Well I've gone through 2 systems this past 5 months. In January after waiting in line for 4 hours. I got myself a Wii. And boy was I freaking stoked. I got Zelda with it to. Got home. Played for 2 hours. Got bored. Went to bed. Woke up did it again and soon it died off.
The Wii died off. I played it less and less. And noticed how crappy the N64ish Gamecube type of graphics that were stabbing at my eyes.
The Wii's gameplay was boreing. Not genus. Not smart. Just stupid. And it got quite old. And the waiting for games got old. And the Wii's graphics won't ever increse. It's not a revolution its a sad joke that needs to be stabbed. And yes I did own a Wii.
Now I'm kind've a Sony fan boy but I didn't have 600$ to spend plus I noticed that there was only 20ish + games for the ps3.
So I went to gamestop sold my wii and got myself a brand-new Xbox 360.
I picked up Kameo Elements of Power, Prey, and Perfect Dark Zero. All old games that came out toward Launch except for Prey. And they all looked amazing. Now I've heard the 360 has heating issues and well I haven't had any issues and my friend who's had his 360 for 2 years which is crammed between two books hasn't been broken ever.
Now the PS3 is a fail, the game boxes are lieing everywhere. The games suck. Only a few are good. And the console is 600$
The Wii is a fail, yes it is 250$ but no HD and crappy graphics two generations behind make me it not next-generation.
The Xbox 360 currently is winning the race, due to graphics, gameplay, games, and overall awesomeness [XBL]
I know alot will dissagree but this is my view.
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