(Before I put a topic called 3rd gen by accident so this is the new reformed one, hope you appreciate my comment. No fan boy haters please)
A lot of people, mostly fan boys constantly argue which is the best console, by putting in really stupid facts about whats it got inside it, like micro chips, memory etc. To be honest i dont really give a crap about this, its really sad to research all this infromation to put it up onto YouTube, which then creates more arguements because it is obvious its going to be biast or someone will say the wrong thing which will start more arguements, and more mother dissin and other types of dissing. Al this does is spread more hatred in the world. Which is more sad is the fan boys who search on YouTube just to diss more and more people about whos got the best console.
Today Im going to share my opinion on all 3 next gen consoles, and after that say which i prefer, now i havent got any of these consoles but go round my mates houses and have played them many many times. I will start off with the most expensive console the PlayStation3.
PS3 - People often diss the ps3 because of how much it costs, yes it does cost a lot more then the other consoles but that is because it has a lot of stuf that it can do, now firstly it can play dvds, blue ray dvds, cds, some ps2 games. It has a 60gb harddrive standard, which i must say is a lot, you can store films, downloaded games, songs, albums, pictures, themes. It also is Internet Enabled, and it doesnt cost a thing to connect onto the internet which is a plus. You can "surf" the web just like on a normal computer or laptop. You can even use it to buy things lol. You can go onto PlayStationStore and download demos, pictures, trailors, thems, updates for the ps3, updates for games(which is actually very cool and free, and can add more levels, update graphics, update rosters, which is pretty handy for Football, Wrestling, Rugby, American Football and other games) So far from what i see it has the best graphics for a next gen console. The gameplay is pretty good, for me im more of a serioous gamer" so im not into the whole wii remotes thing. No the console itself, it is the biggest console of the three, you can have upto 7 players not online, the controller is the lighter of the 3, and doesnt need batteries, the six axxis thing is cool, adds more depth into the game, and can use it for some games for the whole game. The controllers are wireless which helps so you can sit were ever you want, the console it self has 4 usb socketcard readers, ethernet cable, and has a sleek black finish. You can turn the ps3 on via the psp or ps3 console which is handy if you can be bothered to getup. The disks are 50gb in size and are blu ray so more detail, length of game, etc can be put into it, the casesq are pretty cool, lol. You can connect the psp to the ps3 and play the games from there, plus they are finally putting vibration into the controller. The PlayStation3 from my knowledge doesnt break down, and has a ver low rate of that, which is pretty neat if you wont your console to last, lastly the only two bbad things about this console is size and prize, but recently it has gone down, and you can get the 40gb for less and get them in bundles which is cool. Oh yeah and the ps3 case scratches easy if not looked after properly.
Xbox 360 - Microsoft have tried there hardest on rushing the Xbox 360, I see this console as being the worst of the 3. But first the good things about the 360. Comes in 3 different ranges, Core, Premium, Elite. Depending on how much you want to spend, It is reasonably priced ranging from £180 to £300-400. The graphics are really good, and the controllers fit your hand pretty well and help if your into to shooting games with the triggers, there are at the moment a lot of games, compared to ps3 but the 360 has been out a lot longer, this is were i think they rushed things, they tried to do things to fast and as of this the following things have gone wrong with it. Xbox 360 has the highest breaking probabiltiy and most 360's end up getting sent back from breaking spontainiously. The Ring of Death - Were the 360 doesnt turn on and the part were its meant to be green goes red, the 360 scratches the games no matter what. and can easily stop them workingg, the 360 overheats and the bearings overheat and melt. Sometimes if you move the console whilst its playing, say to stand it up it makes a incredibly weird noise and can break from that. A lot of people have complained its too loud, and i have to say it is, if you wanna play at night and have to turn the volume down your not able to hear the tv because the noise is too loud. From my experience of playing on a 360 its really good, but broke in weeks, and if you play games a lot this isnt really the best choie of console as playing it too much breaks it. But if you ca get past it breaking down a lot and crashing over heatin etc then go aheaad and buy it but from my experience i say dont. Alotogether its a good console when it comes to games, controller, but the size, weight and noise plays a big issue in making it for me the worst console for the 3rd Generation. Also to play online it cost £60 a YEAR, which sucks!!
Wii - Nintendo have put a lot of thought into this. It is the cheaet and lightest console of the 3, but this put me off as it feels too light and feels as if put under pressure it could break. It is wireless and comes in one colour, it comes in a wide range of games and can play almost every console type of games, it comes with no memmory so best to buy one, you cant play dvds, cds etc. Butas its the cheapest i didnt expect it to have these, if is free to go online, you can buy old nintendo games which is pretty cool. The console is good if you have friends round, and comes with wii sports standard. Games are around £30 a little cheaper then 360 and ps3 which are £40. What also is cool is that you can get a old fashioned controller which is cool and add on parts for your controllers, like steering wheel, a clip on gun, golf, baseball bat etc, which is cool, the only bad thing is that you cant use these in a small room, and have been known to fly off or you might get carried away and hit someone. The graphic aint that great btut it doesnt matter because the game play is really cool. But there have been cases were the remote doesnt respnd to the game very well, but that is notvery often, there are many games out, with all the ****c characters and some new, as far as i know most of the games are only for nintendo and some that are spread outu between the consoles, but even with that said the games are very different to the ps3 and 360 as it is controlled by the remotes which is motion sensors etc. You can go on the internet, which is cool but can be sometimes slow and annoying due to the controllers.
Altogether my favourite console is the PlayStation3, even though it is the biggest, heaviest and most expensive i prefer it. I love the controllers, games, graphics and the gameplay which is awesome, if had any more moeny i would buy the wii, i would never get a 360.
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