@tdkmillsy said:
hypocrite lemming for pointing out your flip flop on the same comment. quoting the minimum as the actual and is bad enough but to then quote lower in the same quote just makes you look stupid.
I'm not the one who has claimed one console will be £$100's more, if anything I said rumors keep quoting the series X as being lower but we will have to wait and see.
Flip flop flip flop
The only flip flopping is on your part you can't even counter my price argument.
When people here say 40% you say shit i say 13% and you ran and dived into my post,trying to make some kind of point,you walked right in.
YOU you self have argue more than 18% gap your self.
@tdkmillsy said:
18% minimum and even then the CPU cant keep up. It could be 30-40% in some games
Is it 100 dollars more now? no in fact its cheaper.
You believe the xbox series X will have 30 to 40% advantage in some games.
I say 13% on purpose and you freak out but you have claim 40% which is totally moronic given the fact that the PS5 even dropping frequency will never go as low as to have that gap.
I try to bring logic you and your lemming frined have a problem with it since 2013 when you think a shitty api or cloud would do anything for the xbox one.
So please tell me how just having faster SSD will over come.
Bigger SSD
Much bigger GPU
Faster ram chips
and wider bus.
@sealionact said:
@tormentos: Oh boy. Uh lemme try and explain this ....again. One dude suggested that the xsx would get held back because of the xss. Hint: It won't. It has the same cpu, so no matter how complex the game gets, it'll run on xss at a lower resolution.
As an addendum to his argument, I hypothesized that if HE thought an xss with the same cpu would hold back an xsx, wouldnt a ps5 hold back a game even more if it has a weaker cpu?
Dude stop i know what you were saying and i know what the other guy was saying to.
But implying the PS5 would handcuff the series X because the xbox is 18% stronger is not the same.
Dude processing power is not all that it is importan,just because you have the same CPU doesn't mean just quality is what will suffer,the series X is 300% stronger than lockheart.
@Antwan3K said:
That said, if anybody believe a $399 10~TF PS5 is possible simply because it's discless, then they better also believe a $249 4TF Series S is also possible for the same reason.. And honestly, if the PS5 is $399, I'd say Microsoft needs go for a price of $199 for the Series S.. Unlikely, but I personally believe that the Series S needs to have about a $200 price gap between it and the lowest priced PS5.. $150 may be enough but Microsoft needs to be really aggressive on price in my opinion..
Both can be that the problem is losses,the PS5 supposedly cost $400+ to make,and the only report we have on it cited Nand and DRAM prices as the culprit,the xbox series X and series S both will use Nand flash and dram as well.
They have the same CPU,with same SSD probably i don't see how they can put a 512GB one,just smaller GPU and less ram will be the difference,so while there will be a drop in price for those components the machine still carry a full blown Ryzen 2 the exact same the series X has and the SSD will probably be the same,i don't see how to make the series S can cost $300 less to make than the series X.
Is also hard for sony to reach $400 on the digital version without losing something,i will say impossible,at $250 i think MS will loss more on lockheart.
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