Even if you go back to the Atari 2600. When a new system such as the Colecovision is released, gamers compared the multiplats between it, Atari and the intellivision to judge which system was the most powerful.
This happened with the NES vs Master System, the TG-16 vs Genesis vs SNES vs Neo Geo, the Saturn vs PS1 vs N64, the PS2 vs DreamCast vs GC vs Xbox and now with the PS3 vs 360, we are supposed to believe that this method is not valid anymore because Sony marketing says so.
Most of you don't remember this but the Saturn was 'technically' more powerful than the PS1 but the problem was that it was very difficult to program for so developers never really extracted this power from the system. When multiplat games were released back then, for example Tomb Raider, the edge went clearly to the PS1. No one said it doesn't matter because the developers are lazy slobs. The problem was the system was too difficult to extract power from so it LOST.
Last gen the Xbox was an entirely different architecture than the PS2. But it was clearly more powerful and it showed in pretty much all of the multiplats. Some rare exceptions but most of the time the differences were pretty huge. The PS2 was usually the lead platform but the Xbox port always turned out much better. Because the system was more powerful.
This gen you hear stories about how the PS3 is really more powerful than the 360 even though it CANNOT EVEN MATCH the 360 in multiplats. I'm not talking about getting their multiplats to look better, i'm saying they can't even match the graphics.
Instead you get a whole bunch of excuses and made up stories about how lazy developers are.
We also get stories about how PS3 exclusives can't be done on the 360. Now I admit that some PS3 exclusives look great, but that does not translate into them not being technically possible on the 360.
It's a ridiculous argument because it is pure speculation. This is why so much ownage is dealt on this board when a PS3 exclusive goes multiplat. Because for a while the cows were saying these games were not possible on the 360. Then the multiplat is announced and on many occassions it has turned out better than the PS3 version. For example VF5 was said to look better than DOA and the cows said it was not possible on the 360. Turns out the 360 port turned out better.
The biggest one was Final Fantasy 13, the cows were raving about the superior graphics and it ended up on the 360 with a slightly inferior port. But the biggest difference was the qualify of the CG.
MGS4 almost was ported and that won GFX of the year. No one knows how that would have turned out but the cows were saying it's not possible because you need 20 disks and all of this crap. It's a safe assumption it would look just as good if not better on the 360 if ported today.
UC2 and GOW3 both look good but truthfully, every objective gamer knows both games can be ported perfect to the 360.
But my point is it is silly to argue about subjective matters such as comparing one game to a completely different game. That is why we have multiplats. So we see which console does a better job of outputting graphics on THE EXACT SAME GAME. There is nothing to speculate on, just play the game. The more powerful console will have the better version most of the time.
The 360 has the better multiplat at least 90% of the time. And sometimes the difference is HUGE such as in Bayonetta. It is clear to me that the 360 is more powerful than the PS3. 5 years of observing multiplats is enough evidence. No more waiting, the 360 wins hands down.
I know some of you will fail to understand this logic. You will be mad and say Uncharted 2 looks great. The problem with this failed logic is that your fanboy does not allow you realize that this game could be ported perfectly to the 360. The only reason to believe it can't is fanboy bias. Save these silly, subjective fanboy rants.
I want to read intelligent arguments if you want to argue that the PS3 is more powerful. No excuses about lazy devs, give me examples of performance. It's been 5 years, bs is unacceptable at this point. If excuses mattered then the Saturn was more powerful than the PS1 but back then the gaming industry suffered from the laziest developers of all time.
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