[QUOTE="Sir-Marwin105"][QUOTE="credibilityzero"][QUOTE="-RPGamer-"][QUOTE="credibilityzero"] Keep playing laggy flop, is that all you got for RPGs?
Btw, RPGs last longer than 20 hours.
RPGs have great battle systems, not a battle system used in the PS1 era, lol.
Did you really like that weak customization for skills and the level up system? YOU GOT MILKED :lol:
All lame fanboy drivel aside, ME lasts longer than 20hrs easily and any actual RPG fanshould be shamed for not trying it out.
What is so special about the gameplay mechanics and story? They both suck.
Yeah man, I hate games. :|Ok, let's get serious now.
The gameplay is really last last gen, how anybody supposed to be happy about this weak gameplay?
The customization and leveling up is so lame, it does not give alot of things to do, it is so linear for customization.
You can't talk to most NPCs, only important NPCs you can press the A button to talk to, every other RPG, you can talk to any body.
The framerate lag make the game worse.
I don't hate games, but I hate messy flop.
last last gen, back in the glory days when games kicked ass harder than they ever have. i completley agree
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