So I bought Super Stardust for my PS3 because I liked the demo. I've played XBL's Geometry Wars before, and SSS is similar, but in my personal and humble opinion SSS is better (like both, I'm a bit of a dual stick shooter fan.)
Anyway, at the moment SSS is $10 for whatever reason, although I feel like the $8 they were apparently originally charging for it was a more fair price (Although after owning it, I think it was worth every penny.) I was shocked when I found out though that Geometry Wars was only $5 and my little jealousy senses started tingling.
Then I realized that Geometry Wars doesn't cost $5, it costs $55, or at least that's how much it would cost if it was the only XBL game you bought all year. The way I see it, PSN's online service for its multiplayer games is already free so when making the comparison this is what it comes down to. Now not every comparison is like this either, a lot of the XBL games cost just as much (Although they are a lot more numerous.) But assuming they were like Geometry Wars and that there was a PSN counterpart for every one, you'd have to buy upwards of 10 XBL games a year just to break even on the savings. I'm sure some people actually do this, but at the moment I only have 4 downloaded games between the two systems I have.
Paying $50 a year basically means 2 less games for me a year. I could say it means ONE less game, but I tend to shop around so I'm not paying full price for anything, and the last purchase I made was two games; Orange Box and Resident Evil (The gamecube remake) for exactly $50. I happen to like those two games, a lot.
$50 is also a week's worth of groceries for my wife and I at the moment. Now one week might not seem like a lot, and sure, we could cut back; but this is a matter of eating healthy too; we buy fruits and vegitable produce along with our staples.
$50 is about 2-3 weeks worth of gas at today's current prices. As we all know, travel is a necessity to a certain degree. I guess we could stop going to see family occasionally and just hole up in our appartment more though. I mean a year is a long time. A shame we're already walking as much as we can.
We don't go out to the movies very often, but $50 represents about 3 trips with some money leftover assuming we don't buy popcorn.
Now, I happen to like the 360, I don't own one (my in-laws do and I play with it when I'm over there), but if I did I probably would get XBL because, well, it's nice to be able to play your online games online. And I know that there are a lot of extra services for your buck too, like news and stuff...
But when it's free to play your online games online on PSN and on your PC, there is a lot I could do with that $50 I'd be losing every year.
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