GTA IV deserves an 11/10.BioShockOwnz:)
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That's just one out of the countless examples of GTAIV nit-picking. There are far too many ("there are no parachutes and you can't dress Niko in a pimp suit, it's not a 10"). The reaction to GTAIV, in effect, proves that this is the most bottom-of-the-barrel generation of gamers in history.Zeliard9[spoiler] I have a pretty big problem with some of the mechanics of the game itself. GTA4 is a great game, and probably one of the best games this generation, but the game itself is far from worthy of a 10. My biggest issue with the game is the lack of money sinks. From the very beginning of the game you practically are spoon fed and there aren't very many things over the course of the game that require tons of money. The lack of properties, not losing guns after you die, and the ability to get practically everything in the game free ultimately makes money in the game worthless. You get free cabs, free guns, free body armour, etc. Over the course of the game you practically build up a fortune by doing odd jobs. There are two large parts of the game that practically pump you full of money and you have no avenue to spend it all. It makes the game so unbelievably easy that its not even funny. Get surrounded by cops? Not problem. Commit sepuku and just have Roman bring you over to Charge Island and you're back in action with free armour and all the guns you just had. It gets to the point where its downright disgusting how easy the game is. The game seriously needs to find a money sink. Money sinks are just one of the many problems I've had with the game that don't allow it to be a 10. Thats not to say its an amazing game. Its an AAA title by any standards. The lack of a money sink is just one problem in my long list of issues that ultimately make the game not worthy of the score. [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="web966"]I would give GTAIV a 10. Its so much funAndrew_Xavier
What elements of the game make it perfect? Does it have any bugs? At all? Are the graphics greater than any game you've ever played? Is it the most revolutionary game of all time?
Ask yourself these questions, if you answered "no" to any, it isn't a 10/10.
That's idiotic,I'm sorry.
The irony of all this is that the very people trying to point out GTAIV's 'many flaws' only serve to illustrate how close to perfect the game is.
Pointing out things like the 'lack of customisation' and 'where are the bikes and parachutes' as if this is a massive drawback to the experiance. Or the great 'I just have too MUCH MONEY in this game, obviously I can no longer enjoy the gameplay'
Pointing out these small imperfections and then trying to claim that they are the reason the game is a 9/10 is just ridiculous and only shows how great GTAIV really is. People had no problem pointing out far bigger flaws with other great games (Bioshock's lack of replay value, SMG's lack of a compelling story) but with GTAIV its all nitpicking.
Hell, people even try to claim there's something from with the driving or the shooting in a massive effort to try and deduct a point or two. Well I've got news: there's nothing wrong with it. Now stop being so jealous of other people's fun and go play something else.
. Or the great 'I just have too MUCH MONEY in this game, obviously I can no longer enjoy the gameplay' Pointing out these small imperfections and then trying to claim that they are the reason the game is a 9/10 is just ridiculous and only shows how great GTAIV really is. z_gaming_masterHaving too much money is one thing. Not having anything to spend the money ON is another. Like I pointed out in my above post, this game lacks many of the money sinks that the previous installments had, and the game becomes so incredibly easy when practically everything is spoon fed to you. It gets to the point where its nearly impossible to get busted when its cheaper to just die and go pick up free armour on charge. Money sinks like properties are not only used to regulate game economy, but they also provide a lot of content for the end user. Owning mansions and businesses was one of the huge draws of the original games. Being unable to drive around scoping out all these buildings leaves a little to be desired. I would be perfectly fine having too much money if I had things to spend it on. However, the lack of any kind of real money sink ultimately makes the game economy broken and worthless.
The irony of all this is that the very people trying to point out GTAIV's 'many flaws' only serve to illustrate how close to perfect the game is.
Pointing out things like the 'lack of customisation' and 'where are the bikes and parachutes' as if this is a massive drawback to the experiance. Or the great 'I just have too MUCH MONEY in this game, obviously I can no longer enjoy the gameplay'
Pointing out these small imperfections and then trying to claim that they are the reason the game is a 9/10 is just ridiculous and only shows how great GTAIV really is. People had no problem pointing out far bigger flaws with other great games (Bioshock's lack of replay value, SMG's lack of a compelling story) but with GTAIV its all nitpicking.
Hell, people even try to claim there's something from with the driving or the shooting in a massive effort to try and deduct a point or two. Well I've got news: there's nothing wrong with it. Now stop being so jealous of other people's fun and go play something else.
yeah exactly.
and about the money. i remember when i did the mission where i got $250000. i thought, "great, im sorted for all the weapons in the future now!". yeah i was wrong, medical bills are high when you die and keep your weapons, (i dont reload the game, i like the streamlined approach of retrying the mission again through your cell, since i cant be bothered to drive all the way to the mission point again), the weapons are tremendously expensive, especially rocket launchers, $15000 for the launcher + a rocket and $5000 for each additional rocket! atm im down to $50000 and i dont want to risk losing that money by buying loads of rockets when i really want to. i havent completed the game yet so maybe you get some extra bonus at the end.
[QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]. Or the great 'I just have too MUCH MONEY in this game, obviously I can no longer enjoy the gameplay' Pointing out these small imperfections and then trying to claim that they are the reason the game is a 9/10 is just ridiculous and only shows how great GTAIV really is. VandalvideoHaving too much money is one thing. Not having anything to spend the money ON is another. Like I pointed out in my above post, this game lacks many of the money sinks that the previous installments had, and the game becomes so incredibly easy when practically everything is spoon fed to you. It gets to the point where its nearly impossible to get busted when its cheaper to just die and go pick up free armour on charge. Money sinks like properties are not only used to regulate game economy, but they also provide a lot of content for the end user. Owning mansions and businesses was one of the huge draws of the original games. Being unable to drive around scoping out all these buildings leaves a little to be desired. I would be perfectly fine having too much money if I had things to spend it on. However, the lack of any kind of real money sink ultimately makes the game economy broken and worthless.While see and agree with your point. buying property only became available after GTA 3..while I would have like to see that in this game, I found I really didn't miss it either..I look at this game as a reimagining of GTA 3 so I really not bothered by things that were in the other games like planes and skydiving..
While see and agree with your point. buying property only became available after GTA 3..while I would have like to see that in this game, I found I really didn't miss it either..I look at this game as a reimagining of GTA 3 so I really not bothered by things that were in the other games like planes and skydiving..heretrixYeah, looking at it as just a subtraction in content isn't that big a deal. So you can't buy your houses and they just give them to you for free over the game. Not a big deal. Its when you look at the practical application of these money sinks that the real problem becomes apparrant.
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]. Or the great 'I just have too MUCH MONEY in this game, obviously I can no longer enjoy the gameplay' Pointing out these small imperfections and then trying to claim that they are the reason the game is a 9/10 is just ridiculous and only shows how great GTAIV really is. heretrixHaving too much money is one thing. Not having anything to spend the money ON is another. Like I pointed out in my above post, this game lacks many of the money sinks that the previous installments had, and the game becomes so incredibly easy when practically everything is spoon fed to you. It gets to the point where its nearly impossible to get busted when its cheaper to just die and go pick up free armour on charge. Money sinks like properties are not only used to regulate game economy, but they also provide a lot of content for the end user. Owning mansions and businesses was one of the huge draws of the original games. Being unable to drive around scoping out all these buildings leaves a little to be desired. I would be perfectly fine having too much money if I had things to spend it on. However, the lack of any kind of real money sink ultimately makes the game economy broken and worthless.While see and agree with your point. buying property only became available after GTA 3..while I would have like to see that in this game, I found I really didn't miss it either..I look at this game as a reimagining of GTA 3 so I really not bothered by things that were in the other games like planes and skydiving..
i liked the idea in vice city that you open up missions by buying properties. but for this game it doesnt hold well to the story of the game since niko isnt taking over liberty city unlike tommy vercetti. niko's story is more from rags to "slightly better rags" i think. i havent completed the game but am fairly close and this is what it feels like. i also heard it was rockstars intention as part of the story.
(slight spoiler)Vandalvideo
[spoiler] To be honest, that's one of my biggest criticisms of the game, and I do agree with you on the basis of it. The thing is, though I acknowledge that as an issue, I still don't think it's enough to take away from the game's 10. I have to admit that in the beginning, when money was relatively scarce and you couldn't buy anything you wanted, it made things a little more interesting. What I would've done to fix this is either make it so you get less money from the missions (especially Three Leaf Clover) or make it so that everything simply costs more. Maybe also add one or two more optional safehouses. I don't know what else they could've added so as not to compromise Niko's character, though, which is probably the reason there aren't so many extravagant things like in past GTAs. [/spoiler]
But like I said, I simply don't think it takes away from the game's 10. I can list some other flaws:
- don't necessarily need mid-mission checkpoints, but checkpoints skipping that first drive would've been nice.
- some chase missions being scripted - this is definitely bothersome, but when you consider that some of the chase missions aren't scripted, and that none of the awesome vigilante and assassination missions are, it isn't so big a deal. Some of the scripted ones also take place in cool locales, like through an underground tunnel.
- sometimes during even a 2-star cop chase, there will be one cop tailgating the crap out of you, and it's virtually impossible to shake him without shooting at him - this seems like a glitch.
- my personal biggest pet peeve in the game: getting a really nice car, driving it to a mission where you end up using another car or something else, and losing that car. Like, say, an Infernus that you got as a gift. I have to leave some nice cars parked at my safehouses because I don't want to risk losing them. The garage system is literally the only thing Saints Row does better than GTAIV, even though SR's method of every car magically reappearing at your garage even if you destroyed it is quite unrealistic.
- related to the garage system point above, why don't safehouses show up on the map when you're on a mission? If you're using a nice car, and you want to park it at your safehouse before getting on with your mission, you have to remember what street the safehouse is on or look for it.
- when you're talking on a cell, if you bump into something or someone bumps into you, the call ends. They call you back later, but it's still a little annoying.
Those are honestly the only ones I can think of, and a couple of them I even feel bad for bringing up at all because they're so trivial in comparison to everything else in the game (like the cell phone thing).
