I'm guessing getting knocked the fvck out at E3 and being a patsy of the industry is causing this uprising, not to mention all the 180s. Heil68
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Also forgot about the R&D. Didn't they say the spent over a hundred million dollars designing the Xbone contorlled? Jeebus. I'm guessing 2 billion just on R&D, several tens of billions in manufacturing - they'll make some fo that up - their subsidy of course.
I could see why investors might be upset.
Imagine if Microsft, instead of bleeding money all over the place to create Xbox would have isntead focused solely on the PC - a market that has created profit for hardware, service and software develoeprs since the 80's instead of the console market.
They could have beat Steam at it's own game, easily, since they certinaly had the funds to do so. They could have owned PC gaming, completely, even more so than Steam does now, and that would have been nothing but a pure revennue stream after year 1 or 2.
What a waste.
also MS has invested several billion to give us better games, better online play, and a better design. so sure it cost money but they have it to throw around. also they pull in over 2.75 billion a year just on XBLG (46 million subscribers at 60 a years) so why would they kill something where all the major expenses are done with and MS doesn't need to spend much more to keep it going and it pulls in almost 3 billion a year in subscriptions, not including the money it pulls in on games and accessories and such.darkangel115You talk about Microsoft "giving" because they have a shit ton of disposable income and then, in the very next sentence, you highlight the fact that they milk their Xbox subscribers. Microsoft doesn't make any specific investments in better games, design, or online. They just buy up those commodities and expect them to sell well--which they tend to (since gamers are junkies). I'm kinda curious to see how long Microsoft would stick with the Xbox before they ditch it for the lack of profit. Steve Ballmer once made the point that Windows wasn't profitable for seven years when he was last grilled on Xbox profitability. We're going on twice that amount of time now and they're still sticking with it despite no profits. I, personally, blame their business practices: they've always been more concerned with getting their ponies into the race first with some quick and profitable IPs so they could just let time and cultural absorption do the rest of the work for them. That worked fairly well in the short term last generation, but not so much in the end (see also: RROD, game droughts, timed exclusivity buyouts, etc). Personally, I'd favor Sony's business practices more. True, they lost all of their PS2 profits last generation during the slow but steady build of the PS3 user base, but they actually invested in their first party games rather than just make quick and profitable purchases. I guarantee that-that's what allowed them to catch up to the 360 sales in the long run despite the launch time and user base disparity: they emphasized quality. Thus, in the long run, while both companies lost money, Sony made the most business/economically sound investments. Charging for multiplayer is a mistake though. "Complete gaming experience sold separately" is an Xbox motto, and they shouldn't allow themselves to be absorbed into that. Aside from myself, I know about a dozen other people who've made it clear that they won't use the multiplayer if they're gonna be charged for it. And I think that characterizes a great deal of the PS3 user base.
Or you could look at it as the original Xbox set the framework for what led to years of profit. You have to spend money to make money, Microsoft spent money building the Xbox brand and name and now are enjoying the fruits of their labor.
Third time: You can always present the flip side of a financial analysis.
You are looking at it from a positive side and making it out like we are looking at it from a negative side.
I'm just looking at it from a neutral side though... Overall, it hasn't been profitable, fact.
The RROD fiasco had a pretty epic part to play in that. It cost them at least a billion to put right. Ninja-Hippo
And RROD was there because they rushed out the hardware to beat their competition to the puch and make more money that way.
Like refurbished said: you gotta make money to spend money, wait...
The Windows OS division is going to make money no matter what. Businesses, Universities, and Home (not as much) are on lock. lowkey254
Oh, my mistake. I meant their PC gaming division :P
ouch!! after a decade Xbox still hasnt' made any profit
Topic: "MS Investors want MS to sell Xbox division because It hasn't made money yet"
Actual quote (about 1 investor no less): " it is believed they might target the Xbox division and try and get rid of it altogether"
So, the author speculates that on investment group mighttarget the XBox division.
Sigh... :roll:
[QUOTE="R3FURBISHED"]The Xbox division doesn't represent a large enough percentage of Microsoft to warrant such an action.stayhigh1If they are losing billions of dollars on the xbox division its best to let it go..Fanboys dont know the value of a dollar..
Why hasn't Sony sold their Playstation divison when it's lost money for 6 of the last 7 years?
Xbox One is a bad investment for customers. Sega Saturn Part 2drakekratosI still wish my mom would have bought me a Saturn. I really missed a few quality games there.
The numbers don't lie. Overall the Gaming Division at Microsoft has been sucking the company dry. Note the bar on the far right:
And as I stated before, in this thread...to you! that numbers can always be easily twisted. I see that as five consecutive years of profit.
