well i certainly ended up getting a PS3 a lot sooner than i expected. i really thought i'd wait for another price drop but alas, even though this will upset some microsoft fanboys, my 360 died for the 2nd time and being told i wouldn't get it back for a month, and blu-ray taking over, i figured now would be a good time to pick one up. i bought unreal and warhawk for my online craze and downloaded my fair share of demos and what have you - and here's the likes and dislikes i can tell you all about it.
-hands down, blu-ray is the reason why i bought it and it doesn't disappoint at all. spider-man 3 sucks yes, but i still watched half of it just from admiring the picture and sound. bought 3:10 to yuma and was blown away by how perfect the film looked.
-it's been said before, and true, the system is quite sexy and looks great in the middle of my setup.
-when i first hooked it up with HDMI with 1080p, i was stunned at how disappointed i was at the graphics. needless to say, after waiting for a download to finish, i saw there were some settings that were turned off originally that made a huge difference. now i can say that, yes, this system does have some striking looking games that have impressed me.
-free online is nice... (don't get too excited sony fanboys, i'll bring this up again in dislikes) and connection during games is pretty good.
-of the demos i played - i really enjoyed ratchet & clank a lot. uncharted is fun as well although i hope the game is actually challenging, i was able to breeze through the demo on hard and despite it's good looks, make me think it's only worth a rental.
-sony fans have got to be kidding me when it comes to some of these exclusives. heavenly sword bored me to tears - get passed the eye candy and there's nothing here worth mentioning. and please don't even argue it anymore, ninja gaiden sigma is so far away from a "exclusive" it should never be debated again. (yeah yeah, i know there's added chapters... IT'S STILL THE EXACT SAME GAME!). i played through about 50% of resistance and, while it is fun, the multiplayer is the only real reason why i'd consider purchasing it. NBA 08 and lair... hehe, i won't even go there.
-PSN is a real serious letdown even for free. how is this so slow when i can play games at a reasonable speed? it takes almost 10 seconds to download 1 meg. i'm so lost by this and i had to leave the system on for hours to download games like R&C - i can't even imagine getting warhawk this way. i'm glad some of you have accepted it but xbox live literally drop kicks this into oblivion. i seriously hope they are prepared to speed this up with home on the horizon.
-installing can be a bit of a pain. i know some will look at this only as a poor statement, but lets face it - we buy console games to sit down and play them - not stare at a install screen forever. it's even more of a pain with demos since u waited for them so long to download, and then sit around for another 5-10 minutes to play the game.
-having trouble with blue-tooth. my harmony remote won't work with the PS3 because of it, the headset that came with warhawk won't connect to it, and the six-axis controller seems to act up from time to time (especially during warhawk).
-i'm still annoyed as hell at the fact that sony is really going to make me spend another $50 on a controller with rumble. it does make a difference to not have it.
overall, i think it's worth the $400 price tag and imagine it'll stay at that point unless they fall behind even more (which i really don't see happening now). i have enough games to check out to last me until some of the heavy hitters start rolling in later this year, and i think then i'll be truly happy with my purchase. the exclusives are really what will make or break this system for me, as i already miss the hell out of my 360 and can't wait to have it back to get through all the games still waiting for me to play from christmas - but it's nice to own both and not miss out on any big titles and just enjoy them all. and of course, it's going to be real nice to build up my blu-ray collection and drool over the picture and sound.
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