What reasoning did people give for it not being a good idea?
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What reasoning did people give for it not being a good idea?
Probably the fact that fighting games don't work on PC.
Unless both PCs are synced up completely in terms of framerate, it's likely you'll see tons of lag online.
xbox one needs killer instinct
lots of people still talk about Killer instinct on game sites lkie IGN and stuff
i know its not big on gamespot im not if they even have an xbox one in the office or the players here know what killer instinct is
but places like ign killer instinct articles get like 3k comments and people still talk about it
if its on PC xbox one is gonna lose that community and ps4 will be able to get in on the action with a pc and so will pc gamers who didnt buy an xbox it fills 2 gamers niches without using an xb1 at all an hurts people who bought one for that title and didn't think it was coming over and makes them look bad
The thing is, DR3 and Ryse, and TF, are not owned by MS. It's why i expect SO and DD, from the ps4, on PC at some point.
But KI? They own the rights to that game. It's not unheard off. After all, they own Ori aswell and that's coming to PC. But Ki does end up on PC, i'll be shocked.
Only in SW is the PC a competitor of a console. Neither MS, Sony, nor Nintendo list "personal computer" as a competitor of their devices (10-K reports).
Yet neither of them put their major series IPs on PC.
Just telling it like it is - go read one of their 10-Ks (there is a section about competition), and show me where any of them list "PC".
@StormyJoe: And like i told you, they still don't put their games on PC to branch out to a new audiance and make money.
If the PC platform isn't one they consider a competitor that would steal away sales form their console product, why not simply put it there.
Hell, they could make their own digital store front like EA for higher profit margins. Yet they don't
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