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I'm British. Therefore, you're not laughing; you're envious. darkdude2k12Thanks bro, I needed a good laugh. First I didnt know you were British and didnt care. It doesnt change my opinion of you being a dumbass. Second. Good for you. You live on a sh1t island in the north Atlantic which is the equivalence of bum fvck Egypt. No cares about your country or thinks about it. You guys have been irrelevant for generations. And your food sucks.
[QUOTE="darkdude2k12"]Fvck you!!! You went too far that time. bbkkristianQuit setting yourself up. :lol: Play with matches and you're gonna get the flame. B!tch. I'm really beginning to dislike you rather tremendously.
Thanks bro, I needed a good laugh. First I didnt know you were British and didnt care. It doesnt change my opinion of you being a dumbass. Second. Good for you. You live on a sh1t island in the north Atlantic which is the equivalence of bum fvck Egypt. No cares about your country or thinks about it. You guys have been irrelevant for generations. And your food sucks. And you're a typical American suffering the effects of obesity thanks to overindulgence. No surprise to me being that Americans are fat. You mad? lol.[QUOTE="darkdude2k12"] I'm British. Therefore, you're not laughing; you're envious. EzcapeTheFate
[QUOTE="EzcapeTheFate"]Thanks bro, I needed a good laugh. First I didnt know you were British and didnt care. It doesnt change my opinion of you being a dumbass. Second. Good for you. You live on a sh1t island in the north Atlantic which is the equivalence of bum fvck Egypt. No cares about your country or thinks about it. You guys have been irrelevant for generations. And your food sucks. And you're a typical American suffering the effects of obesity thanks to overindulgence. No surprise to me being that Americans are fat. You mad? lol.[QUOTE="darkdude2k12"] I'm British. Therefore, you're not laughing; you're envious. darkdude2k12
You're from the UK... Not so far behind.
And you're a typical American suffering the effects of obesity thanks to overindulgence. No surprise to me being that Americans are fat. You mad? lol.[QUOTE="darkdude2k12"][QUOTE="EzcapeTheFate"] Thanks bro, I needed a good laugh. First I didnt know you were British and didnt care. It doesnt change my opinion of you being a dumbass. Second. Good for you. You live on a sh1t island in the north Atlantic which is the equivalence of bum fvck Egypt. No cares about your country or thinks about it. You guys have been irrelevant for generations. And your food sucks.
You're from the UK... Not so far behind.
Also, in what world is 30% "typical"? Yes, it's incredibly high, and I'm not defending that, but I would say the 70% who are not obese are "typical".[QUOTE="lundy86_4"][QUOTE="darkdude2k12"] And you're a typical American suffering the effects of obesity thanks to overindulgence. No surprise to me being that Americans are fat. You mad? lol. PurpleMan5000
You're from the UK... Not so far behind.
Also, in what world is 30% "typical"? Yes, it's incredibly high, and I'm not defending that, but I would say the 70% who are not obese are "typical".Perhaps they don't teach fractions and percents in the UK
[QUOTE="EzcapeTheFate"]Thanks bro, I needed a good laugh. First I didnt know you were British and didnt care. It doesnt change my opinion of you being a dumbass. Second. Good for you. You live on a sh1t island in the north Atlantic which is the equivalence of bum fvck Egypt. No cares about your country or thinks about it. You guys have been irrelevant for generations. And your food sucks. And you're a typical American suffering the effects of obesity thanks to overindulgence. No surprise to me being that Americans are fat. You mad? lol. Actually just the oppisote. I wan in the Army. 101st Airborne. Maybe you heard of them, you needed America to enter WW2 to have a chance of pushing back the Nazis. Any ways I fought in Iraq 2003. We were the first ones in We took out Najaf, first major city to fall. 2/327 Delta Co. Bastogne No slack. So why dont you fvck off and stop living off others accomplishments.[QUOTE="darkdude2k12"] I'm British. Therefore, you're not laughing; you're envious. darkdude2k12
[QUOTE="darkdude2k12"][QUOTE="EzcapeTheFate"] Thanks bro, I needed a good laugh. First I didnt know you were British and didnt care. It doesnt change my opinion of you being a dumbass. Second. Good for you. You live on a sh1t island in the north Atlantic which is the equivalence of bum fvck Egypt. No cares about your country or thinks about it. You guys have been irrelevant for generations. And your food sucks.EzcapeTheFateAnd you're a typical American suffering the effects of obesity thanks to overindulgence. No surprise to me being that Americans are fat. You mad? lol. Actually just the oppisote. I wan in the Army. 101st Airborne. Maybe you heard of them, you needed America to enter WW2 to have a chance of pushing back the Nazis. Any ways I fought in Iraq 2003. We were the first ones in We took out Najaf, first major city to fall. 2/327 Delta Co. Bastogne No slack. So why dont you fvck off and stop living off others accomplishments. Save your COD fantasy speeches. I'm not interested.