Even with these, it's still a 10 in my eyes, because I view a 10/10 as the good greatly overshadowing the bad. I'd recommend people read Edge's review of the game for an added perspective. They actually list quite a few flaws, but they still give it a 10/10:
Edge's GTAIV review
[QUOTE="heretrix"]While see and agree with your point. buying property only became available after GTA 3..while I would have like to see that in this game, I found I really didn't miss it either..I look at this game as a reimagining of GTA 3 so I really not bothered by things that were in the other games like planes and skydiving..VandalvideoYeah, looking at it as just a subtraction in content isn't that big a deal. So you can't buy your houses and they just give them to you for free over the game. Not a big deal. Its when you look at the practical application of these money sinks that the real problem becomes apparrant.
Not one thing you have described detracts from the experience for me. And I feel bad for you if those are the kinds of things that bother you in a SP game.
I mean seriously, you are even describing them as money sinks. You need money sinks and pointless grinds? You have played to much WoW.
i liked the idea in vice city that you open up missions by buying properties. but for this game it doesnt hold well to the story of the game since niko isnt taking over liberty city unlike tommy vercetti. niko's story is more from rags to "slightly better rags" i think. i havent completed the game but am fairly close and this is what it feels like. i also heard it was rockstars intention as part of the story.Arjdagr8Eh I could totally bring up something that happens later on that would contradict that but I'm not really going to spoil anything for you. I'll just say that Niko is built around what the character does, and [spoiler] In my game Niko is a quasi-businessman [/spoiler]
Yeah, looking at it as just a subtraction in content isn't that big a deal. So you can't buy your houses and they just give them to you for free over the game. Not a big deal. Its when you look at the practical application of these money sinks that the real problem becomes apparrant.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="heretrix"]While see and agree with your point. buying property only became available after GTA 3..while I would have like to see that in this game, I found I really didn't miss it either..I look at this game as a reimagining of GTA 3 so I really not bothered by things that were in the other games like planes and skydiving..Coyo7e
Not one thing you have described detracts from the experience for me. And I feel bad for you if those are the kinds of things that bother you in a SP game.
I mean seriously, you are even describing them as money sinks. You need money sinks and pointless grinds? You have played to much WoW.
Money sinks have HUGE impacts on the overall game. They have the ability to affect the economy, end game content, difficulty, and many other aspects of the game. Without money sinks you have less of all of the afforementioned items. The game becomes incredibly easy when practically everything is spoon fed to you. It gets to the point where money just serves as a pretty number sitting at the top of your screen when you can get practically everything FREE or [spoiler] At a huge discount from Little Jacob [/spoiler] Having a large ammount of the difficulty taken away does subtract a lot from the overall game. By the end it started to feel really empty, and the end game is incredibly boring without being able to run businesses or go and buy that new mansion. Without money sinks the game ultimately became easier, had less content, and the economy was ultimately ruined.[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"]i liked the idea in vice city that you open up missions by buying properties. but for this game it doesnt hold well to the story of the game since niko isnt taking over liberty city unlike tommy vercetti. niko's story is more from rags to "slightly better rags" i think. i havent completed the game but am fairly close and this is what it feels like. i also heard it was rockstars intention as part of the story.VandalvideoEh I could totally bring up something that happens later on that would contradict that but I'm not really going to spoil anything for you. I'll just say that Niko is built around what the character does, and [spoiler] In my game Niko is a quasi-businessman [/spoiler]
what do you mean by quasi businessman? like a hitman or something?
what do you mean by quasi businessman? like a hitman or something?Arjdagr8[spoiler] A quasi-businessman. Someone who puts money before his friends and takes tons of jobs and tries to become rich [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]. Or the great 'I just have too MUCH MONEY in this game, obviously I can no longer enjoy the gameplay' Pointing out these small imperfections and then trying to claim that they are the reason the game is a 9/10 is just ridiculous and only shows how great GTAIV really is. VandalvideoHaving too much money is one thing. Not having anything to spend the money ON is another. Like I pointed out in my above post, this game lacks many of the money sinks that the previous installments had, and the game becomes so incredibly easy when practically everything is spoon fed to you. It gets to the point where its nearly impossible to get busted when its cheaper to just die and go pick up free armour on charge. Money sinks like properties are not only used to regulate game economy, but they also provide a lot of content for the end user. Owning mansions and businesses was one of the huge draws of the original games. Being unable to drive around scoping out all these buildings leaves a little to be desired. I would be perfectly fine having too much money if I had things to spend it on. However, the lack of any kind of real money sink ultimately makes the game economy broken and worthless.
I honestly had the same problem with previous GTAs. Sure, you could buy houses in SA, but what was the point? They never did anything except act as additional save points, they really held no purpose. Vice City's property system was awesome, but it wouldn't fit GTAIV's mood. IV is an immigrant story, Niko is trying to scrape a living, having him going around buying out property wouldn't make a whole lot of sense in the game's context.
Then again, having $500,000 in the bank and Niko complaining about money troubles dosen't really fit the game either. Niko always seems to complain about Roman using up the money by gambling, but this isn't reflected in the actual gameplay. Then *again* if Roman periodically took all your money, people would probably be pretty pissed at that too.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole money thing dosen't bother me much. I'd like some stuff to spend it on, sure, or a more limited amount of cash, but overall it dosen't affect the gameplay enough for me to take it down from a 10 to a 9.
