basically Microsoft say there 360 is better then ps3 because of XBL, gamerscore, and rumble.
I guess they dont see systematic Hardware Failure's and pay to play online a bad thing?
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basically Microsoft say there 360 is better then ps3 because of XBL, gamerscore, and rumble.
I guess they dont see systematic Hardware Failure's and pay to play online a bad thing?
PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important
basically Microsoft say there 360 is better then ps3 because of XBL, gamerscore, and rumble.
I guess they dont see systematic Hardware Failure's and pay to play online a bad thing?
PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important
But Home is going to implement something similar to gamerscore so that is a null and void point for M$ also.
PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important
basically Microsoft say there 360 is better then ps3 because of XBL, gamerscore, and rumble.
I guess they dont see systematic Hardware Failure's and pay to play online a bad thing?
PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important
ok, so we don't have gamer score wtf does gamerscore matter....we'll get home, xbox won't, gamerscore won't matter anymore because home is better than live
PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important
If you look at a gamerscore, it just says to me, my number is bigger than your number so i must be better
basically Microsoft say there 360 is better then ps3 because of XBL, gamerscore, and rumble.
I guess they dont see systematic Hardware Failure's and pay to play online a bad thing?
PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important
Tell that to a gamerscore whore lol, some of my buddies play games just to get their gamescore up so I think it has some importance to the hardcore crowd. I don't particularly care about it as mine is only around 3000 while theirs is in the 15-30 thousand range. I think Microsoft isjust trying to do some damage control as the Gamepro article brought up some vaild points. Devil May Cry 4 and Burnout Paradise were declared in many other reviews to have a slight visual edge on the PS3. Call of Duty 4 I can see why it would be better on PS3 because the servers are in fact more stable. Microsoft should have just said "Well if you want to play Lost Planet and The Orange Box definitely don't play them on a PS3" I would have understood that more lol.
basically Microsoft say there 360 is better then ps3 because of XBL, gamerscore, and rumble.
I guess they dont see systematic Hardware Failure's and pay to play online a bad thing?
PS3 has rumble.
PS3 has free (and in my experience) mostly laggless online, don't see what all the fuss is about when it comes to XBL anyway.
PS3 is getting home soon which will resemble gamerscores and achivements, and personally i couldn't care less about gamerscores or achivements wheather its on xbox or ps3, ohh look at me i have a big number next to my name that means i'm teh 1337 pwnzorzz with fake achivements to show off, please :roll:
Achievements mean nothing to me because there will always be someone out there that has more points or achievements than you. I play a game to enjoy a game not play it just to get some stupid point or score.
Rumble does not make my gaming experience so much better that I absolutely have to have it. I have played games way before rumble even came as standard in controllers and I didnt need it then and I dont need it now.
Their response sounded like something you would expect from a SW poster. "Bu buh teh sales, achievements and rumble!" :cry: Their only real argument seems to be that Live makes games better. Is it really that hard to imagine that a free service with dedicated servers could be better in some games than p2p Live.EntwineXIndeed.
They shouldn't have even responded anyway....the difference still isn't worth another 400 dollars plus the price of games for the PS3....
Their response sounded like something you would expect from a SW poster. "Bu buh teh sales, achievements and rumble!" :cry: Their only real argument seems to be that Live makes games better. Is it really that hard to imagine that a free service with dedicated servers could be better in some games than p2p Live.EntwineX
Yeh, I agree. Not to mention Live requires you to pay subscription and pay again for marketplace items which should be free anyway:
This is the kind of bullish behaviour that cements why MS has a reputation as a money hungry souless corporation
[QUOTE="EntwineX"]Their response sounded like something you would expect from a SW poster. "Bu buh teh sales, achievements and rumble!" :cry: Their only real argument seems to be that Live makes games better. Is it really that hard to imagine that a free service with dedicated servers could be better in some games than p2p Live.donwoogie
Yeh, I agree. Not to mention Live requires you to pay subscription and pay again for marketplace items which should be free anyway:
This is the kind of bullish behaviour that cements why MS has a reputation as a money hungry souless corporation
wow...because microsoft is the only company out to make money right?