Ok, outside of power and waggle(which is subjective), why do you dislike about the Wii?..For obvious failure that is Wii-U.
PS3 has been next gen before next gen even arrived. It sucks that Nintendo's launching a console that's "slightly better" (allegedly) than what's available now. I can promise that I'm right about the Wii-U's graphics being "less than 7th gen" and "reminiscent of 2008 at best".
PS4's going to be a "next 2 gens ahead experience". It's going to be too awesome to describe.
Sony- Dominant for 3 gens and counting.
Nintendo- Waving plastic d!ldos at a sensor. Waggle=gaming. Mario- Stale concept.
Just saying.
P.S No need to thank DarkDude. Afterall, I am magnificent.
lol, be funny if that was the slogan of for the Wii U lauch TV advert: "MY bodys ready, is YOURS?". :P
..For obvious failure that is Wii-U.
PS3 has been next gen before next gen even arrived. It sucks that Nintendo's launching a console that's "slightly better" (allegedly) than what's available now. I can promise that I'm right about the Wii-U's graphics being "less than 7th gen" and "reminiscent of 2008 at best".
PS4's going to be a "next 2 gens ahead experience". It's going to be too awesome to describe.
Sony- Dominant for 3 gens and counting.
Nintendo- Waving plastic d!ldos at a sensor. Waggle=gaming. Mario- Stale concept.
Just saying.
P.S No need to thank DarkDude. Afterall, I am magnificent.
Thats funny, because 360 was out a year earlier and still bests most multiplatform games over PS3 versions.
Doubtful because of the loss of market share this generation. If anything they will conform to normal hardware specs that will be similar in power to the next xbox, so developers won't be screaming about the differences in programming required for the SOny vs MS consoles.
You must be pretty blind not to have noticed PS3 in last place for this entire generation... your fanboy is showing and its quite disgusting.
Seriously? Move... failed, WONDERBOOK... will fail. I mean come on, wonderbook is by far the worst gimmick ive seen in the last 3 generations. I bet you've preordered it already.
[QUOTE="OhJayDubya"][QUOTE="bbkkristian"] With little Super Mario decals and some extra controllers. All the "kiddy" stuff he can find. :lol: does OP even know we're talking about him? loldarkdude2k12He has been outed as a closet Nintendo fan before, as much as he tries to deny it people can see that he is flaming Nintendosexual.I love Nintendo's a$$hole! How do you feel about that? How does it feel to be in first place? How does it feel knowing that I am nothing more than a sheep who's programmed to love everything Nintendo releases even if it's complete and utter awesome?! To me its the best feeling in the world if I am honest.
Fixed this for you :)
Keep loving Nintendo DarkDude!
[QUOTE="darkdude2k12"]Ok, outside of power and waggle(which is subjective), why do you dislike about the Wii? The fact that it doesn't have a good number of games to play. And before you think of creating any lists, keep in mind that I own 30 Wii games max; with all the supposed "superior exclusives" included. But to be fair, I enjoyed Mario Galaxy, I loved the re-release of DK Jungle beat with new-play controls, I liked Madworld and a few other games. The problem is, after you're done playing the main exclusives (which would narrow itself down to SMG, LOZSS and maybe DKCR) what is there left to play? If anyone thinks the Wii's an excellent console, far be it from me to actually tell them otherwise. It's just not my personal preference. Also, SMG2 was disappointing to me. (that actual hurt tbh)..For obvious failure that is Wii-U.