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"]what do you mean by quasi businessman? like a hitman or something?Vandalvideo[spoiler] A quasi-businessman. Someone who puts money before his friends and takes tons of jobs and tries to become rich [/spoiler]
ahh. well i think he puts his family first right? unless something unfortunate happens in the end :( what i mean is that unlike tommy or CJ he doesnt go to own clubs, casinos or a criminal empire (i.e. tony montana)). which is why im not too bothered about the absence of purchasing property. also i probably have spent more money than you so im finding the money issue not an issue really lol.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole money thing dosen't bother me much. I'd like some stuff to spend it on, sure, or a more limited amount of cash, but overall it dosen't affect the gameplay enough for me to take it down from a 10 to a 9. z_gaming_masterIts definitely not enough to bring the game down from a 10 to a 9 for me either. If I had to write a review it would probably be 9.6 or 9.7. Its a fascinating game with TONS of content, a great story, decent replay value, good dialogue, interesting characters, a living world, great attention to detail, etc. But I do have some SERIOUS pet peeves with this game that don't allow me to say that its a 10 title. "Heck jumps" are another issue I've had with the game, but thats a discussion for anotther time.
Having too much money is one thing. Not having anything to spend the money ON is another. Like I pointed out in my above post, this game lacks many of the money sinks that the previous installments had, and the game becomes so incredibly easy when practically everything is spoon fed to you. It gets to the point where its nearly impossible to get busted when its cheaper to just die and go pick up free armour on charge. Money sinks like properties are not only used to regulate game economy, but they also provide a lot of content for the end user. Owning mansions and businesses was one of the huge draws of the original games. Being unable to drive around scoping out all these buildings leaves a little to be desired. I would be perfectly fine having too much money if I had things to spend it on. However, the lack of any kind of real money sink ultimately makes the game economy broken and worthless.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]. Or the great 'I just have too MUCH MONEY in this game, obviously I can no longer enjoy the gameplay' Pointing out these small imperfections and then trying to claim that they are the reason the game is a 9/10 is just ridiculous and only shows how great GTAIV really is. z_gaming_master
I honestly had the same problem with previous GTAs. Sure, you could buy houses in SA, but what was the point? They never did anything except act as additional save points, they really held no purpose. Vice City's property system was awesome, but it wouldn't fit GTAIV's mood. IV is an immigrant story, Niko is trying to scrape a living, having him going around buying out property wouldn't make a whole lot of sense in the game's context.
Then again, having $500,000 in the bank and Niko complaining about money troubles dosen't really fit the game either. Niko always seems to complain about Roman using up the money by gambling, but this isn't reflected in the actual gameplay. Then *again* if Roman periodically took all your money, people would probably be pretty pissed at that too.
I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole money thing dosen't bother me much. I'd like some stuff to spend it on, sure, or a more limited amount of cash, but overall it dosen't affect the gameplay enough for me to take it down from a 10 to a 9.
yeah i get you, you hold my opinion too.
also i probably have spent more money than you so im finding the money issue not an issue really lol. Arjdagr8You probably have spent more money than me. Its probably because you haven't found all the random weapons caches, free armour, and save your last bullet in all your guns so you dont have to rebuy the gun.
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"] also i probably have spent more money than you so im finding the money issue not an issue really lol. VandalvideoYou probably have spent more money than me. Its probably because you haven't found all the random weapons caches, free armour, and save your last bullet in all your guns so you dont have to rebuy the gun.
probably yeah.
[QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole money thing dosen't bother me much. I'd like some stuff to spend it on, sure, or a more limited amount of cash, but overall it dosen't affect the gameplay enough for me to take it down from a 10 to a 9. VandalvideoIts definitely not enough to bring the game down from a 10 to a 9 for me either. If I had to write a review it would probably be 9.6 or 9.7. Its a fascinating game with TONS of content, a great story, decent replay value, good dialogue, interesting characters, a living world, great attention to detail, etc. But I do have some SERIOUS pet peeves with this game that don't allow me to say that its a 10 title. "Heck jumps" are another issue I've had with the game, but thats a discussion for anotther time.
excuse my idiocy but what do you mean by heck jumps?
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"] also i probably have spent more money than you so im finding the money issue not an issue really lol. VandalvideoYou probably have spent more money than me. Its probably because you haven't found all the random weapons caches, free armour, and save your last bullet in all your guns so you dont have to rebuy the gun.
I use Little Jacob all the time for supplies. I think I've gone into gun stores in the game a total of 5 times. The novely of him driving to a nearby alley wherever you are to hook you up never gets old for me.
Its definitely not enough to bring the game down from a 10 to a 9 for me either. If I had to write a review it would probably be 9.6 or 9.7. Its a fascinating game with TONS of content, a great story, decent replay value, good dialogue, interesting characters, a living world, great attention to detail, etc. But I do have some SERIOUS pet peeves with this game that don't allow me to say that its a 10 title. "Heck jumps" are another issue I've had with the game, but thats a discussion for anotther time.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole money thing dosen't bother me much. I'd like some stuff to spend it on, sure, or a more limited amount of cash, but overall it dosen't affect the gameplay enough for me to take it down from a 10 to a 9. Arjdagr8
excuse my idiocy but what do you mean by heck jumps?
