MLB 10 is exclusive. PC releases do NOT benefit MS.
MLB 10:
PS3 - http://au.gamespot.com/ps3/sports/mlb10/index.html
PS2 - http://au.gamespot.com/ps2/sports/mlb10/index.html
PSP - http://au.gamespot.com/psp/sports/mlb10/index.html
And PC releases don't benefit the company whose OS is on a majority of gamers PCs?
Regardless, you still haven't responded to my earlier post comparing the PS3 & 360 lineups, or are you just looking for a reaction? In response to your original post, if anybody needs to step of their game this year, it is Sony.
MLB 10 has been argued over. It's exclusive. End of discusssion.
Company exclusives don't exist.
As far as the last part of your post is concerned: are you serious?
I wasn't apart of that discussion. :P
I do agree that it is exclusive, but I also believe Mass Effect 2 is. That is another argument entirely. The point is, when comparing the 360 & PS3, Mass Effect 2 is on the 360. As for the last part of my post, you'll need to be more specific. Sony needing to step up their game? I believe their doing fine, but in comparison to the other consoles this year & with you thinking Microsoft needs to, Sony should be more inclined to do so.
Or the reaction part? As for that, I'm not sure. You don't seem to respond to anything I've said except in regards to the exclusivity of Mass Effect 2 & MLB 10, & if you didn't think you would get a reaction from a thread like this on System Wars I don't know what you were thinking.
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