@the_funyarinpa: I really don't care about Xbox until next year when sea of thieves, Scalebound, quantum break and Recore come out
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Well before people start saying anything Xbox One was up (and has continued to be up) YOY, but for the last quarter it was a decent place ahead.
This will be even more so since last year they had nothing to go on, but soon within a couple weeks Xbox one will be gaing even more momentum earlier this year as it has games coming in starting august.
Wow, a lem who admits the first eight months of the year have been awful. There's a first.
Well before people start saying anything Xbox One was up (and has continued to be up) YOY, but for the last quarter it was a decent place ahead.
This will be even more so since last year they had nothing to go on, but soon within a couple weeks Xbox one will be gaing even more momentum earlier this year as it has games coming in starting august.
Wow, a lem who admits the first eight months of the year have been awful. There's a first.
I'm sorry I can't tell with all the mooing but are you talking about last year or this year? Because if last year They had games in march, and techncially did this year as well, but if you eamnt THIS year uhm, July is the 7th month of the year not the 8th.
The ppoint is being able to play your 360 games, or better yet, get 360 games for free with purchase of an xbox one or an xbox one game like FO4 and getting FO3.
I understand that but my point was the fact that MS is making like this is the next big thing, this is nice, I'll give them that but this feature isn't coming till Autumn and MS is advertising it as ever. The purpose of buying new consoles is to play new games, not get stuck in the past, embrace the future.
I honestly think Microsoft could care less about Sony. Why? There's a secret battle taking place between Valve and Microsoft.
It's pretty apparent Microsoft is moving closer to PC for a reason-- it doesn't necessarily mean they will kill the Xbox, the brand will become a PC gaming brand in the near future.
I actually agree with this. The things MS been doing with getting back into PC gaming is some suspect type of stuff(not in a bad way). I think MS and Valve are having some cold war type sh*t going on...
The article lists a bunch of non exclusive games as exclusives with a few actual exclusives thrown in there.
The X1 may be gaining momentum in comparison to last year, but not so much against the PS4.
The X1 is a decent console, but it isn't an exclusives game haven, or the best place to play multiplats, PC owns both of those. (with a few exceptions which is far from the norm and PS4 also beats out the X1 in the multiplat race)
MS seems so desperate with these statements. It's like they are trying to convince themselves the X1 is okay. I'm not saying it's not okay, but these PR statements are just sad.
@Ant_17: Microsoft and Sony are moving different directions. I believe Sony will move to a games streaming company similar to Netflix but for games.
If rumors are true and it becomes a reality and Microsoft buys AMD, the Xbox brand will evolve. I'd imagine Microsoft's next system will be user upgradeable like Steam Machines, and compete with Valve.
There will always be an audience for hardware, I'm sure streaming games will become popular in the near future, which isn't a bad thing, but you'll have more ways to play.
So MS will try to beat the Steambox , when it's not even out , or not that many console gamers care for it , and leave Sony and Nintendo to mark the globe with they're print?
Yeah the exclusives and bc are def. A huge boost. Really loving the new games already released and then having the ability of back catalog available through bc. MS is def. Doing a great job of tying up the ecosystem of xbox live and making it a great service. Once BC gets rolling the amount of games will give xbox one gamers an enormous library amongst the current gen.
@jcrame10: ya I was interested in some of those. Once all the consoles have a larger library of titles, people can better compare who has a lead in games
Everybody needs to experience the greatness that is the One.....keep it rolling MS
Yes, I agree! Xbox One is Enjoy Greatness now, while PS4 is awaiting the greatness for a very long time
Building momentum?
I've heard this before. It was referring to Mitt Romney in the 2012 presidential race.
@SecretPolice: The same momentum that helped MS win June? I'm sure Sony and Ninty are shaking in their boots by now :P
Don't be a hater, we aren't claming a victory over Momentum, we are claiming that Xbox One has been gaining a lot of interest despite sales. MS is capable of closing the gap, just like how Cows claimed that the PS3 was capable of closing the gap with the 360 last gen.
Also, you should buy an Xbox One this year!
I can agree that if anyone has taken effort to turn things around this gen it is MS. After that horrible unveiling and launch they seem to be pulling all the stops to turn the Xbone image around and it is working.
Sony however has taken almost no effort this gen at all other than to point at MS and say "we wont pull that same shit" and everyone flocked to them for some reason.
LOL fan boys....
