@mems_1224: I'm a super-fast typer, I can say a few things.
Peculiar off topic picture. At this point there are hundreds of sad marketing PR blunders and lies out there to laugh at across all the major companies, but my post was concerning today's news and thread.
Yeah, I remember that old WatchDogs thread too about those dumb PR Sony hacks (probably a shitty intern unlike Greenberg who is a master). That was an old thread many of us enjoyed. Now, a longtime later we are in this thread. That older news item though doesn't change anything said though about this Greenberg Marketing lying topic in this thread. I am however flattered that my rock solid ON TOPIC post drew your attention to post off topic much older PR examples we've all discussed in the past (including that lolWatchDogs Sony PR picture which was deleted by Sony as well, unlike the actual LIES in this PR statement that Greenberg will never retract). If you want to read me talk about that stupid Sony PR, I have no problem discussing it in a relevant thread or PM (It's old, and I discussed it then but tl;dr, it's stupid marketing Sony PR shit), but I was addressing this Greenturd topic today.
It's not like I'm related to any of these marketing dicks nor is my artistic work on display. I have no skin in the game.
Maybe a few years from now someone will refer to Greenberg's lies today as you are bringing up PR blunders from yesteryear.
Also, you were wrong about Gran Turismo a few weeks back, I still remember. I don't like GT and I never did, lol. For that matter I hate racers. I'm noticing a trend where you rely on scarecrow fallacies to make your points. Both with the GT and now WatchDogs. I guess that's your main M.O. is to bring up older random guesses/games/news instead of tackling the subject matter.
Kudos though for some accuracy unlike the last time. Although previously discussed in a few threads back then, you did choose to catch up and submit an older WatchDogs PR example picture that was previously discussed and loled at ad nauseum.
I wonder if in that old WatchDogs PR blunder Sony thread if you were off topic then as well. Perhaps you were talking about an even older PR example back then which has me wonder if perhaps in a year(s) you will finally be discussing what Greenberg said today in a future PR thread a few years from now. That's the spirit! :P
Still, while discussing older news your approach is better than the last time you randomly and poorly/inaccurately guessed about Gran Turismo in a Forza which didn't pan out. I still don't like either game, but as luck would have it I have more Forza games in my collection.
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