[QUOTE="charizard1605"] So just because the broad motivation is the same, you will ignore the rebooted structure, the reworked framework, the revamped controls and the expanded story, and go on to claim that it is not radically different? The issue then here might be with you, not the game.NaveedLife
Rebooted structure? So LoZ:SS is moving away from dungeons, puzzles, and bosses? And I'm totally unclear what you mean by reworked framework, not sure what that refers to. Controls, obviously, are built for the Wii and will change up the gameplay a lot (i.e. the battle with Ghirahim demo as obvious evidence). And if you enjoy LoZ's story, cool. But if I were to name off the games with the best stories (or even good stories), I doubt any LoZ game would even touch the list.
Just because I don't happen to be buying what Nintendo's selling doesn't mean I've got issues, just a difference in tastes; I like going places I don't feel like I've been before.
SS is not as much a typical zelda game. While there is still some dungeons and bosses (or so i hear), they are focusing more on some of the world being a dungeon almost, and how it will change from time to time or something. I have not watched everythign because of spoilers. COmbine this with new controls, graphics, items, world, story (villain), RPG elements (upgrading) and so on. I think its QUITE different.
I see the same things you do, I simply differ in the end analysis. Zelda is and always will be Zelda, no matter what sort of gameplay quirks or storyline tweaks they make. Changes to a game, especially a franchise like LoZ, don't reinvent or redefine the essence of what it's about. I would never expect Nintendo to change that about LoZ and honestly, wouldn't want them to. I've had that experience and I simply have no interest in experiencing it again. All the same, it doesn't mean it's not worth experiencing and would encourage any interested persons to do so. But the essence of a Zelda game is still there, even in SS, and that's why I don't find it radically different.
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