I would like the DualShock 4 and the DualSense better if it had less features, actually. I would take better battery life instead of features I don't like and features I don't use, such as the lightbar, touchpad, gyroscope, adaptive triggers, that little speaker, it's a lot of extra stuff. I've always been a PlayStation guy despite my decision to go Xbox this generation. I've had countless hours spent on PlayStation 1, 2, 3 and 4, much more than any Xbox, and I have never used the lightbar, touchpad, gyroscope, or any of these other little features that are useless to me personally. I would much prefer a more minimalist approach and conserve battery life. The battery in the DualSense is 50% larger than the DualShock 4, and it still only lasts about 10 hours before needing to be recharged. I think the PlayStation controllers are good, but I prefer the Xbox controllers because of their battery life, comfort, simplicity, compatibility with iPhone, Android and PC, easily replaceable li-ion batteries and the frontwards/backwards compatibility. The Xbox One and Series X controllers fit my hands perfectly.
I'm an old-school gamer, though. SNES is my favorite console. I like improvements, but I don't like additions unless they are really game changing, like stuff that will become industry standard. I'm talking about stuff like when dual analog was introduced, or when Nintendo introduced the d-pad, or when the SNES introduced shoulder buttons, that stuff is game changing stuff that became industry standard. To me, things like the lightbar, touchpad, gyroscope, they're just extra filler that people forget about and usually isn't even utilized by developers. It's not taking the industry by storm. I feel the same way about 3D TV's, VR, the Wii, Kinect, all gimmicks that don't really IMPROVE the way we play games.
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