TC, you argument is flawed in so many ways that I'm unsure where to start. Just for the record, I am a PC gamer and have been a PC gamer for about 20 years now.
First off, you could blame just about anyone, why single out consoles as holding the supposed blame?
- Blame PC Gamers for not buying enough shooters. If PC Gamers bought far more copies of the shooters available, DICE/EA would be far more likely to develop PC Exclusive shooters.
I believe you already covered this by wanting to blame CoD. Lets face it, sales are made by multiplats.
- Blame PC owners. Most PC Owners do not own high end rigs. Cards like the 88- and 9800, mobile video cards and build in gpu's are still among the more common GPU's on STEAM. If more PC Gamers upgraded their rigs to high end GPU's DICE would have a bigger PC market to cater to.
However, an 8800 will play games as large as what TC would like to see. Graphics, physics and all that included requires the beefer rig sure but when games cater to the lowest common denominator (consoles) whats the point of buying new hardware?
- Blame Call of Duty. BF3 was in so many ways EA's attempt to compete with CoD's incredible success. The core of that success lies on the consoles (CoD have sold a lot more on consoles than on the PC), so if you're chasing the CoD market share, you HAVE to focus on the consoles.
I believe that focus is what the TC is trying to convey as the simplifcation of an old favorite series (in a less thoughtful way).
- Blame it on the DICE engineers and artists. If BF3 didn?t have such a high graphical standard, so advanced graphical effects, so many physics objects and elements it would have been much easier to make bigger maps without hitting hardware limitations. Blame it on the graphics!
Actually, DICE has created a game that is fairly well optimized, however I would agree to blaming the artists for designing such small maps that don't utilize all the extra free space most BF3 maps have or creating maps that could utilize gameplay for 24/32/64 player combat.
- Blame it on capitalism. Let?s face it, EA/DICE don?t make games to put a smile on your shiny face. They make games to sell for a profit. In their estimation, they would make a bigger profit if they developed their game to work across multiple platforms. Making money > your happiness.
Unfortuneately, this is true and the reason why so many game programmers have been layed off and fired this gen.
Next your argument, that because BF2 had bigger maps, it must be due to consoles. There are plenty of console games with maps tens of times larger than BF2's largest maps. Also, on the PC, Daggerfall had a MUCH bigger map than Morrowind. Does that mean that PC's got weaker in the in-between years? If not, how is the comparison any less valid than the one you?re trying to make?
Out of curiosity, are those console exclusive games with the large maps found on the PS3? I love large freeroaming'ish games and would love to give them a try.
At the end of the day, I'm sure console hardware was a factor in how DICE developed their game, but I'm also pretty confident that it was just one of many concerns. A desire to be more like CoD was most likely a big factor, needing to limit scale and scope due to very advanced graphics was another concern, not limiting their potential market among lower end PC's was probably another concern as well (something many of the larger PC exclusive titles try to do).
I believe the TC's arguement would have been better suited stating that due to the consoles limitations in BF3 that the maps were designed and layed out for the smaller player counts found on console. This left large sections of maps unused and the redesign of the B2K maps were limited due to the lack of effort in creating extra content for the PC.(Karkand is missing flags from BF2 and were probably taken out because the map would need a redesign exclusively for the PC.)
And if you dont like the changes DICE made, dont like the map size, the run speed, the vehicle handling, the point system... just play ARMA 2-3 and leave BF3 to the people who like their shooters with less realism and more / faster action.
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