PS3 has been next gen before next gen even arrived. It sucks that Nintendo's launching a console that's "slightly better" (allegedly) than what's available now. I can promise that I'm right about the Wii-U's graphics being "less than 7th gen" and "reminiscent of 2008 at best".
PS4's going to be a "next 2 gens ahead experience". It's going to be too awesome to describe.
Sony- Dominant for 3 gens and counting.
Nintendo- Waving plastic d!ldos at a sensor. Waggle=gaming. Mario- Stale concept.
Just saying.
P.S No need to thank DarkDude. Afterall, I am magnificent.
[QUOTE="Legendarycr8ter"][QUOTE="darkdude2k12"]Ok, outside of power and waggle(which is subjective), why do you dislike about the Wii? The fact that it doesn't have a good number of games to play. And before you think of creating any lists, keep in mind that I own 30 Wii games max; with all the supposed "superior exclusives" included. But to be fair, I enjoyed Mario Galaxy, I loved the re-release of DK Jungle beat with new-play controls, I liked Madworld and a few other games. The problem is, after you're done playing the main exclusives (which would narrow itself down to SMG, LOZSS and maybe DKCR) what is there left to play? If anyone thinks the Wii's an excellent console, far be it from me to actually tell them otherwise. It's just not my personal preference. Also, SMG2 was disappointing to me. (that actual hurt tbh) If you only have 30 games how do you end up saying it has no good games to play? That part seems confusing...For obvious failure that is Wii-U.
PS3 has been next gen before next gen even arrived. It sucks that Nintendo's launching a console that's "slightly better" (allegedly) than what's available now. I can promise that I'm right about the Wii-U's graphics being "less than 7th gen" and "reminiscent of 2008 at best".
PS4's going to be a "next 2 gens ahead experience". It's going to be too awesome to describe.
Sony- Dominant for 3 gens and counting.
Nintendo- Waving plastic d!ldos at a sensor. Waggle=gaming. Mario- Stale concept.
Just saying.
P.S No need to thank DarkDude. Afterall, I am magnificent.
you again
first of all
obvious is where you made your first mistake ---what makes the wii u an obvious fail , when it has all the tools people wanted -online play -its there , and free ,um graphics- a youtube video has proven it is infact a next gen platform as it does more things ps3 360 can not sure the launch games cant be used to show that you must be new , when ever a console is first released theres always ports of last gen titles 360 had burn out revenge nfs mw and a few games that were xbox games but rushed for 360 launch instead such as pd0 and kameo these were also at one point gc titles so that said
I am not saying its going to mimick the exact reaction wii brought but at the same time it is going to be a success in its own way , its not going to be like a dreamcast as some of you make it out to be , 3ds has proven to everyone already nintendos more then capable of turning things around
and if the wii is slow at the start , that doesnt make it a fail also remember its the holidays , xmas time , nintendo time -- as i should call it , since that is when nintendo deals the most damage to the competitors !
this xmas especally is g oing to be great for nintendo heres why
they have 5 peices of hardware to sell to consumers , each one can turn nintendo a profit
wii dsi 3ds wii u 3ds xl , make that 6 w dsxl ,
w 6 products at the holidays you cant deny nintendo has done something right , cause lets face it , no body sells more hardware then nintendo at the holidays
so thats almost guarentee wiiu not to fail or nintendo especally ! nintendo has not had a commercial failure since virtual boy
the only recent failure of the 3 would be sonys psp go
and nintendos not that stupid to make the same mistake twice , i dont see a problem with the wiiu
1 its got third party support
2 - it will most likely cost 300 or less, no more thats the sweet spot and it took ms 6 yrs to get to that spot , same for sony well sony it took 3 ,
3 exclusive nintendo ips , the big explaination point is having mario at launch no console since n64 had a mario game at launch ! wii u also has other nintendo ips in the launch window so this area is definatelly key - to success -
4 third party exclusives are already lined up -zombie u , rabbits 3 , alien colonial marines etc
5 it is the only 8th gen home console out for quite some time look at the last time this has happened --- 360 and ps2 each of these are succesful platforms!