I like the direction Microsoft and the Xbox one are moving in now. Getting a cohesive set of devices working together is something they've needed to do for a long time. Balmer didn't do them any favors by ignoring the cell phone market and then whim buying Nokia. Nadella seems to be righting the ship by focusing on a windows 10 eco system. I think this has the potential to help Microsoft in the cell phone market big time. Nah, hell, it's a game changer actually. If you can get an app for your desktop and run it on your phone and keep it all in sync with the cloud then that's big time. On top of that crossing them over to the XB1 is a plus. It's what they needed to do since the very beginning. Work productivity apps such as Office and what not running on a single windows 10 eco system is also very appealing for companies. @tormentos is right though. MS has had some epic failures. The Zune, as tormo pointed out, was an absolute disaster. The device itself wasn't bad but the software that ran it was a catastrophic nightmare on every level. This inability to play nice with windows xp ultimately killed it (and their unhealthy obsession with DRM). Later on, when I finally adopted windows 7, the Zune software seemed to run much better. But the point here is that the device ran miserably on xp and that hurt it badly. Nadella seems to be addressing some of these past failures. Now if MS will just write a decent browser and get a facebook app for the xbox one. *Sigh*.....
@SecretPolice: The same momentum that helped MS win June? I'm sure Sony and Ninty are shaking in their boots by now :P
(1) Don't be a hater, we aren't claming a victory over Momentum, we are claiming that Xbox One has been gaining a lot of interest despite sales. (2) MS is capable of closing the gap, just like how Cows claimed that the PS3 was capable of closing the gap with the 360 last gen.
Also, you should buy an Xbox One this year!
Your points 1 and 2 contradict each other. Either it's a victory over momentum, which leads to a logical close of the gap/pull ahead due to, as you mentioned, generating interest on the product through it's content (aka software and OS features) OR it's not a victory over momentum but rather a victory over critical acclaim on it's content, meaning the public is "kinda into it, but not really" whilst the critics (reviewers and such) are very much into it. Which also hasn't happened (one of the better examples of the latter is the Wii U).
Soooo....you know.... :P
@blessedbyhorus: they should of never bailed on pc in the first place. That didnt haooen until Gates left tthe company. In 2008 all pc game studios were closed or reourposed to make xbox games.
If they didnt pull that move, games for windoes live, pay to play multiplayer, and the media drm nsa xbone, maybe i wouldn't distrust them as much as i do.
Their back to pc gaming thing is laughable and a smoke Screen. Where are real pc games? All i see is phil spencer touting streaming xbone to pc, more tactocs to sell xbone... how does this benefit pc gamers who only own pc and dont want their crap console?
Where is freelancer type.game, mexh warrior, shadow run, age of empires, fligjt sims, god games etc... ms games studios was great when.they were pc only devs.... now they flat out suck.
There is no war with valve, everything is a ploy to sell more bones, and people lacking in umderstanding will fall for it.
@blessedbyhorus: they should of never bailed on pc in the first place. That didnt haooen until Gates left tthe company. In 2008 all pc game studios were closed or reourposed to make xbox games.
If they didnt pull that move, games for windoes live, pay to play multiplayer, and the media drm nsa xbone, maybe i wouldn't distrust them as much as i do.
Their back to pc gaming thing is laughable and a smoke Screen. Where are real pc games? All i see is phil spencer touting streaming xbone to pc, more tactocs to sell xbone... how does this benefit pc gamers who only own pc and dont want their crap console?
Where is freelancer type.game, mexh warrior, shadow run, age of empires, fligjt sims, god games etc... ms games studios was great when.they were pc only devs.... now they flat out suck.
There is no war with valve, everything is a ploy to sell more bones, and people lacking in umderstanding will fall for it.
I have an Xbox One. I've had all MS consoles. With that in mind...
You have a valid point. Mech Warrior - gone. Crimson Skies - gone. Age of Empires - gone. Flight Simulator - gone. If you look at the original Xbox 1st party games (or games that they own the IP), the only ones that have survived to the XBox one are Halo and Forza. Crimson Skies, MechAssault, Blood Wake, Blinx, Brute Force, Fuzion Frenzy, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Jest Set Radio, Kung Fu Chaos, Phantom Dust, Project Gotham Racing are all gone. Granted, some of them were turkeys, but still - that's a lot of IP tossed away.
LOL only MS and Lems will try to DC spin a month where they got blown out by the competition as a momentum gain. If Xbone is gaining momentum then PS4 must be in hyperdrive by now.
Seems they don't know what exclusive means.
Or care according to what SW defines that term as. Would you like a dictionary's definition?
not admitting of something else; incompatible:
mutually exclusive plans of action.
omitting from consideration or account (often followed by of):
a profit of ten percent, exclusive of taxes.
limited to the object or objects designated
This company has done nothing BUT listen to the feedback that gamers give them on the forums they provided for such. Well done, MS. You done some shit, but are picking up those knees to get out.
Seems they don't know what exclusive means.
Microsoft doesn't recognise Gamespot's "exclusive" definition.
From Microsoft's POV, Windows 10 and Xbox One are Microsoft OS platforms.
Game titles being exclusive for Windows 10 reduces the desirability for other OS such as Linux, MacOS, AmigaOS, Chrome/Android, BSD, QNX, RISC OS and 'etc'. These are Microsoft's core business competitors.
The world is a bigger place than CBS's Gamespot forums.
It's not new since it was used in the early 90s when Microsoft destroys other PC OS platforms and that's before the original "Xbox".