Traveling into the dark other dimension of Liberty City known as "THE TWILIGHT ZOOOOONE'... do do do do do do do. Its when you fall under the map.[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"]Its definitely not enough to bring the game down from a 10 to a 9 for me either. If I had to write a review it would probably be 9.6 or 9.7. Its a fascinating game with TONS of content, a great story, decent replay value, good dialogue, interesting characters, a living world, great attention to detail, etc. But I do have some SERIOUS pet peeves with this game that don't allow me to say that its a 10 title. "Heck jumps" are another issue I've had with the game, but thats a discussion for anotther time.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole money thing dosen't bother me much. I'd like some stuff to spend it on, sure, or a more limited amount of cash, but overall it dosen't affect the gameplay enough for me to take it down from a 10 to a 9. Vandalvideo
excuse my idiocy but what do you mean by heck jumps?
Traveling into the dark other dimension of Liberty City known as "THE TWILIGHT ZOOOOONE'... do do do do do do do. Its when you fall under the map.After 60+ hours of playing, that has literally never happened to me. I've never encountered any game-breaking glitches.
After 60+ hours of playing, that has literally never happened to me. I've never encountered any game-breaking glitches.Zeliard9Consider yourself lucky. Its happened atleast five times to me during random alloted missions. It really sucks when you don't have any explosives with you and you have to reset your game. One time I went driving around killing pidgeons. I killed about 50+ pidgeons, fell under the world, and had to restart my 360. I almost threw my dang 360 out the window.
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"]Its definitely not enough to bring the game down from a 10 to a 9 for me either. If I had to write a review it would probably be 9.6 or 9.7. Its a fascinating game with TONS of content, a great story, decent replay value, good dialogue, interesting characters, a living world, great attention to detail, etc. But I do have some SERIOUS pet peeves with this game that don't allow me to say that its a 10 title. "Heck jumps" are another issue I've had with the game, but thats a discussion for anotther time.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole money thing dosen't bother me much. I'd like some stuff to spend it on, sure, or a more limited amount of cash, but overall it dosen't affect the gameplay enough for me to take it down from a 10 to a 9. Vandalvideo
excuse my idiocy but what do you mean by heck jumps?
Traveling into the dark other dimension of Liberty City known as "THE TWILIGHT ZOOOOONE'... do do do do do do do. Its when you fall under the map.lulz. it hasnt happened to me yet but i predict at one point it will.
You probably have spent more money than me. Its probably because you haven't found all the random weapons caches, free armour, and save your last bullet in all your guns so you dont have to rebuy the gun.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Arjdagr8"] also i probably have spent more money than you so im finding the money issue not an issue really lol. Zeliard9
I use Little Jacob all the time for supplies. I think I've gone into gun stores in the game a total of 5 times. The novely of him driving to a nearby alley wherever you are to hook you up never gets old for me.
little jacob and brucie have to be some of my favourite GTA characters.
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Arjdagr8"]Its definitely not enough to bring the game down from a 10 to a 9 for me either. If I had to write a review it would probably be 9.6 or 9.7. Its a fascinating game with TONS of content, a great story, decent replay value, good dialogue, interesting characters, a living world, great attention to detail, etc. But I do have some SERIOUS pet peeves with this game that don't allow me to say that its a 10 title. "Heck jumps" are another issue I've had with the game, but thats a discussion for anotther time.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole money thing dosen't bother me much. I'd like some stuff to spend it on, sure, or a more limited amount of cash, but overall it dosen't affect the gameplay enough for me to take it down from a 10 to a 9. Zeliard9
excuse my idiocy but what do you mean by heck jumps?
Traveling into the dark other dimension of Liberty City known as "THE TWILIGHT ZOOOOONE'... do do do do do do do. Its when you fall under the map.After 60+ hours of playing, that has literally never happened to me. I've never encountered any game-breaking glitches.
Its never happened to me either, although once I was driving at speed and the ground textures didn't load quick enough. For a second I was just driving on....grey. It was slightly scary.
[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Arjdagr8"]Its definitely not enough to bring the game down from a 10 to a 9 for me either. If I had to write a review it would probably be 9.6 or 9.7. Its a fascinating game with TONS of content, a great story, decent replay value, good dialogue, interesting characters, a living world, great attention to detail, etc. But I do have some SERIOUS pet peeves with this game that don't allow me to say that its a 10 title. "Heck jumps" are another issue I've had with the game, but thats a discussion for anotther time.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="z_gaming_master"]I guess what I'm trying to say is that the whole money thing dosen't bother me much. I'd like some stuff to spend it on, sure, or a more limited amount of cash, but overall it dosen't affect the gameplay enough for me to take it down from a 10 to a 9. Zeliard9
excuse my idiocy but what do you mean by heck jumps?
Traveling into the dark other dimension of Liberty City known as "THE TWILIGHT ZOOOOONE'... do do do do do do do. Its when you fall under the map.After 60+ hours of playing, that has literally never happened to me. I've never encountered any game-breaking glitches.
