[QUOTE="Hahadouken"] Sorry, that's an outright lie. Burnout Paradise is an immediate example that takes your "NEVER" statement and flushes it.sayonara89
I said RUN better...and if it does,then my apologies,but thats even more pathetic.Saying its outright lie so you can own me with one game running better on ps3 in sea of like 200+ multiplats is downright embarrassing for ps3 this gen.
Another fact is that ps2 was the hardest to develop for console,more so then ps3 but that did not stop it from producing better quality multiplats then dreamcast.
I think it's embarassing for developers, not the platform. Right now we have: games that looks and run better on 360 (majority), games that looks and run the same on both consoles (good amount) and games that looks and run better on PS3 (FFXIII, Terminator S, Wanted, Oblivion... - and there are more games that just looks better on PS3). Quality of PS3 port/version shows the skill of the developer, nothing more, nothing less. Hardware is much harder to develop to than 360 but it's obvioslu not weaker.
Most multiplatform games runs better on 360 becouse developers don't have time and resources to suit their engines to PS3 architecture, and most of them are still very close in terms of GFX/FR.
MW2 framerate: Global:
PlayStation 3 Avg. FPS: 53.73 / Xbox 360 Avg. FPS: 57.31
PlayStation 3 Avg. Frame Tear: 0.0% / Xbox 360 Avg. Frame Tear: 0.0%
No,its embarrassment for platform and Sony(stupid Ken Kutaragi).They made bi*** system to program,with bad tools(from start) and it was comparable with 360 in power.It also cost more to produce and develop for,it just was not worth it(but i see why they went that way,blu ray and cell making big appearance in other electronics).They did the same with ps2(EE had twice as many flops as Xcpu and had something similar to spus,VUs)and that architecture was not worth it...
There are ALOT of developers and good amount of them are good developers...most 3rd party devs are better then MS first party in terms of tech and talent.I dont see a reason to say that reason for ps3 versions to be worse is their laziness and clueless about ps3 hardware,if some of the top devs had the money,time and tools Sonys 1st party had they would deliver something similar.The problem here lays in the fact that ps3 was tauted as 3x more powerful console and 360 was just xbox 1.5.Situation is not like that so lots of people are now end up butthurth,99% of devs said they are neck and neck but fanboys still sell the story about great power of ps3,its just not like that.
Anyway...multiplats are not the way to compare them,especially since ps3 is hard to crack,but its really weird that 4 yrs in gen and ps3 version of the games are luckiest to be the same...its just weird.Now exclusives are even worse measure...its more evident that MS does not have first party talent,size,dedication,engines,dont give that much time and budget then that ps3 is harder to develop for yet majority dismiss that fact.They simply dont even need that...they never tauted as next coming,they sell great and they probably dont see a reason to do so.
My guess is that Crysis 2 will prevail and bring peace,just 3 more day and it will be shown for first time on GTTV :D
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