One of the most interesting (and funny) counter arguments or backlash aimed towards Nintendo was that their games are too "kiddy".
Back in the days of NES, games were mainly aimed at smaller kids, so people didn't really bother with it. However, as soon as Sega released the Genesis, they advertised it as the "cool kid's" console. Back in those old days Nintendo also had a censorship policy which lasted untill the N64. One of the most famous incidents during that era was that Genesis' Mortal Kombat had blood (via a secret code) while the SNES version had no blood. But the SNES still enjoyed good 3rd party support with "adult" games like Mortal Kombat series and Doom. But the N64 already got some negative feedback because of too many "kiddy" games. While competitive 32-bit consoles like the Sega Saturn and PlayStation had many more "adult oriented" games like fighters, car racers, action adventures, survival horror, ect., Nintendo had many colorful platformers, cartoony kart racers and so on. Of course, N64 also had it's fair share of "adult" games like GoldenEye, Turok series and Perfect Dark. But that seeminly wasn't enough to change the reputation of the "kiddy console". And GameCube was even worse. Most of the "adult" N64 games were made by Rare and Rare was bought by Microsoft, so Nintendo had to hire groups like Silicon Knights (Eternal Darkness), Capcom (REmake, RE4) and Konami (MGS: Twin Snakes) to make games that would attract the older audience. But that wasn't enough. The cartoony Zelda and GameCube lacking the then very popular GTA games didn't help either. Fortunatley, Nintendo found the right market niche with the Wii (i.e. the family/casual market), but some gamers still complain that their games are too "kiddy".
Conclusion: yes, Nintendo is "kiddy", but it's NOT ONLY for kids.
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