Strategy-Civ Revolution
Sports-NHL 09
Action-Gears 2
RPG-FAllout 3
Sleeper hit-Dead Space
Online Multiplayer-Tie between Left4Deadand GTA IV
If Im picking favorites-I'd pick Fable 2 for rpg of the year. I just think its more fun than fallout 3. I'd also choose NBA Live 09 for sports game of the year. It was really underrated this year and was loads of fun with DNA and stuff. NHL is more polished and complete but its hockey....... Basketball is so much better lol.
Also deserve mention-COD-World at War, Bad Company, Farcry 2, MGSIV, Tales of Vesparia, Resistance 2, LBP, Madden 09
Most overrated-NBA 2k9(this game is crap this year), MGSIV(great great game and hard to call this overrated, but it wasn't as great as it was made out to be by cows everything trying to make it the savior), Gears2(great game but been there done that), Left4dead(great game but lacks depth), LBP(honestly i could care less ab out this game). A lot of overrated games this year in other words.
Most unfairly criticized-GTA IV. I dont see how this game can be overrated when everyone says it is. I actually think GTAIV is one game that lived up to the hype.
Most underrated-Civ Revolution(great game. so fun, but noone likes to think anymore?), Pure(another awesome game but its a racing game)
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