Alright well a Ps3 User will only need to buy the Ps3 Once.
An Xbox360 Only need to buy the Xbox360 once, Unless the User gets banned and Rebuys the system, So you've got banned users Rebuying the system 2-3 times. Ofcourse not all Xbox Live users get banned.
RROD(Red Ring of Death) Is a General Xbox360 Hardware failure.
YLOD(Yellow Light of Death) Is a Ps3 Hardrive Error or Internal Chip Error.
The key difference between the two errors is the notoriety associated with them. Whereas the YLOD affects approximately 0.5% of PS3s (mainly older 20GB and 60GB models), RROD has been estimated to affect anywhere between 25-65% of Xbox 360s. There are countless numbers of stories to be heard both online and offline of Xbox 360 owners having to send in their console multiple times to be fixed, or even getting back a console from Microsoft that suffers from RROD again within a week.
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