I had the 360 version freeze up on me once. And I have not found all the hidden weapon piles and I do not reload a save so my stats actually reflect what happened as a I played the game. So if I die on a mission I am not going to run all over to each hidden weapon stock pile. I usually just stopped off at a weapon shop, mostly for more armor.
But after a crap load of MP time the second time through the game I can dispatch most early missions with a pistol.
I am on my second play through and I am at my favorite mission at the moment, "Three Leaf Clover".
But everything Vandal describes are just a none issues for me. The game does not need a profound economy. It is just a none issue in every regard. But I do not recall lack of weapons or money being a element of the game-play in any GTA. Because that is essentially what he is saying. The economy in GTA has a negative effect on the game-play. I just disagree totally.
I can think up a good half dozen issues I have with the game, but I still think it deserved a 10.
[QUOTE="Zeliard9"]You probably have spent more money than me. Its probably because you haven't found all the random weapons caches, free armour, and save your last bullet in all your guns so you dont have to rebuy the gun.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Arjdagr8"] also i probably have spent more money than you so im finding the money issue not an issue really lol. Arjdagr8
I use Little Jacob all the time for supplies. I think I've gone into gun stores in the game a total of 5 times. The novely of him driving to a nearby alley wherever you are to hook you up never gets old for me.
little jacob and brucie have to be some of my favourite GTA characters.
They're great characters, especially Jacob. That's another thing about the relationship system. Some say it doesn't matter or doesn't really do anything, but you can get some great snippets of dialogue between the characters. You also learn a lot more about Niko from the way he interacts with others.
Also, and this is something I luckily realized near the beginning of the game: if you call Roman after almost every mission, especially big ones, then you'll discuss it with him (usually in humorous fashion). Or call him after you meet certain characters, or even after certain dates. Basically, call Roman a lot, because chances are you'll have something to talk about. I don't know if a lot of people realize that, since you usually go to someone's voicemail when you randomly call them.
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"][QUOTE="Zeliard9"]You probably have spent more money than me. Its probably because you haven't found all the random weapons caches, free armour, and save your last bullet in all your guns so you dont have to rebuy the gun.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Arjdagr8"] also i probably have spent more money than you so im finding the money issue not an issue really lol. Zeliard9
I use Little Jacob all the time for supplies. I think I've gone into gun stores in the game a total of 5 times. The novely of him driving to a nearby alley wherever you are to hook you up never gets old for me.
little jacob and brucie have to be some of my favourite GTA characters.
They're great characters, especially Jacob. That's another thing about the relationship system. Some say it doesn't matter or doesn't really do anything, but you can get some great snippets of dialogue between the characters. You also learn a lot more about Niko from the way he interacts with others.
Also, and this is something I luckily realized near the beginning of the game: if you call Roman after almost every mission, especially big ones, then you'll discuss it with him (usually in humorous fashion). Or call him after you meet certain characters, or even after certain dates. Basically, call Roman a lot, because chances are you'll have something to talk about. I don't know if a lot of people realize that, since you usually go to someone's voicemail when you randomly call them.
Dwayne comes off as the most human and believable character for me. Other then Niko that is.
But everything Vandal describes are just a none issues for me. The game does not need a profound economy. It is just a none issue in every regard. But I do not recall lack of weapons or money being a element of the game-play in any GTA. Because that is essentially what he is saying. The economy in GTA has a negative effect on the game-play. I just disagree totally.Coyo7eHave you beat the game yet? A profound economy, like I have already stated, impacts more areas of the game than you realize. It affects difficulty, end game content, viability of ecnoomy, and many other facets that I've already gone over. Lack of money sinks reduce the ammount of content to the end user, they make the game easier, and utlimately do result in many facets of the game being weakened in the process. I've already pointed out, quite exhaustively, many examples of this phenomenon. When you die in the game you don't even lose all your guns. You just lose some body armour which you can EASILY get for free if you don't want to spend the 500 bucks (which is nothing in this game's economy). As long as you don't use the last bullet in all your guns you don't have to rebuy the guns either. It ultimately boils down to a broken economy.
[QUOTE="Coyo7e"]But everything Vandal describes are just a none issues for me. The game does not need a profound economy. It is just a none issue in every regard. But I do not recall lack of weapons or money being a element of the game-play in any GTA. Because that is essentially what he is saying. The economy in GTA has a negative effect on the game-play. I just disagree totally.VandalvideoHave you beat the game yet? A profound economy, like I have already stated, impacts more areas of the game than you realize. It affects difficulty, end game content, viability of ecnoomy, and many other facets that I've already gone over. Lack of money sinks reduce the ammount of content to the end user, they make the game easier, and utlimately do result in many facets of the game being weakened in the process. I've already pointed out, quite exhaustively, many examples of this phenomenon. When you die in the game you don't even lose all your guns. You just lose some body armour which you can EASILY get for free if you don't want to spend the 500 bucks (which is nothing in this game's economy). As long as you don't use the last bullet in all your guns you don't have to rebuy the guns either. It ultimately boils down to a broken economy.
You really do not bother to read posts much it seems. In the post you just quoted I stated at what point, the exact mission, I am on, for my second play through. I have also been using my first play through save do to all the side missions. Like the police computer.