there is no reason this wont be the same the one i believe is in most danger is the one who waits til last , , not saying who cause i dont exactly know whos going to be last out of the gate , i for sure can hope its not ms , cause xbox360 is the oldest of these platforms out now not counting psp and ds , which both already have their replacments out i wish ms would get their behinds in gear but you know what ,nintendo has my money , as a multicore , it will be easy for me to get these 3 1 at a time ,
and ms and sony are just doing me a favor ,, by not releasing this year ! and i can list about 60 good wii games to shut you up
you again
first of all
obvious is where you made your first mistake ---what makes the wii u an obvious fail , when it has all the tools people wanted -online play -its there , and free ,um graphics- a youtube video has proven it is infact a next gen platform as it does more things ps3 360 can not sure the launch games cant be used to show that you must be new , when ever a console is first released theres always ports of last gen titles 360 had burn out revenge nfs mw and a few games that were xbox games but rushed for 360 launch instead such as pd0 and kameo these were also at one point gc titles so that said
I am not saying its going to mimick the exact reaction wii brought but at the same time it is going to be a success in its own way , its not going to be like a dreamcast as some of you make it out to be , 3ds has proven to everyone already nintendos more then capable of turning things around
and if the wii is slow at the start , that doesnt make it a fail also remember its the holidays , xmas time , nintendo time -- as i should call it , since that is when nintendo deals the most damage to the competitors !
this xmas especally is g oing to be great for nintendo heres why
they have 5 peices of hardware to sell to consumers , each one can turn nintendo a profit
wii dsi 3ds wii u 3ds xl , make that 6 w dsxl ,
w 6 products at the holidays you cant deny nintendo has done something right , cause lets face it , no body sells more hardware then nintendo at the holidays
so thats almost guarentee wiiu not to fail or nintendo especally ! nintendo has not had a commercial failure since virtual boy
the only recent failure of the 3 would be sonys psp go
and nintendos not that stupid to make the same mistake twice , i dont see a problem with the wiiu
1 its got third party support
2 - it will most likely cost 300 or less, no more thats the sweet spot and it took ms 6 yrs to get to that spot , same for sony well sony it took 3 ,
3 exclusive nintendo ips , the big explaination point is having mario at launch no console since n64 had a mario game at launch ! wii u also has other nintendo ips in the launch window so this area is definatelly key - to success -
4 third party exclusives are already lined up -zombie u , rabbits 3 , alien colonial marines etc
5 it is the only 8th gen home console out for quite some time look at the last time this has happened --- 360 and ps2 each of these are succesful platforms!
there is no reason this wont be the same the one i believe is in most danger is the one who waits til last , , not saying who cause i dont exactly know whos going to be last out of the gate , i for sure can hope its not ms , cause xbox360 is the oldest of these platforms out now not counting psp and ds , which both already have their replacments out i wish ms would get their behinds in gear but you know what ,nintendo has my money , as a multicore , it will be easy for me to get these 3 1 at a time ,
and ms and sony are just doing me a favor ,, by not releasing this year ! and i can list about 60 good wii games to shut you up
- zelda sws
- red steel 2
- conduit
- bully se
- driver san francisco
- cod
- goldeneye
- donkey kong country returns
- smg
- smg2
- ssbb
- metroid prime 3
- metroid other m
- punchout
- sin and punishment
- the sims 2 pets
- the sims 2 castaway
- nsmb wii
- zelda tp
- kirby epic yarn
- kirby return to dreamland
- marioparty 9
- fortune street
- wii sports resort
- ford racing offroad
- excite bots trick racing
- dr mario online rx
- xenoblade
- the last story
- pikmin 2
- pikmin
- mario sports mix
- final fantasy echoes of time
- final fantasy crystal beariers
- a boy and his blob
- hotd overkill
- dead space extraction
- dead rising ctyd
- quantum of solace -exclusive split screen mode for us with dead online on ps3 360 we should be ashamed -well i own all 6 versions so haha
- re 4 wii edition
- re uc
- redc
- sh shattered memories
- nfs hot pursuit w custom mode-360 lacks this
- nfs nitro
- brothers in arms dt
- farcry vengance
- manhunt2
- marioparty 8
Using creepyBeyonce lol
This is actually a very sad list, but most Nintendo fans have no idea wat good games are on the Wii again
first of all
obvious is where you made your first mistake ---what makes the wii u an obvious fail , when it has all the tools people wanted -online play -its there , and free ,um graphics- a youtube video has proven it is infact a next gen platform as it does more things ps3 360 can not sure the launch games cant be used to show that you must be new , when ever a console is first released theres always ports of last gen titles 360 had burn out revenge nfs mw and a few games that were xbox games but rushed for 360 launch instead such as pd0 and kameo these were also at one point gc titles so that said
I am not saying its going to mimick the exact reaction wii brought but at the same time it is going to be a success in its own way , its not going to be like a dreamcast as some of you make it out to be , 3ds has proven to everyone already nintendos more then capable of turning things around
and if the wii is slow at the start , that doesnt make it a fail also remember its the holidays , xmas time , nintendo time -- as i should call it , since that is when nintendo deals the most damage to the competitors !
