Just repackage the 360 with a little more ram and have kinect built in and call it a new system. They would sell millions! :lol:
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Just repackage the 360 with a little more ram and have kinect built in and call it a new system. They would sell millions! :lol:
They probably will go that route, which basically means I won't be buying the 720darkspineslayerWhat makes you say that? MS has always pushed hardware, and I would be drop dead shocked if they just tweaked a 6 year old system (8 by the time the 720 is out) and called it a day.
the Xbox360 is doing that right now. (-the extra ram)Just repackage the 360 with a little more ram and have kinect built in and call it a new system. They would sell millions! :lol:
[QUOTE="darkspineslayer"]They probably will go that route, which basically means I won't be buying the 720SpruceCabooseWhat makes you say that? MS has always pushed hardware, and I would be drop dead shocked if they just tweaked a 6 year old system (8 by the time the 720 is out) and called it a day. Honestly i havn't been all that impressed by the support on the 360 the last few years. Even if it turns out like we expected years ago I'll be waiting for the games
[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"][QUOTE="darkspineslayer"]They probably will go that route, which basically means I won't be buying the 720darkspineslayerWhat makes you say that? MS has always pushed hardware, and I would be drop dead shocked if they just tweaked a 6 year old system (8 by the time the 720 is out) and called it a day. Honestly i havn't been all that impressed by the support on the 360 the last few years. Even if it turns out like we expected years ago I'll be waiting for the gamesSupport meaning games? MS has never pushed exclusives as hard as Sony or Nintendo, and there are tons of games (then again, I have all the systems and so little time to game it seems like I will only play about 20% of the ones I want to).
Just repackage the 360 with a little more ram and have kinect built in and call it a new system. They would sell millions! :lol:
Some rumors already suggest that, as Kinect 2.0 being the main function.
If so, enjoy that release, since it seems you pine for that direction.
Just repackage the 360 with a little more ram and have kinect built in and call it a new system. They would sell millions! :lol:
They will probably do just that. Damn you Microsoft!
Just repackage the 360 with a little more ram and have kinect built in and call it a new system. They would sell millions! :lol:
Some rumors already suggest that, as Kinect 2.0 being the main function.
If so, enjoy that release, since it seems you pine for that direction.
Having just bought a Kinect, it seems like it can have some impressive applications. Not fully replacing a controller, nor would I want it to, but quite a few neat implementations given the right creativity. But based on what Kinect games work and which don't, MS would really do well to bring on more in house developers if it wants to go that route.I hope that means a system with unique games and not just a bunch of bland, boring shooters with stereotypical heroes void of intellect and personality.LovePotionNo9Shooters sell, so don't expect that to change until the market does.
"Lemmings" don't like games anymore,so I can see this actually working.sakura_ExLol...what? I need some Jackie Chan face here.
Just repackage the 360 with a little more ram and have kinect built in and call it a new system. They would sell millions! :lol:
Some rumors already suggest that, as Kinect 2.0 being the main function.
If so, enjoy that release, since it seems you pine for that direction.
Having just bought a Kinect, it seems like it can have some impressive applications. Not fully replacing a controller, nor would I want it to, but quite a few neat implementations given the right creativity. But based on what Kinect games work and which don't, MS would really do well to bring on more in house developers if it wants to go that route.Well, launching with the Kinect 2.0 product from day one (id est, 720 Durango launch) would ensure more 3rd party developers utilizing the peripheral...but as far as more 1st party talent.
That is always something I would love and spoke about in great detail over the years. That means more games for gamers. I hate seeing money thrown at timed exclusives knowing it could go towards game development for new games....as timed exclusives don't benefit me directly considering I buy all the console machines at launch. Of course, there will be platform agnostic publishers that will always stray from proprietary technology, or bare bones implement something as a gimmick as they are more concerned with getting say, COD on every machine.
While I'm not a fan of replacing my fingers with my entire body, it's not a direction I pine for, but to each their own, as I know others seem to just love the idea.
Not replace. Augment. Some games will always be better with a controller. Anyone saying otherwise is foolish. But many genres can and should lend themselves to what the Kinect can do (and presumably a Kinect 2.0 could do better). Things like voice commands could be implemented and improve many games, especially tactical shooters. Imagine a true tactical shooter that allowed you to command a squad with military hand signals and voice commands. Done right, it would be amazing. And one game I am dying to play is Tiger Woods 13 with Kinect. Or a fighting game like Fighters Uncaged that actually has 1:1 moves instead of the crap it uses now. An RPG where you interact with NPCs through actually talking and moving. And I am not the creative one! Not all games need or should have stuff like I am talking about, but games and developers who spend the time to implement it creatively and well could make gaming something amazing, taking the most interactive entertainment form available to an even more interactive realm.While I'm not a fan of replacing my fingers with my entire body, it's not a direction I pine for, but to each their own, as I know others seem to just love the idea.
