In the new co-op video that was revealed, it shows that killstreaks are PURCHASED in-game with XP you get from kills/flag captures. very similar to how they work in HOMEFRONT.
Except in Homefront you bought things that were beneficial to the team and your own survival. When you get a killstreak in Homefront...that's it. You don't get some reward that makes you overpowered or anything. Battlecommander points out the general area where the person might be who has racked up some killstreaks and offers a ton of XP for those who kill him. You also only got 3-4 buyable items, such as rocket launcher, flak jacket, and a vehicle.
I can see this being very abused, and since no one said it so yet....LOL DUMBED DOWN TO LET EVERYONE USE IT NOW.
You do realize this money system is for coop and not multiplayer right...?Second of all not all of the money streaks in homefront helped the team and only helped you, you know kind of like the sr 71.
And as for your other post, you seriously are bringing world of warcraft as an argument? Well I guess since no multiplayer shooter is more popular I guess you have to..:roll:
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