this xmas especally is g oing to be great for nintendo heres why
they have 5 peices of hardware to sell to consumers , each one can turn nintendo a profit
wii dsi 3ds wii u 3ds xl , make that 6 w dsxl ,
w 6 products at the holidays you cant deny nintendo has done something right , cause lets face it , no body sells more hardware then nintendo at the holidays
so thats almost guarentee wiiu not to fail or nintendo especally ! nintendo has not had a commercial failure since virtual boy
the only recent failure of the 3 would be sonys psp go
and nintendos not that stupid to make the same mistake twice , i dont see a problem with the wiiu
1 its got third party support
2 - it will most likely cost 300 or less, no more thats the sweet spot and it took ms 6 yrs to get to that spot , same for sony well sony it took 3 ,
3 exclusive nintendo ips , the big explaination point is having mario at launch no console since n64 had a mario game at launch ! wii u also has other nintendo ips in the launch window so this area is definatelly key - to success -
4 third party exclusives are already lined up -zombie u , rabbits 3 , alien colonial marines etc
5 it is the only 8th gen home console out for quite some time look at the last time this has happened --- 360 and ps2 each of these are succesful platforms!
there is no reason this wont be the same the one i believe is in most danger is the one who waits til last , , not saying who cause i dont exactly know whos going to be last out of the gate , i for sure can hope its not ms , cause xbox360 is the oldest of these platforms out now not counting psp and ds , which both already have their replacments out i wish ms would get their behinds in gear but you know what ,nintendo has my money , as a multicore , it will be easy for me to get these 3 1 at a time ,
and ms and sony are just doing me a favor ,, by not releasing this year ! and i can list about 60 good wii games to shut you up
- zelda sws
- red steel 2
- conduit
- bully se
- driver san francisco
- cod
- goldeneye
- donkey kong country returns
- smg
- smg2
- ssbb
- metroid prime 3
- metroid other m
- punchout
- sin and punishment
- the sims 2 pets
- the sims 2 castaway
- nsmb wii
- zelda tp
- kirby epic yarn
- kirby return to dreamland
- marioparty 9
- fortune street
- wii sports resort
- ford racing offroad
- excite bots trick racing
- dr mario online rx
- xenoblade
- the last story
- pikmin 2
- pikmin
- mario sports mix
- final fantasy echoes of time
- final fantasy crystal beariers
- a boy and his blob
- hotd overkill
- dead space extraction
- dead rising ctyd
- quantum of solace -exclusive split screen mode for us with dead online on ps3 360 we should be ashamed -well i own all 6 versions so haha
- re 4 wii edition
- re uc
- redc
- sh shattered memories
- nfs hot pursuit w custom mode-360 lacks this
- nfs nitro
- brothers in arms dt
- farcry vengance
- manhunt2
- marioparty 8
Aren't you that guy who is actually seceretly liking the WiiU but won't come out of the closet?
or was that someone different?
Sony was dominant how this gen? They had the least sales, least exclusives and least games.ZevianderYou posted to many facts. Does not compute.
So, trash a system while ignoring the numerous quality games available for it? Yup, must be in System Wars.
[QUOTE="darkdude2k12"]Oh he mad again :lol:. I don't get why he even posts anti Nintendo stuff when he should know by now that this would happen. :roll:I've had quite enough of this sh!t.
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