Looking on Xbox Oneresponce future does not look so colorful as with 360 andi bet DRM reversal was not a free move[QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"]"Analyst Rick Sherlund claims that big changes are going to take place very soon as other shareholders support the decision to get rid of Steve Ballmer in addition to the investment group ValueAct. According to the report ValueAct are seeking to replace Steve Ballmer because his strategy inspires little confidence." Well as Balmer is already resigning I think that kicks that leg out :Parredondo
The analyst made the comments before Ballmer grabbed a parachute and lept out of the MS plane. It may very well be the case that this potential uprising is what pushed him out before things got ugly and more public.
And for those blowing off a 1% stock holder, please note that his 1% is $2 billions worth in opinions, and that top MS leaders like Paul Allen only own 2% of the company. Even Ballmer himself only owns 4%!
......... BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAHAHAHAHA 2.5 billion sucking Microsoft dry? ..........oh god I think I broke my funny sense.......The numbers don't lie. Overall the Gaming Division at Microsoft has been sucking the company dry. Note the bar on the far right:
The Xbox has been the best selling console for the past ~30 months in the largest market in the world - it is very easy to spin numbers however you want.
And yet they have sell half of what the Ps2 sold in those same 8 years and a huge part of the number is RROD units.
The xbox has make money,sadly the money they make had not make up for all they loss since 2001,so they have 12 years on ther market that the loss still out do the profits,why else do you think the xbox one is a weak console that cost $500 an why do you think MS was pushing so hard for no used games as we know them and only need it,they wanted to kill pirates which were many on 360,maximaize profits by requiring live for eveything again,and by controlling the used sales market.
The Xbox has been the best selling console for the past ~30 months in the largest market in the world - it is very easy to spin numbers however you want.
And yet they have sell half of what the Ps2 sold in those same 8 years and a huge part of the number is RROD units.
The xbox has make money,sadly the money they make had not make up for all they loss since 2001,so they have 12 years on ther market that the loss still out do the profits,why else do you think the xbox one is a weak console that cost $500 an why do you think MS was pushing so hard for no used games as we know them and only need it,they wanted to kill pirates which were many on 360,maximaize profits by requiring live for eveything again,and by controlling the used sales market.
link to huge part of 360 purchases were repurchases because rrod?[QUOTE="XBOunity"]
Try harder damien you are truly a pathetic fanboy
pot calling the kettle black
thats what SW is you are included.[QUOTE="Sweenix"][QUOTE="XBOunity"]
Try harder damien you are truly a pathetic fanboy
pot calling the kettle black
thats what SW is you are included.
Dude, you gotta admit he is a bit exteme with the fanboysim. He makes Major Nelson look like a cow. lol
thats what SW is you are included.[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"][QUOTE="Sweenix"]
pot calling the kettle black
Not everyone here is a fanboy
You are a fanboy for saying that. [spoiler] Isnt it crazy how easily that word is thrown around just for disagreeing with someone's opinion :P [/spoiler]the investors are dumb, I'm not a fan of the X1 but it does have a chance to actually have a place in the entertainment scene because its the first console to offer its own HBO like service. It can actually grab a part of the market that is not just gaming , basicly what I'm trying to say is that this is the first console microsoft actually made that might actually make them money, they should give it a chance.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"] thats what SW is you are included.navyguy21
Not everyone here is a fanboy
You are a fanboy for saying that. [spoiler] Isnt it crazy how easily that word is thrown around just for disagreeing with someone's opinion :P [/spoiler]That's why i have been spending less time here lately :P cant even have an argument without being called a fanboy lol
And as I stated before, in this thread...to you! that numbers can always be easily twisted. I see that as five consecutive years of profit.
You can't ignore the bar on the right that says "total" though. Even with those years of profit their Xbox division isn't profitable.
Or you could look at it as the original Xbox set the framework for what led to years of profit. You have to spend money to make money, Microsoft spent money building the Xbox brand and name and now are enjoying the fruits of their labor.
Third time: You can always present the flip side of a financial analysis.
well arent they going to end up losing money with the x1 again for awhile? another 2 or 3 years of losses? you are spinning it but its just a spin...[QUOTE="arredondo"]
The numbers don't lie. Overall the Gaming Division at Microsoft has been sucking the company dry. Note the bar on the far right:
so? it's improving.. i believe eventually they'll make a good profit from it.
Improving? How is it improving when Microsoft's Gaming Division dropped 75% in profitability when you compare the most recent year to the one before it?
So one of us, as I own MSFT on the Nasdaq, so I am an investor as well. With the float of shares MS has the fact that its ONE INVESTOR, makes this thread about kaka. What's the difference between a ninja and a crazy person? Ninjas throw smoke bombs and shuriken, crazy people throw hand fills of poop.thread title says "investors" while article says "investor".
The numbers don't lie. Overall the Gaming Division at Microsoft has been sucking the company dry. Note the bar on the far right:
so? it's improving.. i believe eventually they'll make a good profit from it.
Improving? How is it improving when Microsoft's Gaming Division dropped 75% in profitability when you compare the most recent year to the one before it?
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