[QUOTE="donwoogie"][QUOTE="EntwineX"]Their response sounded like something you would expect from a SW poster. "Bu buh teh sales, achievements and rumble!" :cry: Their only real argument seems to be that Live makes games better. Is it really that hard to imagine that a free service with dedicated servers could be better in some games than p2p Live.UnknownSniper65
Yeh, I agree. Not to mention Live requires you to pay subscription and pay again for marketplace items which should be free anyway:
This is the kind of bullish behaviour that cements why MS has a reputation as a money hungry souless corporation
wow...because microsoft is the only company out to make money right?
No, but it is one of the few souless ones out there..............
And if those stuff can be put on PSN for free then why does MS think it should charge?
basically Microsoft say there 360 is better then ps3 because of XBL, gamerscore, and rumble.
I guess they dont see systematic Hardware Failure's and pay to play online a bad thing?
PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important
ok, so we don't have gamer score wtf does gamerscore matter....we'll get home, xbox won't, gamerscore won't matter anymore because home is better than live
and you have an advanced copy of home? how did you obtain that?
I like how some cows use future potential to compare with what's out now. In many cases you'll see sayings like "oh we got Home and trophies and in game xmb and accompliments" sometime in the future. :lol: Do you really think once Home is out with these trophies, it's gonna somehow be better than XBL overnight? When Home comes out, it will still be in the beta stage, meaning it's still a rookie while the XBL is an all start mvp. It's just pretty funny when cows use the future vs the present. Play B3yond!
basically Microsoft say there 360 is better then ps3 because of XBL, gamerscore, and rumble.
I guess they dont see systematic Hardware Failure's and pay to play online a bad thing?
PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important
But Home is going to implement something similar to gamerscore so that is a null and void point for M$ also.
But will it implement trophies for all games after Home comes out? I somewhat worried about this.
Thats an interesting article. They hate the 360 controllers. All else being equal, the feel that worse controls, less stats and a need for patches on the PS3 make make Call of Duty 4 better on the PS3. They say everything is equal for Devil May Cry 4 except for a "horrendus installation" on the PS3, but they hate the 360 controller so they give it to the PS3.
Clearly these guys just don't like the 360 regardless of everything being equal they give everything to the PS3. Whatever, 360 controller is nowhere near as bad as they make it out to be. You'd think it was an NES or something from how they describe it. If you like the 360 controller and you read these reviews, basically every game is better on 360. LOL, that was their main fault for almost everything that they awarded the PS3 too.
For what I've seen from Home beta traillers, you'll be able to capture movies from gameplay and have them running like paintings in the walls of your home, That's much more cool than gamescores, achievements and trophies in my opinion.
lol wait.. where did u see that!?
I just think that MS responding is a over reaction.... its just some sites opinion.
if MS does this to every big site that bashes the 360 its only a matter of time before MS start punishing sites for doing so.
What are they god now?
You honestly think MS will kill a site just becasue of some bad press? im sorry but theres no way they have that kind of power.
So i guess that makes home pointless and retarded?Achievments are pointless and stupid unless they unlock stuff, like in CoD4, Resistance, Uncharted, and Ratchet and Clank. Wait, all those are on PS3, aren't they?
Gamerscore is like post count, even r'tards can hit a submit button...
[QUOTE="lordxymor"]For what I've seen from Home beta traillers, you'll be able to capture movies from gameplay and have them running like paintings in the walls of your home, That's much more cool than gamescores, achievements and trophies in my opinion.
lol wait.. where did u see that!?
Forget bragging that you got an achievement, how about sticking an awesome vid of you unlocking said achievment on your wall! :D
[QUOTE="niall077"]I just think that MS responding is a over reaction.... its just some sites opinion.
if MS does this to every big site that bashes the 360 its only a matter of time before MS start punishing sites for doing so.
What are they god now?
You honestly think MS will kill a site just becasue of some bad press? im sorry but theres no way they have that kind of power.
if a little company like edois can ruin a site over some bad press just think what MS can doI just think that MS responding is a over reaction.... its just some sites opinion.
if MS does this to every big site that bashes the 360 its only a matter of time before MS start punishing sites for doing so.
Exactly. I find it funny that many people freaked out about the KZ2 dev responding to a fanboy but MS responding to this is just as bad.
Makes them look guilty.
man, that was petty. why would they even bother? I thought they were comfortable and secure in their superior position?Mordred19
A sense of losing? You tend to bite at things that are tasteless.
