i willl say this again
while the move looks interisting its worth noting 3 factors keeping me from getting one
1 whislt using the side controller you are restrcited to 2 where as the wii is not
2 game support the only known games that i see supporting this thing is gameparty 4 and socom -gameparty 4 is on the wii to , and as far as i know ps3 fans wont like it
3 the price to own one , ive said this many times its gonna cost 59,99 , or 100 for the bundle could be even more
i dont know but 59-54 is the usual price on accessories this gen so if you already got a wii
i dont see why youd buy this thing at the price its asking
with restrictions like 2 only -if side controller is used ,,
and not many or not all ps3 games supported , all wii games are motion supported /plus wii controller is a standard
this is just another additional acessory i am not goin to buy multiple ps3 controllers to play my ps3 im fine with ds3/sixaxis , as i my self have an ever growing wii library , ,of 84 games plus over 60 on dl ,
im fine with using my wii for motion gaming and i dont need move ,,
until next gen if sony plans on makign it come with ps4s w/e then thats that i am not gonna pay for somthign thats not guranteed to support all my current games or many games period
i already added it up,
it be cheaper to get a wii and all this , , then it would for new ps3 ownes because you already pay 100 more on the console it self , now lets say you get the bundlemove add another 100 lets say you want 3 mroe ,60 each ,asuming thats the price ,, add another 160 thats 300 more then the wii
when you buy a wii , its 200 when the black one comes youll get a motion plus both wii sports and nunchuck stand console and controller
youl just need 3 more motion pluses-60 in all
3 controllers-160
3 nunchuck -60
thats 660 compared to 800 + games
in the long run it is better for current ps3 owners to play what they intended to play
same for new comers,
simple fact is you dont know how this is gonna be supported ,
is it gonna fade away like playstation eye /eye toy is it gonna be like wii , , and sell 71 million plus
i doubt the later
cause its an add-on
sure i can see it being as good fucntional wise as wii motion plus/wiimote but at the end of the day wii motes are more versitile you can have a gun attachment a wheel ,, a golf set even a bowling ball -as ridiculous as that sounds ,
i dont think move will have the same thing cause that bulky ball like thing at the top .
i bought my ps3 and 360 for different gamestyles ,
so i will not change,
i support all 3 console and what they do differently is the reason why if theyd all been the same like last gen i would have harder time deciding on which because they are all thesame
why do you think gc neversold orxbox
it was because these systems for the most part had whatps2 had but ps2 had more
its kinda like whats gonna happen with move and has happen for sony with 360 aheadbecause it has more games this time
wii would have more support for the said function
thus still giving itan edge
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