But the very post you quoted states that I did finish the game and at what point I am on for my second time through.
I know what you are saying, I just think you are wrong, and sad. Playing through GTA and stopping to think about the games economy almost defeats the joy of the game.
Keep this kind of hyper sensitivity to game balance in the MMO genre please.
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"][QUOTE="Zeliard9"]You probably have spent more money than me. Its probably because you haven't found all the random weapons caches, free armour, and save your last bullet in all your guns so you dont have to rebuy the gun.[QUOTE="Vandalvideo"][QUOTE="Arjdagr8"] also i probably have spent more money than you so im finding the money issue not an issue really lol. Zeliard9
I use Little Jacob all the time for supplies. I think I've gone into gun stores in the game a total of 5 times. The novely of him driving to a nearby alley wherever you are to hook you up never gets old for me.
little jacob and brucie have to be some of my favourite GTA characters.
They're great characters, especially Jacob. That's another thing about the relationship system. Some say it doesn't matter or doesn't really do anything, but you can get some great snippets of dialogue between the characters. You also learn a lot more about Niko from the way he interacts with others.
Also, and this is something I luckily realized near the beginning of the game: if you call Roman after almost every mission, especially big ones, then you'll discuss it with him (usually in humorous fashion). Or call him after you meet certain characters, or even after certain dates. Basically, call Roman a lot, because chances are you'll have something to talk about. I don't know if a lot of people realize that, since you usually go to someone's voicemail when you randomly call them.
really? wow, i didnt know that. that means i missed a crapload of dialogue with him :(
EDIT: i just called him now and your right! omg i mustve missed loads :(
[QUOTE="Zeliard9"]They're great characters, especially Jacob. That's another thing about the relationship system. Some say it doesn't matter or doesn't really do anything, but you can get some great snippets of dialogue between the characters. You also learn a lot more about Niko from the way he interacts with others.
Also, and this is something I luckily realized near the beginning of the game: if you call Roman after almost every mission, especially big ones, then you'll discuss it with him (usually in humorous fashion). Or call him after you meet certain characters, or even after certain dates. Basically, call Roman a lot, because chances are you'll have something to talk about. I don't know if a lot of people realize that, since you usually go to someone's voicemail when you randomly call them.
Dwayne comes off as the most human and believable character for me. Other then Niko that is.
[spoiler] On my first playthrough, I went with the decision to kill Dwayne instead of Playboy X because I was playing through it as "bad Niko" (killing people instead of sparing them), and it was the first time I've ever felt bad for something you do in a video game. Especially since, if you check your e-mail afte the deed, you'll find a friendly and even childlike (in the typing) e-mail from Dwayne asking to friends. I was like... "well, damn." And so was Niko, for that matter. After you read that e-mail, Niko says "****... I'm sorry, Dwayne" and sounds genuinely bad about it. [/spoiler]
It's just not stuff you see and experience in video games.
I know what you are saying, I just think you are wrong, and sad. Playing through GTA and stopping to think about the games economy almost defeats the joy of the game.Keep this kind of hyper sensitivity to game balance in the MMO genre please.Coyo7eIf i'm so wrong then EXPLAIN how I'm wrong. Its fine and dandy that you don't think the game being easier is a problem, but its a fact that the game is, in fact, easier as a DIRECT result of the lack of a viable economy. I've already more than backed up that point. Many reviews have explicitly stated that it is dang near impossible to get busted in the game, and even if you're about to its much easier to just tap A, die, and go get some really cheap body armour. The game doesn't have a significant death penalty. This is a huge problem when you look at the larger impacts this mechanic has on the game at large. It almost trivializes the cops to an extent where you can practically ignore them. The money that you make in one mission pays for your medical bills 100 fold anyway. These changes the to game do impact the difficulty, and make the game much easier on the end player. Another problem that the broken economy has on the end user is the lack of end game content. The end game ultimately devolves into finding collectibles so you can get random bonuses that aren't game breaking god modes that made the previous games so fun. Not to mention properties in the last few games added a lot of extra end game content as you would manage them. There is a huge difference between the end game content available in this game than there is in many of the other Grand Theft Autos. Aside from the difficulty, the lack of a viable death penalty, and the change in content the economy also changes the pacing of the game itself. There is an overall lack in customizability as you can't buy cars, the clothing selection is extremely limited, the guns situation doesn't damage your purse strings, and overall there simply isn't a whole lot of end game content or difficulty to be had in the game. I was able to finish the game extremely quick because of these mechanics and it left me with a bad taste in my mouth. I preffered having repeatable mission content like in the previous games thanks to properties than having to go hunt down pidgeons. Its an exercise in TEDIUM.
Dwayne comes off as the most human and believable character for me. Other then Niko that is.Coyo7eEasily one of the most sympathetic. Even though he's a scumbag drug dealer, it sucks that all of his people just forgot about him when he was in jail. It made a certain decision later on a lot easier later for me.
