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Visually, it's when I seen Ryse and Battle front on PC. Outside of that no feature has blown my mind.
In terms of graphics, I'd go with Ryse, on the Xbox One. Despite the PS4 being the more powerful console, I wasn't all that impressed by Killzone Shadow Fall. But when I saw Ryse on the X1, that looked "next gen" looked to me.
Yeah in terms of graphics, I agree with Ryse. And also more recently I saw Battlefront on my cousin's PS4... wow!
But overall, that's a tough one. Maybe Forza Horizon 2... that felt like a next-geny game when I started playing it.
Ground Zeroes felt like a significant leap, I was thoroughly impressed with so many aspects of it. Funny, since it's just a big ass cross gen demo. But it was doing new things and doing them very well.
That's about it though. Plenty of good games this gen, but nothing else had that "wow" factor for me.
To be fair though, this is just how it is now. Diminishing returns. The last time I was truly impressed by a new console was when I bought my PS2.
Outside of graphics, nothing really. Probably the biggest shame of this gen is that developers are using all the tech to just do the same shit they could do last gen. I'd kill to have the next one-button-cover-control, or near-seamless-open-world, or regenerating-health-out-of-combat, or online-community-in-single-player, but it seems like no one is willing to take risks enough for the next big new mechanic to come along.
@charizard1605: xbox, when halo mcc took 6 hours (no kidding) to install. When halo mcc (a last gen game) crashed and burned....I knew next gen was here.
To be fair though, this is just how it is now. Diminishing returns. The last time I was truly impressed by a new console was when I bought my PS2.
It's not diminishing returns. You have consoles specifically gimped to save Microsoft and Sony money, you have game that are too expensive to make, you have publishers hesitant to fund new things, so you have developers that make games that are creatively bankrupt.
That's not diminishing returns, that's an industry on a creative slump.
Second son in graphics,all super powers were build around particle's dynamics,I got my wow moment when Delsin strikes from 20 floors high and wipe out an entire section.
FF15 demo on gameplay,finally a decent combat system in an open world RPG,realtime,fascinating movements,NPC's interaction.A game I have been looking for 2 generations,I don't think it's possible without these new consoles(looking at xenoblade)
Nothing feels like a big step up from the previous gen. Usually, the graphics gets a big upgrade, but that didn't happen. 8 players in Smash is cool, but how often do you have 8 friends over who all happen to be Smash fans? And 8 players local doesn't feel like something that could never have been done before.
So nothing. Wish this wasn't true, but it sadly is. Here's hoping for a decent gen next time.
And before lemmings come in and accuse me of running a smear campaign against the Xbox One again, because it is the only console I didn't include in the OP, well that's because I haven't played enough on the Xbox to truly find anything that gave me that sort of a moment.
I would say also because you played that console last.
When I fired up Ryse. I borrowed it when I got my X1 in Feb 2014 and that first time the visuals were stunning. Game is somewhat fun for a play through but the MP was surprisingly fun. I get tired of shooters. Also DR3 and Sunset Overdrive for sheer amount of mayhem on screen. Fun, fun games.
Infamous SS for the same reasons on PS4. It is just so beautiful. I thought of Bloodborne but there really isn't anything about the game that couldn't have been on PS3 and still been a 9/10 game imo.
And before lemmings come in and accuse me of running a smear campaign against the Xbox One again, because it is the only console I didn't include in the OP, well that's because I haven't played enough on the Xbox to truly find anything that gave me that sort of a moment.
It's incredible that you have to clear this out.
In truth, he doesn't. The title of the thread isn't saying "What told you next gen is here, BUT X1 is 720p, 2 FPS". Nobody was going to come at him in this one just because a couple of people had poopy attitudes in that ONE thread.
The last time I felt that we had a considerable leap in gaming was when I played Crysis for the first time. Huge open levels, lots of destructible objects that you could interact with, graphics that was head and shoulders over the competition at the time. Many genres have progressed slowly or even stagnated over the years.
Obviously these next-gen consoles are too weak to push the graphics forward considerably, things can look good but with obvious compromises. But it all comes down to gameplay in the end and I at least hoped that multiplats would feature a lot more and noticeably smarter NPCs that react in a realistic way when shot or stabbed together with larger and destructible environments that you (and the NPCs) could interact with in a number of ways.
Mine was when i first used the Wii U Gamepad for off-screen play. I was like yes, this is the future. Dual screen 2 player just felt so amazing also. Then using the Gyro in Splatoon, i felt, yes, this is the future of console shooters. I guess drawing on Miiverse too, was pretty fun. Playing vs the World online blew me away, i still cant get over it, i love playing with the whole world even though i dont speak their language, futuristic shat right there.
Hmm not sure if joking but the Wii U gamepad was the next gen moment for me. Being able to play on the controller when someone was being unreasonable with the TV, and the item/stat/map screen on the pad in Wind Waker were cool things I couldn't do before on a console. Aiming with gyro was ok, I liked aiming with the Wiimote more. The Witcher 3 also gave me a next gen vibe.
@cainetao11: I think that might be right. I do think if I got to go hands on with the new Windows 10 OS on the Xbox One, I might think that's pretty next generation! But yes, you're right, law of diminishing marginal returns definitely applies here.
As for Bloodborne, I think that the architecture in the game is pretty intricate, and that would definitely not be possible to that extent on previous generation systems. But apart from that, I agree.
Infamous second son. Open world, great lighting, amazing particle effects, destruction, quality textures, 1080P, sometimes even hit 60 fps. I was surprised at what sucker punch pulled off, considering how ugly Infamous was on PS3.
Mario Kart 8 made me go "woah this is next gen Nintendo visuals right here!" which isn't much when you compare it to the PS4 games but it was beautiful nevertheless. Aside from that not much. Games on the PS4 are exactly what I expected for this generation, nothing really got me excited.
Playing Second Son.
Ditto. Second looks purty, runs smooth. Also, agree with another comment that Shareplay had me like "wow, this is the future."
@shellcase86: on top of how it looks the lip syncing with the words was better than anything I'd seen before.
Even better than The Order. Say what you will about The Order but that was also really well done in that game.
Shareplay was also another. PSU forums had a contest when it came out and I even made a video which was simple and it's not half bad.
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