I wouldn't mind if all three console makers went that route for next gen.
The further they are from the PC power-wise the less they try to immitate.
When 90% of games on a console tend to be similar experiences to what my PC offers, but worse, then it leaves me very little reason to own them.
Things like voice commands could be implemented and improve many games, especially tactical shooters. Imagine a true tactical shooter that allowed you to command a squad with military hand signals and voice commands. Done right, it would be amazing. And one game I am dying to play is Tiger Woods 13 with Kinect. Or a fighting game like Fighters Uncaged that actually has 1:1 moves instead of the crap it uses now. An RPG where you interact with NPCs through actually talking and moving. And I am not the creative one![QUOTE="SolidTy"]
Well, launching with the Kinect 2.0 product from day one (id est, 720 Durango launch) would ensure more 3rd party developers utilizing the peripheral...but as far as more 1st party talent.
That is always something I would love and spoke about in great detail over the years. That means more games for gamers. I hate seeing money thrown at timed exclusives knowing it could go towards game development for new games....as timed exclusives don't benefit me directly considering I buy all the console machines at launch. Of course, there will be platform agnostic publishers that will always stray from proprietary technology, or bare bones implement something as a gimmick as they are more concerned with getting say, COD on every machine.
While I'm not a fan of replacing my fingers with my entire body, it's not a direction I pine for, but to each their own, as I know others seem to just love the idea.
None of that appeals to me (I say this from years and years of experience on the consoles, using the Kinect, Wii, Wii M+, Move, Eyetoy, etc), but as I said, I know others seem to crave it and to each their own. I have thought a lot about the subject since the early days, and again, to each their own. I also played a lot of games with Voice Commands last gen and this gen, and again, I don't look forward to that, but I know others do, and I say have at it! :P
Regarding your Tiger Woods statement, I heard and read that Tiger Woods for PS Move was outstanding, so perhaps you should look into that. I also read great things about Tiger Woods Motion Plus. I'm not sure Kinect will deliver on what you want from the Tiger Woods, but there are two products out now you may want to pick up.
Regarding your Tiger Woods statement, I heard and read that Tiger Woods for PS Move was outstanding, so perhaps you should look into that. I also read great things about Tiger Woods Motion Plus. I'm not sure Kinect will deliver on what you want from the Tiger Woods, but there are two products out now you may want to pick up.I am not buying Move any time soon. Kinect was expensive enough and enough to get the wife her dancing games, and I can just hold a stick in my hand and stand in front of the Kinect to (supposedly) get the same effect. Then again, that assumes EA doesn't implement things poorly, which is admittedly hoping a lot.SolidTy
Just repackage the 360 with a little more ram and have kinect built in and call it a new system. They would sell millions! :lol:
The sell more than PS3 and Wii combined right now, so they already have such a system, they dont need to go the Wii way at all
I wouldn't mind if all three console makers went that route for next gen.
The further they are from the PC power-wise the less they try to immitate.
When 90% of games on a console tend to be similar experiences to what my PC offers, but worse, then it leaves me very little reason to own them.
Beside the fact 360 also cost far less than a PC, have far better exlusives (Dark Souls, Fable, Gears, Halo) and play all PC major games looking amazing (Witcher 2 etc)
Plus have vastly better pad controls for all games and amazing ease of use so you dont spend your time in frustration
xbox 360 completly replaces a gamng PC and then it has 10x more amazing games on top, like Witcher 2 real version, Gears, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Dark Souls etc
To run Unreal Engine 4 or even Samaritan version of UE3, Xbox 3 needs to be 10+ times more powerful than 360/PS3, and i believe it will. Now, i just hope MS keeps supporting the standard controller.
Samaritan was running unoptimized and in 2500x1600 / 60fps resolution and fps, i am sure 720 will be more than 10x stronger, but it does not have to be that strong to run Samaritan in 1080p/30fps or even more in 720p/30fps
With optimization Samaritan graphics will be the launch graphics, i think 720 will go far ahead of that, just in 720p/30fps
Samaritan is only a tiny taste of what optimized xbox 720 games will look like 3-4 years down the line after its launch
[QUOTE="sakura_Ex"]"Lemmings" don't like games anymore,so I can see this actually working.SpruceCabooseLol...what? I need some Jackie Chan face here.
will this do you? :P
On topic, if MS did go the way of the Wii next gen, count me out. And especially count me out if they prioritise Kinnect over a standard controller.
Microsoft can't beat Nintendo or Sony at the sales game. Maybe the argument sounds familiar, but outside of the Anglophone countries, not many people want a Microsoft console. They couldn't pull a Nintendo if they wanted to.Eponique
Even though Sony games doesn't exactly match up to Nintendo's in sales, at least they have real games.
