Also feel free to name the platform. Felt inspired to ask, seeing as my lootbox craze is now fully evolved into addiction.
Overwatch: $554.02 LTD (3 accounts)
EDIT: Failed to mention my PS4 account, so edited for accuracy
Overall? WoW I guess played retail to wrath of the lich pretty consistently. That 15/mo adds up quick.
Here recently? Smash Bros for Wiiu. 60 dollars for the game and some gross amount for the DLC characters. Felt dirty paying that much for them but they are my favorites.
Star Citizen $200+, $60 for base game and ship, $150 for another ship, not counting subscription cost.
Nothing too crazy I guess.
Phantasy Star IV was $100 when it came out, which was unheard of back then.
I probably spent about that much on the Japanese press release collectors edition of MGS3 Subsistence. Just to play it months ahead of the US release. Though of course I had to pony up for Swap Magic just to play it on my PS2, which upped the price.
Aside from that I guess maybe Street Fighter V? I got the game for $35 the week it came out, but I bought both season passes which I think were $20 a pop, soooo $75 in total? Could have skipped on those passes as it turned out I earned enough in game fight money to earn the characters just by playing. No biggie though, I just spent that extra FM on stages, costumes, and colors. Oh and I later picked it up on PS4 for $15. So I guess $90 in total.
3 Possible Games:
Dark Souls 2: DS2(PS3) -stolen-> DS2(PS3) -> DS2(PC) -> Season Pass -> SotFS -> I love Dark Souls 2
Borderlands 2: Bought the base game on Steam and then basically every DLC as it came out. I think I had the Season Pass but it didn't cover all of it - what a rip off. Great game tho.
Civ V: Has an obscene amount of DLC.... and I bought quite a bit of it.
Heh I don't really want to go through and figure out which was worse
$120 for SF 2 when it first came out on SNES. $120 for the new Doom Collectors edition. With Skyrim I bought a hard bound huge strategy guide so I think that might have been around $100 for both.
Uh, I think the only game I ever bought all of the DLC for, and that I got at the initial price point of $60, was Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, which wasn't all that much anyway. The most I've spent on a single new game though was whatever the Halo 3 legendary edition went for, and the most I've ever spent on a single game in general was a little over $300 for Panzer Dragoon Saga.
Probably Resident Evil Outbreak on PS2. I bought the 40GB HDD, the network adaptor, a USB keyboard, the game and the strategy guide. Total was around $250 after tax.
Inflation difference shows that at around $332 in today's money.
Oh... and RE Outbreak File 2 would have been DLC in today's world so add another $50 for that game and $20 for its strategy guide.
I've bought GTA V 3 times so probably that. I don't see how people throw money at those shitty loot boxes in Overwatch. Most of the skins are ass. Just save up the in game currency you get from the free ones and buy the skins for the heroes you actually use.
I've never spent a penny on Overwatch loot boxes. I've gotten almost everything I've wanted from playing. Of course I can't get every single skin in every event but I've gotten a lot. Right now I have 9000 gold saved. By the end of this event what ever I don't get that I want I'll buy with gold. I'm a bit pissed right now I've earned 15 crates since this event began and not one skin yet. That's the way it goes sometimes. Theres still 3 weeks left.
I've never spent a penny on Overwatch loot boxes. I've gotten almost everything I've wanted from playing. Of course I can't get every single skin in every event but I've gotten a lot. Right now I have 9000 gold saved. By the end of this event what ever I don't get that I want I'll buy with gold. I'm a bit pissed right now I've earned 15 crates since this event began and not one skin yet. That's the way it goes sometimes. Theres still 3 weeks left.
Anecdotally, feels like it's the most crushing odds for an event yet. No epic skins, all legendary, means a default 1 in 13 likelihood, and it gets worse since duplicates are at play (already received the Soldier skin on 3 separate instances). I've purchased 3x 50 packs and am still missing 4 of the skins (Bastion, Mei, Pharah, Symmetra).
I've never spent a penny on Overwatch loot boxes. I've gotten almost everything I've wanted from playing. Of course I can't get every single skin in every event but I've gotten a lot. Right now I have 9000 gold saved. By the end of this event what ever I don't get that I want I'll buy with gold. I'm a bit pissed right now I've earned 15 crates since this event began and not one skin yet. That's the way it goes sometimes. Theres still 3 weeks left.
Anecdotally, feels like it's the most crushing odds for an event yet. No epic skins, all legendary, means a default 1 in 13 likelihood, and it gets worse since duplicates are at play (already received the Soldier skin on 3 separate instances). I've purchased 3x 50 packs and am still missing 4 of the skins (Bastion, Mei, Pharah, Symmetra).
Forbes did an article, that fundamentally there aren't enough hours between the start and end of this event to realistically get all the skins.
I've never spent a penny on Overwatch loot boxes. I've gotten almost everything I've wanted from playing. Of course I can't get every single skin in every event but I've gotten a lot. Right now I have 9000 gold saved. By the end of this event what ever I don't get that I want I'll buy with gold. I'm a bit pissed right now I've earned 15 crates since this event began and not one skin yet. That's the way it goes sometimes. Theres still 3 weeks left.
Anecdotally, feels like it's the most crushing odds for an event yet. No epic skins, all legendary, means a default 1 in 13 likelihood, and it gets worse since duplicates are at play (already received the Soldier skin on 3 separate instances). I've purchased 3x 50 packs and am still missing 4 of the skins (Bastion, Mei, Pharah, Symmetra).