Microsoft doesn't know their competition well if they do not know the Sony PS3 has online capabilities, and Dualshock (rumble) controllers. Gamerscore is nothing to brag about. It's not like anyone cares about how high it is when they see yours.
He didn't say that Sony lacks rumble; he said they dont have it as standard.
basically Microsoft say there 360 is better then ps3 because of XBL, gamerscore, and rumble.
I guess they dont see systematic Hardware Failure's and pay to play online a bad thing?
PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important
ok, so we don't have gamer score wtf does gamerscore matter....we'll get home, xbox won't, gamerscore won't matter anymore because home is better than live
Whats so great about home?
[QUOTE="Logan832"]Microsoft doesn't know their competition well if they do not know the Sony PS3 has online capabilities, and Dualshock (rumble) controllers. Gamerscore is nothing to brag about. It's not like anyone cares about how high it is when they see yours.
He didn't say that Sony lacks rumble; he said they dont have it as standard.
Wow, it's really hard to believe that cows have the nerve to even MENTION rumble. especially sinceA. It isn't out yet in all territories and it's something the 360's controller has had from day one.
B. You have to buy a new controller to use it.
They should be embarrased.
basically Microsoft say there 360 is better then ps3 because of XBL, gamerscore, and rumble.
I guess they dont see systematic Hardware Failure's and pay to play online a bad thing?
PS3 has rumble, online games, just no gamerscore and I don't think that gamerscores arent that important
But Home is going to implement something similar to gamerscore so that is a null and void point for M$ also.
Are you going to replay all the games that have been out to date to get the achievements and score? On the 360 it is a tally of all the things you have done from day one, not some bolt on to try to compete with a rival system.
Sony themselves said that rumble was last gen and have now back peddled. Just goes to show how much they really know about gamers :lol:
When it comes to online games I have to agree, I would buy 360 everytime simply for the live functionality.
Gamerscore, achievements and rumble I place much less value on. In fact for single player games I would probably lean towards PC and take adavantage of the mod scene.
[QUOTE="EntwineX"]Their response sounded like something you would expect from a SW poster. "Bu buh teh sales, achievements and rumble!" :cry: Their only real argument seems to be that Live makes games better. Is it really that hard to imagine that a free service with dedicated servers could be better in some games than p2p Live.donwoogie
Yeh, I agree. Not to mention Live requires you to pay subscription and pay again for marketplace items which should be free anyway:
This is the kind of bullish behaviour that cements why MS has a reputation as a money hungry souless corporation
Yeah Sony doesn't want your cash. :roll:
[QUOTE="donwoogie"][QUOTE="EntwineX"]Their response sounded like something you would expect from a SW poster. "Bu buh teh sales, achievements and rumble!" :cry: Their only real argument seems to be that Live makes games better. Is it really that hard to imagine that a free service with dedicated servers could be better in some games than p2p Live.dhjohns
Yeh, I agree. Not to mention Live requires you to pay subscription and pay again for marketplace items which should be free anyway:
This is the kind of bullish behaviour that cements why MS has a reputation as a money hungry souless corporation
Yeah Sony doesn't want your cash. :roll:
free to pay online, HOME is free, demos are avalable to everyone on psn the day they are released.sure they want money but they are not milking people left right and center. ;)
[QUOTE="dhjohns"][QUOTE="donwoogie"][QUOTE="EntwineX"]Their response sounded like something you would expect from a SW poster. "Bu buh teh sales, achievements and rumble!" :cry: Their only real argument seems to be that Live makes games better. Is it really that hard to imagine that a free service with dedicated servers could be better in some games than p2p Live.niall077
Yeh, I agree. Not to mention Live requires you to pay subscription and pay again for marketplace items which should be free anyway:
This is the kind of bullish behaviour that cements why MS has a reputation as a money hungry souless corporation
Yeah Sony doesn't want your cash. :roll:
free to pay online, HOME is free, demos are avalable to everyone on psn the day they are released.sure they want money but they are not milking people left right and center. ;)
Home- not out yet. So you can't speak about it. PSN should be free in comparison to XBL. No one would pay for it in its current state. Demos are on XBL as well, so I am not sure of your point there. I am not defending MS, but rabid cows seem to think MS is evil and Sony is altruistic. :lol: That last part is just too funny.
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