@slaves: all great points brother.... and I agree in essence that Microsoft greatest hurdle to overcome isn't their hardware or even their software but their practices within the hobby....
A. If I am buying your console but your games are going to be elsewhere, I'm not buying your console.
B. If they're capable of such out of touch practices before, I'm still hesitant at trusting they've snapped out of it... (of course we all love watched sony to be completely out of touch with the ps3 and saw them pull out of it as well...)
Here's the rock and a hard place though... when ms shows kinect (literally the whit hot source of hate among gamers) for more than 30 seconds at a conference we get memes and gifs for weeks to follow, along with all the internet hate you can muster... but, when they ignore it, now we cry foul?
Excuse me for seeing the massive amount of hypocrisy in that way of thinking. Pick which side of the aisle your on gamers, because cherry picking reasons to hate is pretty lame.
Microsoft still hasn't made their console be a standout in a crowded field of next gen superiority and last gen convenience, library and pricing. This is why I wait....
I know you're a fan of all gaming and I can easily relate to someone wishing for a wiiu over an XOne IF they already own a ps4. I think about it too from time to time. I think in essence you hit it on the head though. This shouldn't be a time to keep dumping on Microsoft for past mistakes, it should be a time to root for them to continuously correct them. We offered that clout to sony... why not ms? I want 3 healthy and competing consoles in the end...
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