Forbes did an article, that fundamentally there aren't enough hours between the start and end of this event to realistically get all the skins.
I saw the headline and read a short excerpt on their math. I dunno anybody who's not a streamer (or has banked over 30k in currency) who's been able to earn all epic & legendary items in a single event without paying for lootboxes. But this is the first instance where every new skin is a legendary, making it all the more soul-crushing.
I've never spent a penny on Overwatch loot boxes. I've gotten almost everything I've wanted from playing. Of course I can't get every single skin in every event but I've gotten a lot. Right now I have 9000 gold saved. By the end of this event what ever I don't get that I want I'll buy with gold. I'm a bit pissed right now I've earned 15 crates since this event began and not one skin yet. That's the way it goes sometimes. Theres still 3 weeks left.
Anecdotally, feels like it's the most crushing odds for an event yet. No epic skins, all legendary, means a default 1 in 13 likelihood, and it gets worse since duplicates are at play (already received the Soldier skin on 3 separate instances). I've purchased 3x 50 packs and am still missing 4 of the skins (Bastion, Mei, Pharah, Symmetra).
Forbes did an article, that fundamentally there aren't enough hours between the start and end of this event to realistically get all the skins.
I saw the headline and read a short excerpt on their math. I dunno anybody who's not a streamer (or has banked over 30k in currency) who's been able to earn all epic & legendary items in a single event without paying for lootboxes. But this is the first instance where every new skin is a legendary, making it all the more soul-crushing.
Yeah I read the Forbes article also. Realistically you're not going to get every single skin from playing or even from buying crates. But by saving gold and being smart with it you can buy a lot of what you want. I have enough gold to buy 3 epic skins. I don't spend my gold on anything other then epic skins. I wait until the end of the event before I buy anything. I try to earn them first and then if I don't get them I buy them with gold. I don't care if I get duplicates because it's just more gold. During the Chinese new year event I got 4 epics skins in crates and bought 1 with gold. Blackwatch I got one skin I wanted (widow) in a drop and bought 1 (McCree) with gold. I don't need every single skin they announce. Usually there are only a couple per event I want anyways.
FFXIV, 30 months of subs at $15 each = $450. Actually $490 total becacuse ARR base game cost $40 and a friend gave me Heavensward.
It'd be a toss up between Witcher 3 (with all DLC) & either Forza Horizon 3 or Forza Motorsport 6 (with all DLC).
@commander: Do you still play World of Tanks just without buying anything? Or did you find another game completely?
I don't play it that much anymore, but I stopped spending money way before I stopped playing, I made my money with a high tier premium tank (is6) and stayed away from buying premium time.
Of course if you want to collect as many premium tanks as possible, you need to spend money, but I don't find a lot of premium tanks all that interesting, In the end the tier 9 and 10 tanks are way stronger than any premium tank. The is6 is a good moneymaker and pretty much all tier 8 premium are. So 1 is enough for me. I did some research before I bought this tank though, it fits my playstyle.
I once saw a guy murdering pretty much a whole team (about 12-13 tanks) by himself, he was on my team and everyone besides him was dead, I thought we lost the match and went for a snack, when I came back the match was still going, The other team was down to 3 tanks and I saw him killing them too, he was using a premium german tank, the tier 7 E 25 german tank, small and fast, flimsy armor but a deadly gun. Now I don't like to play with that, I sometimes manage to kill 5 to 6 tanks in my is6 but i'll never pull off something like that, I'm really not cut out that for that kind of gameplay, not anymore anyway. I must be too old I guess but the is 6 is good enough for me. It fits my playstyle, just like that E25 is a tank that fits that guy playstyle.
That's how you stop spending money, find a premium tank that fits your playstyle, and you'll make tons of silver without having premium time. Use the ops too.
I got MGSV on the PS3 and the PS4 collector's edition at the same time on launch day. Because I didn't yet have a PS4 but I couldn't NOT play the game. Also any MGS collector's edition is a must own for me since I'm a big fan of that series.
Seeing how I almost never do microtransactions ever.....
It's either Mass Effect 3 where I got all the DLCs separately, or The Witcher 3 where I bought GOTY edition for both PC and PS4. I'm pretty sure it's the former.
But I'm pretty sure I'll spend at least the matching amount by the time Gwent gets a full release.
Like a hundred and something for Batman Arkham Knight with all the DLC.
Holy cow
I'm ashamed to admit it but... Destiny
I bought it three times: The vanilla version at launch for 55,60€, then sold it for 12€. The Taken King edition for 49,99€, then sold it for like 16€ and then The Collection for 33,49€
so, in total, 55,60-12+49,99-16+33,49=111,08€
yeah... not really proud of that. I still like the game though
Couple hundred on Mabinogi on pets and other shit. I mean it's a game that has been around since 08 and actively releases new content for free, the pets and fashionogi shit is the only stuff you really get with real money and you can get the fashionigi with enough gold in game from other players.
I'm ashamed to admit it but... Destiny
I bought it three times: The vanilla version at launch for 55,60€, then sold it for 12€. The Taken King edition for 49,99€, then sold it for like 16€ and then The Collection for 33,49€
so, in total, 55,60-12+49,99-16+33,49=111,08€
yeah... not really proud of that. I still like the game though
I bought vanilla Destiny, TTK, and RoI, which collectively set me back $150 when it was all said and done. Well, at least it would have, but IIRC TTK only cost me around $40. But $130~ish.
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