[QUOTE="leviathan91"]yeah GRAW was released somewhere in march 06....and ps3 had good games like Motorstorm and RFOM, Ride Racer was also on 360, after that most ps3 games were mediocre.....and tbh right now i think the best ps3 games are still RFOM and Motorstorm, some new ones added like Warhawk, Heavenly Sword and 1 or 2 more but 360 clearly wins games wise IMO
That can be debatable but the majority does favor the 360 over the PS3 in terms of exclusives and multiplats. Still, the PS3 is a good console (although I'll agree that's overhyped and failed to impress at launch) It does have a few things that are better than the 360 like dedicated servers and blu-ray in the console for high-def movies but not by a large margin.
To me, it's a good console with its share of great games and most of the times, I've been playing with the 360 because of Live, Gears of War, and Forza 2 until the PS3 finally got a few good games like R&CF and Uncharted. I haven't tried out Wahawk so I'm getting it for Christmas and I have no interest in Heavenly Sword so I guess it's a rental.
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