Easily one of the most sympathetic. Even though he's a scumbag drug dealer, it sucks that all of his people just forgot about him when he was in jail. It made a certain decision later on a lot easier later for me.heretrixHUGE [spoiler] I killed Dwayne for teh Benjamins. Niko was sad to. He sent an email to Dwayne sayin "sorry bro" [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="Zeliard9"]They're great characters, especially Jacob. That's another thing about the relationship system. Some say it doesn't matter or doesn't really do anything, but you can get some great snippets of dialogue between the characters. You also learn a lot more about Niko from the way he interacts with others.
Also, and this is something I luckily realized near the beginning of the game: if you call Roman after almost every mission, especially big ones, then you'll discuss it with him (usually in humorous fashion). Or call him after you meet certain characters, or even after certain dates. Basically, call Roman a lot, because chances are you'll have something to talk about. I don't know if a lot of people realize that, since you usually go to someone's voicemail when you randomly call them.
really? wow, i didnt know that. that means i missed a crapload of dialogue with him :(
EDIT: i just called him now and your right! omg i mustve missed loads :(
Well now you know for that next playthrough. :P
I think it's pretty sweet how the game never tells you that, though. Makes you wonder what else there is.
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"][QUOTE="Zeliard9"]They're great characters, especially Jacob. That's another thing about the relationship system. Some say it doesn't matter or doesn't really do anything, but you can get some great snippets of dialogue between the characters. You also learn a lot more about Niko from the way he interacts with others.
Also, and this is something I luckily realized near the beginning of the game: if you call Roman after almost every mission, especially big ones, then you'll discuss it with him (usually in humorous fashion). Or call him after you meet certain characters, or even after certain dates. Basically, call Roman a lot, because chances are you'll have something to talk about. I don't know if a lot of people realize that, since you usually go to someone's voicemail when you randomly call them.
really? wow, i didnt know that. that means i missed a crapload of dialogue with him :(
EDIT: i just called him now and your right! omg i mustve missed loads :(
Well now you know for that next playthrough. :P
I think it's pretty sweet how the game never tells you that, though. Makes you wonder what else there is.
There is so much I still do not know about. I never use guides or hints so I was even wondering where hidden packages were until I popped my first pigeon out of impulse. But the city is so dense with detail finding all this stuff is really hard, but hard in a good way.
But I gotta say, one of my favorite things in the game is the documenty on TV about the history of Liberty City.
[QUOTE="Arjdagr8"][QUOTE="Zeliard9"]They're great characters, especially Jacob. That's another thing about the relationship system. Some say it doesn't matter or doesn't really do anything, but you can get some great snippets of dialogue between the characters. You also learn a lot more about Niko from the way he interacts with others.
Also, and this is something I luckily realized near the beginning of the game: if you call Roman after almost every mission, especially big ones, then you'll discuss it with him (usually in humorous fashion). Or call him after you meet certain characters, or even after certain dates. Basically, call Roman a lot, because chances are you'll have something to talk about. I don't know if a lot of people realize that, since you usually go to someone's voicemail when you randomly call them.
really? wow, i didnt know that. that means i missed a crapload of dialogue with him :(
EDIT: i just called him now and your right! omg i mustve missed loads :(
Well now you know for that next playthrough. :P
I think it's pretty sweet how the game never tells you that, though. Makes you wonder what else there is.
yeah i love those type of things. its also in the MGS games.
[QUOTE="heretrix"]Easily one of the most sympathetic. Even though he's a scumbag drug dealer, it sucks that all of his people just forgot about him when he was in jail. It made a certain decision later on a lot easier later for me.VandalvideoHUGE That's exactly what I felt! And I have not felt that way towards any character in a GTA game before...Sympathy who'da thunk it?.
[spoiler] And I spared him. Afterwards he thanks you and gives you Playboy's crib, even though the deed was his....But then he says "hey man, give me a call sometime if you want to hang out or something" it's so pathetic that you can't help feeling so bad for him.. [/spoiler]
There is a lot of subtle things going on under what is one of the most detailed enviroments I've had the pleasure to play in. Sure there are a lot of penis jokes in the game, that's a GTA staple and the average person playing the game for 5 hours will just see that. But I think that if you don't take the time and get into the game, you are robbing yourself of an excellent experience. The game isn't for everyone, but what game is?
It's an extremely fun game, moreso than previous entrees', but I think overexcitement got the rating. The controls can be frustrating, especially the driving missions. The graphics are great but not perfect, and definetly not any better than Bioshock or 'gears'.
I get the concept that sometimes games can transcend numerical scales, but the name itself is what got the rating.
It's an extremely fun game, moreso than previous entrees', but I think overexcitement got the rating. The controls can be frustrating, especially the driving missions. The graphics are great but not perfect, and definetly not any better than Bioshock or 'gears'.
I get the concept that sometimes games can transcend numerical scales, but the name itself is what got the rating.
Complaining about driving controls just says to me you have not played the game a lot yet. I think they are spot on.
Its a good game but i wont be buying next GTA ... i loved GTA3 it totally rocked, everything was so new and revolutionary.... i liked a bit of Vice City but found San Andreas boring cuz it was the same old and stuff , yea they added lot of things but still ... GTA4 same stuff better graphics and thats it.
Now if this is your first GTA experience it will be an amazing experience so i think i deserves a 9.5 just for those ppl
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