Well? What game do you think received the most undeserved praise? What 10/10 games were actually mediocre at best?
MGS4. Though it's usually only overrated here on SW and even that's quickly becoming a thing of the past. The rest of the world seems to recognize that it's a 7/10 at best.
MGS4. Though it's usually only overrated here on SW and even that's quickly becoming a thing of the past. The rest of the world seems to recognize that it's a 7/10 at best.
I'd have to agree with that. I have a friend who insists it's the best metal gear.
Want to kill him sometimes.
It appears to be the last of us.
the last of us
though the souls games are contenders as well
Don't enjoy most of Nintendo games at all.
and Gears/Halo/GTV/RDR/Witcher 3/Bioshock Infinite/Far cry 3/Killzone 3 are very overrated to me.
any souls game. pick one.
BOOM!! My thoughts exactly and throw Bloodborne in there also. Im sorry, Im all for game difficulty but nothing makes me walk away from a game faster than a system in which I can play for hours and make one mistake and everything I just did was for nothing!!
Judged purely on metascore: Grand Theft Auto IV, because that game launched with clunky and awkward cover controls, poor game feel, bad shooting, dull mission design, a typical shit tastic Rockstar plot that could only pass in the realm of video games where the standards for story telling are so fucking low, that this half assed bullshit was praised as something special. And with all that the game was paraded around like it was something fantastic when the actual game isn't close to good, it's actually a pretty bad game, in 2008. Much less this bullshit mantra of "no bro, that game aged poorly", because anyone on that narrative can go suck a dick, the game was garbage the second it launched.
In terms of I don't know internet love (since GTA4 has plenty truthers at this point): I would argue the Bethesda games: Oblivion and Fallout 3. The game mechanics aren't good, they aren't polished as they are both a technical mess, the writing garbage, the lore isn't good, the voice acting work seems lazy, they are bloated with filler or straight up tedium, they aren't even well thought out rpgs, and they won how many GOTY awards both critically and in terms of how the general audience treats them? Shit is nuts.
Otherwise Red Dead Redemption, I like Marston, but the gameplay sucks and the actual plot has a shit load of filler if not out right bad writing.
Bioshock Infinite. It relies on bad gameplay and purely thought out game design to cover for a story that demands the player doesn't step back and think about it, because it makes no sense then. The rewrites in the script are also quite obvious and it's just a very bad game with very good DLC.
MGS4. Though it's usually only overrated here on SW and even that's quickly becoming a thing of the past. The rest of the world seems to recognize that it's a 7/10 at best.
Most idiotic comment of the year ^
Speak for yourself man, SW hates MGS4 more than any other sub-forum, yet many have it has their GOTG/GOAT even here. 99% of the world knows MGS4 is a true 10, at worst.
Grand Theft Auto IV, SMG 1-2 and ME2 are the most overrated titles of the last 10 years IMO.
Especially GTAIV for receiving a 10, when I wouldn't even give it half that score. For real, I'd rate it like 4/10.
Uncharted 2 obviously. As far as I can see, the game offers nothing that anyone could enjoy. I'm just utterly baffled by its popularity. Uncharted is the Michael Bay movie series of the video game industry. It appeals to the lowest common denominator. The weird thing is that Michael Bay movies are rightfully panned and Uncharted 2 is wrongfully lauded by critics.
MGS4. Though it's usually only overrated here on SW and even that's quickly becoming a thing of the past. The rest of the world seems to recognize that it's a 7/10 at best.
Most idiotic comment of the year ^
Speak for yourself man, SW hates MGS4 more than any other sub-forum, yet many have it has their GOTG/GOAT even here. 99% of the world knows MGS4 is a true 10, at worst.
Well, unlike you I'm not going to pull shit out of my ass regarding sub-forums because I'm on different MGS forums every single day.
Go ask any of these MGS fan havens what they think of MGS4 lol. Be prepared for an aneurysm because I know your blood pressure will take a ride when you see the results.
The typical breakdown goes like this.
My outlook on the series is a bit different than that, but I do agree with them about MGS4.
Have fun!
Honourable mentions go to GTAIV, Skyrim (and most recent Beth games in general), and Souls games.
Assassins creed for sure. And every Halo game after the first one... the first one was ground breaking for its time, but after that it was the same thing over and over.
Actually u can put every shooter in the overrated area, they are unbearable to play and yet they get these high scores all the time for such a shallow game, at least the first halo had a really interesting world and premise behind it which unfortunately lost its mystery and charm after the first game.
If everyone picks GTA4, can it still be called overrated? Tink about it!
Personally I'd go with the horribly written, poorly thought out Fallout 3. When you have a game that just guts out all the depth, lore and overall intelligence from a series it supposedly represents, all you're left with is something that takes five steps back for every step it takes forward. The game is a pillar of shit game design.
the fact that the lems on this site feel the need to attack last of us really says something of the overwhelming quality and game of the gen-
we know lems, sony destroyed xbox with last of us, have a preparation h cream.
It pains me to see so many TLOU nominations. I was absolutely captured by that videogame.
I'd have to give my vote to Mass Effect 2. Great universe, terrible execution. It was my least favorite from the trilogy, aside from that terrible ending in the third installment.
@Krelian-co: @vvulturas: @AzatiS: I think because this place is over run by Xbox/PC/Nintendo fanboys...and fakeboys too
Ps fans are very few here...not like the ps3/xbox360 days
and since this place changed alot ...most users left .
It's overrated for them here on SW but outside here things are very different though...so let them have their fun.
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