You know what I just realized? Lemmings and Cows are always the ones to start sh*t. Yeah, we sheep get riled up, but normally in response to a troll. (But, yes, occasionally we start sh*t too). Hermits only troll on already popular threads, which means guess what Sony/MS fanboys? You're worse than PC gamers, and that is about as low as it gets. With all of your dumb**** comments, all you ever succeed in doing is cementing the fact the majority of you are about as retarded as fanboys get. Trolling never changes reality, only warps whatever little mind you have left. Troll all you want, I've made up my mind, and I'm sure the rest of you have too.
Sony fanboys never shut up about the hardware capabilities of their systems, but fail to realize the sheer fact that the majority of your games are available on other systems. Your systems have been continuosly mocked for mediocre support and continuosly low sales, while you live in your little fantasy world of Sony domincance, the sad truth is that you are continuosly eclipsed by the "kiddy company and their baby games". You're mostly a pack of braindead cows who just support whatever Sony decides to do and are contiuosly milked for money to pay for overpriced software and DLC, when You could just wait a few years to but the same software almost half price, but no, you never seem to realize this.
Microsoft fanboys are constantly downplaying other people because of their "superior online" and "hardcore games", when other systems such as the PS3 get the same online FOR FREE and the same games, but most of you have your heads so far up your asses you never seem to acknowledge this fact, as you are constatnly trying to reaffirm your alphamale staus. You all act like video games are like some kind of god, and you willingly shovel out hundreds of dollars every year just to keep your "top of the leaderboards" status from being challenged. You buy the same game almost 10 times a year to build up your impressive collection of shooters and sports games only, but every time you are tricked out of your money, your testosterone influences brain
You want to know why I stick with Nintendo? I don't but every console or game they make, unlike the rest of you fanboys, so I don't just mindlessly follow the company like a sheep. I pick and choose my games, but Nintendo is pretty much the only company anymore that puts any pride into their games. They have at least one person in their employment who makes the games simply to make a good game anyone can enjoy, not to make money or challenge other people for the title of top dog in the industry. I didn't buy a Wii as soon as it released, I got it in December of 2008 as a Christmas gift because I was waiting until Smash Bros came out, which was months before.
Unlike the rest of you morons, I don't mindlessly follow my company of choice, and I will criticize it when necesarry, but you dumbasses never seem to know when to quit. I don't hate our companies, I hate YOU, you stupid fanboys with your blind admiration for a VIDEO GAME COMPANY. They make a form of entertainment I enjoy, and I love a good match of Halo and Little Big Planet every once and a while, but you retards always want to overlook good games simply because "my obsession didn't make it".
I don't care for rebuttle, or trolling of my comments, or if "I hurt your feelings". You fanboys are a bunch of idiots. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go play some Mario Kart...
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