Microsoft destroyed multiple PC OS in 90s i.e. a "system war" that destroyed an entire industry e.g.
1. defeating Commodore's AmigaOS destroyed an industry built around AmigaOS e.g. 1st and 3rd party hardware vendors, application/game software vendors, skill sets/knowledge base. I f**king wasted my time supporting these losers. This is why I hate PowerPC since they have f**king Motorola and IBM.
2. defeating IBM OS/s destroyed an industry built around IBM OS/2. I f**king wasted my time supporting these losers, hence my hate against IBM.
3. defeating DEC VMX destroyed an industry built around DEC's VMX.
4. defeating Atari TOS (based DEC's GemOS 68K) destroyed an industry built around Atari TOS (based DEC's GemOS 68K).
Microsoft's kill count is too large to list.
Any forum you go will tag those games as multi because you don't need a freaking xbox one to play them,there is no real incentive worse on PC those are free to play online on xbox one they are on inferior form and are $60 just like the PS4 as well is $50 to play online.
What you say is so bullshit that MS has keep most of its console games out of windows,and has keep policies like mods,cross platform play mouse and keyboard support out of the xbox,it is now that they are pushing because again they are losing badly.
Yes they have a huge list but also some painful defeat,like the xbox brand has been since the off shot.
The Zune vs the Ipod,windows mobile vs Android,Bing vs google.
HAHAHAHAHAHA you are so butthurt
The ppoint is being able to play your 360 games, or better yet, get 360 games for free with purchase of an xbox one or an xbox one game like FO4 and getting FO3.
I understand that but my point was the fact that MS is making like this is the next big thing, this is nice, I'll give them that but this feature isn't coming till Autumn and MS is advertising it as ever. The purpose of buying new consoles is to play new games, not get stuck in the past, embrace the future.
I bought my PS2 at launch because I knew I could play my PS1 discs as well as what the PS2 offered, not rent shit from a company 15 billion in debt. We all have our preference but one company is trying to give last gen games at no extra charge and the other is trying to erase their red with them. Sort of like the whole sharing games thing at E3 2013.
The ppoint is being able to play your 360 games, or better yet, get 360 games for free with purchase of an xbox one or an xbox one game like FO4 and getting FO3.
I understand that but my point was the fact that MS is making like this is the next big thing, this is nice, I'll give them that but this feature isn't coming till Autumn and MS is advertising it as ever. The purpose of buying new consoles is to play new games, not get stuck in the past, embrace the future.
I bought my PS2 at launch because I knew I could play my PS1 discs as well as what the PS2 offered, not rent shit from a company 15 billion in debt. We all have our preference but one company is trying to give last gen games at no extra charge and the other is trying to erase their red with them. Sort of like the whole sharing games thing at E3 2013.
Damn Straight! So much for Sony being for gamers, pfft! MS are the real heroes after all!
@Ant_17: Microsoft and Sony are moving different directions. I believe Sony will move to a games streaming company similar to Netflix but for games.
If rumors are true and it becomes a reality and Microsoft buys AMD, the Xbox brand will evolve. I'd imagine Microsoft's next system will be user upgradeable like Steam Machines, and compete with Valve.
There will always be an audience for hardware, I'm sure streaming games will become popular in the near future, which isn't a bad thing, but you'll have more ways to play.
Hope not. If that happens I will be dumping consoles for good. Sometimes I am out of internet range.
The ppoint is being able to play your 360 games, or better yet, get 360 games for free with purchase of an xbox one or an xbox one game like FO4 and getting FO3.
I understand that but my point was the fact that MS is making like this is the next big thing, this is nice, I'll give them that but this feature isn't coming till Autumn and MS is advertising it as ever. The purpose of buying new consoles is to play new games, not get stuck in the past, embrace the future.
I bought my PS2 at launch because I knew I could play my PS1 discs as well as what the PS2 offered, not rent shit from a company 15 billion in debt. We all have our preference but one company is trying to give last gen games at no extra charge and the other is trying to erase their red with them. Sort of like the whole sharing games thing at E3 2013.
Damn Straight! So much for Sony being for gamers, pfft! MS are the real heroes after all!
Thank you based MS eh, X1, the worlds most sophisticated console, for gamers by gamers and all that jazz. :P
@SecretPolice: hehe.. However MS has a huge opportunity in their hands.. They need to prepare a good show which might push more gamers to buy the X1..
@SecretPolice: hehe.. However MS has a huge opportunity in their hands.. They need to prepare a good show which might push more gamers to buy the X1..
Like somebody else said, they have been trying hard it seems so I like this MS when their backs against the wall. Keep the pressure on'em I say. ;)
@SecretPolice: hehe.. However MS has a huge opportunity in their hands.. They need to prepare a good show which might push more gamers to buy the X1..
Like somebody else said, they have been trying hard it seems so I like this MS when their backs against the wall. Keep the pressure on'em I say. ;)
and that is why I will never understand fanboys wanting other companies out of the business.. Competition is always good !!
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