[QUOTE="Eponique"]Microsoft can't beat Nintendo or Sony at the sales game. Maybe the argument sounds familiar, but outside of the Anglophone countries, not many people want a Microsoft console. They couldn't pull a Nintendo if they wanted to.garland51
Even though Sony games doesn't exactly match up to Nintendo's in sales, at least they have real games.
So I'm not playing real games? Well what am I having so much fun playing?It would certainly be a hot day here in SW, but at this point it's all just stupid rumors. We don't know anything really, all I can say for sure is that the 720 will have Blu Ray (and the Lems will eat their words for downplaying it this gen) and I expect it to have Kinect 2.0 built in or something.
I also think that the reason why there arn't many exclusives for the 360 anymore is because MS is developing them for the 720, it only makes sense to me.
The fact is the 360 is a dead system now, MS is retiring it and focusing on making the 720 have a strong launch lineup. I expect Halo 4 to be the last Xbox exclusive this gen, and MS to show off 720 this E3.
This is all just speculation on my part, but I honestly think this is going to happen based off of my observing of the industry.Lems will have no choice though, MS doesn't support thier platfrom once the new one comes out, so they will either have to buy the next Xbox or buy a PS3.
I'm not going to buy the next Xbox system though, I was dissapointed with my 360 and I don't like how MS treats it's consumers, I also like PS3 exclusives better.
Beside the fact 360 also cost far less than a PC, have far better exlusives (Dark Souls, Fable, Gears, Halo) and play all PC major games looking amazing (Witcher 2 etc)
Plus have vastly better pad controls for all games and amazing ease of use so you dont spend your time in frustration
xbox 360 completly replaces a gamng PC and then it has 10x more amazing games on top, like Witcher 2 real version, Gears, Lost Odyssey, Fable 2, Dark Souls etc
d[QUOTE="SpruceCaboose"][QUOTE="SolidTy"]Regarding your Tiger Woods statement, I heard and read that Tiger Woods for PS Move was outstanding, so perhaps you should look into that. I also read great things about Tiger Woods Motion Plus. I'm not sure Kinect will deliver on what you want from the Tiger Woods, but there are two products out now you may want to pick up.
I am not buying Move any time soon. Kinect was expensive enough and enough to get the wife her dancing games, and I can just hold a stick in my hand and stand in front of the Kinect to (supposedly) get the same effect. Then again, that assumes EA doesn't implement things poorly, which is admittedly hoping a lot. why not? move > kinect.[QUOTE="Eponique"]Microsoft can't beat Nintendo or Sony at the sales game. Maybe the argument sounds familiar, but outside of the Anglophone countries, not many people want a Microsoft console. They couldn't pull a Nintendo if they wanted to.garland51
Even though Sony games doesn't exactly match up to Nintendo's in sales, at least they have real games.
What does that have to do with what I said? Is this cow permanent damage-control mode? :shock:Loosingends seems to always try to hide a multiplat game in his list of xbox exclusives lol.
Gears, Halo, Arkham City, Fable, Forza!
Loosingends seems to always try to hide a multiplat game in his list of xbox exclusives lol.
Gears, Halo, Arkham City, Fable, Forza!
he also stated dark souls as exclusive. maybe he thinks since microsoft lies about games being exclusive, its ok for him to do it too[QUOTE="crimsonman1245"]he also stated dark souls as exclusive. maybe he thinks since microsoft lies about games being exclusive, its ok for him to do it tooLoosingends seems to always try to hide a multiplat game in his list of xbox exclusives lol.
Gears, Halo, Arkham City, Fable, Forza!
Thats what i was talking about lol.
He gets a little bit to fired up sometimes.
[QUOTE="garland51"][QUOTE="Eponique"]Microsoft can't beat Nintendo or Sony at the sales game. Maybe the argument sounds familiar, but outside of the Anglophone countries, not many people want a Microsoft console. They couldn't pull a Nintendo if they wanted to.Eponique
Even though Sony games doesn't exactly match up to Nintendo's in sales, at least they have real games.
What does that have to do with what I said? Is this cow permanent damage-control mode? :shock:garland's far from a cow, I've known him for years and I have had a few debates with him...his favorite games were Halo and he buys and plays XBLA games and supports 360. I can't answer what the convo was, only the allegation is off. I think he's just disappointed with the Xbox direction of late, which sometimes in SW is mistaken for cow. I know he calls the PS3 exclusives rubbish in the past (save for maybe LBP), and I don't think he's had a change of heart on his platform of choice. I think he was a PS2 fan that bought a 360 if I recall, but he's been a 360 guy in SW for quite a long time now. I get the impression though that while he likes and owns a 360, he doesn't like Kinect or that direction the company is moving.
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