a game on his console, with minimal input lag (I think it was less than half a second), with the graphical quality intact. I was remotely playing a full game on someone else's console over the internet. This was a true 'next gen is here' moment for me
- Super Smash Bros. on Wii U has an 8 Man Smash mode. The first time I played it, I couldn't stop laughing, when it hit me- eight people. At the same time, on one screen and one console. Eight people local multiplayer. It has not been done before, and certainly not in a game as frenetic as Smash. But here we were, eight of us all squaring off against each other on a massive, chaotic map, in full 1080p and 60fps. It was beautiful. It was glorious. It was next gen.
Those are mine, what are yours?
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