[QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]They don't need exclusives, seriously. They're great for petty comparisons on the internet, but in the real world when your 'box has every third party developer you could ever ask for behind it Microsoft simply have no need to be investing in making their own games. -Snooze-
In reality a console needs third party support to succeed, but it needs exclusives to differentiate itself from other consoles and show what the system can do.
Sony has all the third party support as well as an impressive list of exclusives.
Nintendo has a lot of great exclusives, I'm not sure how the third party support is on the Wii in terms of quality.
If the best games on PS3 are exclusives, the 360 has the same multiplats as the ps3, and the best games on 360 are the multiplats, then the ps3 has better games than the 360.
That's assuming the 360's best games are infact shared with the PS3 ... Which imo they're not.
Mass effect, Gears, Forza aren't on the PS3 and in my opinion are the three best series on the Xbox, 2 of which are multiplat.
The PS3's best games, KZ2, Demons Souls, inFamous, GT are all exclusive though.
That's true. I mean your point, not the best games argument, as I haven't played them so I have no opinion on them in relation to the rest of the 360s library.
I was more or less verbalizing an observation where ps3 owners typically cite exclusives as the best games this gen, while 360 owners often say the MPs are better this gen.
For me, ME2 and other 360/PC multiplats that aren't on the ps3 don't make me want to buy a 360, but rather a better PC. Not just for those games of course, but rather because my laptop sucks.
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