In the way of exclusives, they are offering 360 owners three games.
Crackdown 2
Fable 3
Halo Reach
Couple that with Alan Wake and what we have here, gentlemen, is a year below lackluster.
It might have been acceptable if the four games were AAA (ala, PS3 2009) but that is simply not going to be the case. Crackdown 2 isn't going to be AAA. It might not even be AA. Sure you could point to Killzone 2, but then I'd point to Lost Planet 2. In the end, we'll see, but I'm not seeing more than a 8.0.
Fable is AA franchise. It's able to produce solid titles but, it's not going to be anything special. Halo Reach is the only guranteed AAA 360 exclusive. That, my friends, is not a good thing.
The 360 needs to step up its game, D. Fo sho, dawg.
For a pre-E3 confirmed lineup, seems a million times better than anything the competition has
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